Texas Bill Would Turn Off Power to Massive NSA Surveillance Facility

Texas Bill Would Turn Off Power to Massive NSA Surveillance Facility XRepublic
NSA is unstoppable, you know that better than me.
Even if this happens, we are talking about one of five locations that we know about. I really hope this passes but even if it does (and stays in effect), it will not stop them.
Yeah, ain't gonna happen. Calls to or from outside the US, and emails from foreign servers or that bounce off foreign servers are perfectly legal to grab. It's Federal Fucking Law.
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Texas Bill Would Turn Off Power to Massive NSA Surveillance Facility XRepublic
NSA is unstoppable, you know that better than me.
Even if this happens, we are talking about one of five locations that we know about. I really hope this passes but even if it does (and stays in effect), it will not stop them.
Yeah, ain't gonna happen. Calls to or from outside the US, and emails from foreign servers or that bounce off foreign servers are perfectly legal to grab. It's Federal Fucking Law.
It's unconstitutional, and it's wrong. Everyone knows it. It doesn't matter what your shill advertising and propagandizing says.

Added to that, it doesn't always have to be the law, forever. If Americans weren't so lazy and stupid, we could all stop this travesty of justice.


Section 215 of the Patriot Act Expires in June. Is Congress Ready Electronic Frontier Foundation

Section 215 of the Patriot Act Expires in June. Is Congress Ready?

You may have heard that the Patriot Act is set to expire soon. That’s not quite the case. The Patriot Act was a large bill, as were the reauthorizations that followed in 2005 and 2006. Not all of it sunsets. But three provisions do expire on June 1st: Section 215, the "Lone Wolf provision," and the "roving wiretap" provision.

All of these sections are concerning, but Section 215 takes the cake. It’s the authority that the NSA, with the FBI’s help, has interpreted to allow the U.S. government to vacuum up the call records of millions of innocent people. It’s also been the focus of most of the NSA reform efforts in Congress over the last year and a half. But if there were ever a time to reform the NSA, it’s now—because a vote for reauthorization, without comprehensive reform of NSA spying, will very clearly be a vote against the Constitution.

NSA Spying is Not a Partisan Issue, and it Must be Dealt With

There have been many legislative efforts to reform the NSA over the last year and a half. But none of them have been successful. Most recently, in December, the Senate failed to move the USA FREEDOM Act forward for a final vote.

What lawmakers said about USA FREEDOM, and what they are saying now, gives us some idea of where we’re headed over the next few months.

One of the most notable “no” votes on USA FREEDOM came from Sen. Rand Paul, who objected to the fact that the bill extended the sunset of Section 215 by two years. Sen. Paul has been a vocal critic of the Patriot Act and NSA spying, and has made it clear that he will vote against reauthorization. The question now is whether he and other Republican critics will be able to push for genuine reform—something essential in a Congress that is now majority Republican in both houses.

More at link . . .
Texas Bill Would Turn Off Power to Massive NSA Surveillance Facility XRepublic
NSA is unstoppable, you know that better than me.
Even if this happens, we are talking about one of five locations that we know about. I really hope this passes but even if it does (and stays in effect), it will not stop them.
Yeah, ain't gonna happen. Calls to or from outside the US, and emails from foreign servers or that bounce off foreign servers are perfectly legal to grab. It's Federal Fucking Law.
It's unconstitutional, and it's wrong. Everyone knows it. It doesn't matter what your shill advertising and propagandizing says.
It's unconstitutional to spy on foreigners making calls to or getting calls from the US, or sending to or receiving emails from the US? Interesting, since the Constitution doesn't apply to them. If that were the case every enemy of the US would always make sure to have at least one American in the loop so they wouldn't be spied on.
Texas Bill Would Turn Off Power to Massive NSA Surveillance Facility XRepublic
NSA is unstoppable, you know that better than me.
Even if this happens, we are talking about one of five locations that we know about. I really hope this passes but even if it does (and stays in effect), it will not stop them.
Yeah, ain't gonna happen. Calls to or from outside the US, and emails from foreign servers or that bounce off foreign servers are perfectly legal to grab. It's Federal Fucking Law.
It's unconstitutional, and it's wrong. Everyone knows it. It doesn't matter what your shill advertising and propagandizing says.
It's unconstitutional to spy on foreigners making calls to or getting calls from the US, or sending to or receiving emails from the US? Interesting, since the Constitution doesn't apply to them.
Were you saying this about Gitmo detainees or are you a Leftist hypocrite?
Texas Bill Would Turn Off Power to Massive NSA Surveillance Facility XRepublic
NSA is unstoppable, you know that better than me.
Even if this happens, we are talking about one of five locations that we know about. I really hope this passes but even if it does (and stays in effect), it will not stop them.
Yeah, ain't gonna happen. Calls to or from outside the US, and emails from foreign servers or that bounce off foreign servers are perfectly legal to grab. It's Federal Fucking Law.
It's unconstitutional, and it's wrong. Everyone knows it. It doesn't matter what your shill advertising and propagandizing says.
It's unconstitutional to spy on foreigners making calls to or getting calls from the US, or sending to or receiving emails from the US? Interesting, since the Constitution doesn't apply to them.
Were you saying this about Gitmo detainees or are you a Leftist hypocrite?
There never should have been anyone at Gitmo. Even we shouldn't be there.
One wonders what these “get rid of NSA” types will say if they ever succeed and there is another 9/11. Will it be “that's the price of privacy?” More probably it will be “why didn't the government protect us by seeing the plot in advance?”
Texas Bill Would Turn Off Power to Massive NSA Surveillance Facility XRepublic
NSA is unstoppable, you know that better than me.
Even if this happens, we are talking about one of five locations that we know about. I really hope this passes but even if it does (and stays in effect), it will not stop them.
Yeah, ain't gonna happen. Calls to or from outside the US, and emails from foreign servers or that bounce off foreign servers are perfectly legal to grab. It's Federal Fucking Law.

I see you stand with obama and the NSA on this. Such a loyal little fascist....

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