*Tent City For Aliens, Welcome to California*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
This should work out just fine ...

Sorry bout that,

1. Tent city to be built to house the illegal immigrants those here already, those waiting in Mexico, those coming from afar.
2. This is a Biden action, and will hurt USA.
3. If you think its a good idea you might of been dropped on your head as a baby.
4. Biden Regime Plans To Open Another "Tent Facility" [Soft-Sided Cages] To Deal With Massive Influx Of Uninvited [Illegal] Aliens (100percentfedup.com)


One of the greatest athletes in Texas history, Blackjack Mulligan, lived and wrestled out of the Tremendous City of Eagle Pass.

For a while, Mr. Mulligan was branding his defeated opponents in the ring, that might be a good idea for Biden's inmates in this camp?
Sorry bout that,

1. The illegal aliens already here don't want more.
2. They fear being replaced by a hungrier arrival.
3. Branding seems oppressively cruel.
4. from link: "The facility is being opened in Eagle Pass, Texas, in the Del Rio sector, a source familiar with the matter confirmed to Fox News. The “soft-sided facility” is being set up in addition to a similar 185,000-square-foot site in Donna, Texas, that was opened at the beginning of the month."

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Well this is just super. Countries South of the border are so fucked up, kids are being sent or kidnapped literally by the thousands and dumped on our doorstep. Where are they going to go? Answer: Straight into Foster care, which is already stretched to the breaking point. Every open borders Democrat should be forced to adopt a border kid.
Sorry bout that,

1. There are plenty of tent dwellings in California.
2. Watch the news.
3. Seems a huge portion of the population lives in a tent in California.

When the restrictions end, business is going to be clamoring for the low wages.
Sorry bout that,

1. But Venice is a shit hole homeless encampment.
2. I hear its like this all over LA.
3. The human degradation on display is heart breaking.
4. I used to walk that beach in the 1984-1990.
5. It was a very active area, with thousands of people walking around, pretty girls in bikini's, roller skaters everywhere, joggers, bicycle riders, people walking around with boom boxes, couples strolling people watching, muscle beach, the variety of people you would encounter was endless.
6. I would say when I was there you would see 10 thousand people in an hour.
7. Now you see 10 thousand tents.


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