Terrorists Strap Bomb To BBC Reporter

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May 30, 2006
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Why are terrorists treating a reporter from the BBC like this?

Will the BBC blame Pres Bush for this?

Terrorists Release Video of Kidnapped BBC Journalist Alan Johnston Wearing Homicide Bomb Vest
Monday, June 25, 2007

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — A video recording released Monday shows kidnapped British journalist Alan Johnston wearing an apparent explosives belt of the type homicide bombers use and warning it will be detonated if an attempt is made to free him by force.

The video, about one minute, 42 seconds long, was posted on a Web site that has been used by militant groups in the past. It opens with the title "Alan's Appeal" in both English and Arabic and features the logo of the Army of Islam, a shadowy group that has claimed responsibility for snatching Johnston, a British Broadcasting Corp. correspondent.

"Captors tell me that very promising negotiations were ruined when the Hamas movement and the British government decided to press for a military solution to this kidnapping," Johnston says in the recording, looking nervous and stressed.

• Visit FOXNews.com's Mideast Center for more in-depth coverage.

"And the situation is now very serious, as you can see."

Johnston is seen wearing a red sweater with a blue and white checked vest strapped around his body — the apparent bomb belt.

"I have been dressed in what is an explosive belt, which the kidnappers say will be detonated if there is an attempt to storm the area," he continues. "They say they are ready to turn the hide-out into what they describe as a death zone if there is an attempt to free me by force."

For complete article

Ok, so Hamas has as much 'control' over the factions in 'Palestine' as Fatah did. Oh joy. Such peaceful people, let's give them their own state.
Ok, so Hamas has as much 'control' over the factions in 'Palestine' as Fatah did. Oh joy. Such peaceful people, let's give them their own state.

CNN is doing just that

CNN Shills For Hamas: ‘This is Law and Order in the New Gaza’
Posted by Noel Sheppard on June 22, 2007 - 14:23.
Last week, the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas took over Gaza in what was described by many as a bloodbath.

Just days later, CNN’s Ben Wedeman filed a report from the region in which he glowingly praised these terrorists’ efforts to bring “law and order in the new Gaza.”

In a video segment that was aired at various times Thursday, Wedeman exclusively interviewed Gaza residents who seemed thrilled now that Hamas has wrested control of the region.

At the same time, no mention was given to: the killing that preceded his interviews, or the number of injured waiting for medical assistance and/or to be evacuated.

to view the video

It's all Israel's fault and what isn't theirs is the US's fault:


BBC journalist captors make fresh death threat

Kidnappers of Alan Johnston threaten to kill him 'like a lamb' unless Britain, Jordan release Muslim prisoners

Published: 06.26.07, 19:37 / Israel News

The Palestinian extremists claiming to hold kidnapped BBC journalist Alan Johnston on Tuesday threatened to kill their hostage ‘like a lamb’ unless Britain and Jordan release Muslim prisoners.

In a statement emailed to AFP, the Army of Islam demanded the release of Iraqi woman, Sajida Al Rishawi, who has been sentenced to death in Jordan over triple hotel attacks in Amman that killed 60 people.

It also demanded the release of Islamist Abu Mohammed Al Maqdissi -- held in Jordan since July 2005 -- and the Palestinian-born radical cleric Abu Qatada once fingered as the Al Qaeda spiritual guide in Europe and held in Britain...

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