Ted Cruz op-ed in Newsweek: 'President Biden Is Responsible For This Border Crisis'...Cruz recounts visiting the border & seeing the "inhumane" crisis


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

here are the best excepts:

"I've been to the border many, many times, but when I went last month it was the worst I've ever seen it.

The first night we were there we went on midnight patrol with the National Border Patrol Council. On the banks of the Rio Grande, we saw migrant after migrant after migrant crossing the river in a nearly endless stream of illegal border crossings. We saw the bright lights of coyotes who were illegally bringing people across the river in rickety and dangerous rafts to the spot where we stood. The coyotes heckled and taunted the agents who were with us, laughing and yelling that there was nothing the agents could do to stop the human smuggling. And they were right—as we learned the next morning, there had been 2,900 apprehensions in that sector over the previous 24 hours, quadruple the per-day numbers of only a few weeks prior

After being fully processed, illegal immigrants are released into the United States—sometimes without even a notice to appear in immigration court, something the CBP sector chief told us he's never seen in over two decades of service.

The conditions are simply appalling in these migrant processing centers. We toured the Donna Processing facility—a tent city designed to hold no more than 250 children under COVID-19 restrictions, and no more than 1,000 under normal conditions. Yet at the time of our visit, it was overflowing with approximately 4,200 people. There were cages after cages of little boys and little girls lying side-by-side, covered with reflective blankets, and with virtually no space between them. There was a playpen of infants and toddlers brought here by human traffickers and then left alone, stranded at the border. Outside, we saw a line of children who, having just been crammed into the crowded cages, were now testing positive for COVID-19. Border Patrol agents were doing their absolute best to care for these children, but these officials are not trained as social workers—they are trained to protect our border. The conditions were, simply put and without exaggeration, inhumane.

This crisis exists because of President Biden's policies. The first week Joe Biden was president, he did three things. Number one, he immediately halted construction of the border wall. Number two, he reinstated the failed Obama-era catch-and-release policy. Number three—and this was the most indefensible decision—he unlawfully ended the "Remain in Mexico" policy, an international agreement President Trump negotiated with the government of Mexico whereby Mexico agreed that Central American immigrants who had crossed illegally through Mexico would stay in Mexico while their asylum cases were adjudicated in the United States. That agreement was a great victory, and it resulted in a massive drop in illegal immigration—so much so that in 2020, the United States experienced the lowest level of illegal immigration in 45 years. Now, because of Joe Biden's policies, we have the highest rate of illegal immigration in 20 years."
He went to the border to cosplay at being Fidel Castro and to scope out his next weekend getaway in Mexico.
This right here is a Biden issue and you are in total denial if you think it isn't.
You Lie! - Trump & Republicans had the House, Senate, Presidency, Supreme Court and most of the State Governors & State Senate's, Yet they Refused to Ratify the Constitutional changes necessary to not allow anyone on the planet to come to the USA and become a US citizen!!!

They also Refused to remove the plaque from the Statue of Liberty telling them to send their tired, poor & weak.
How can I guy from Texas claim that "but when I went last month it was the worst I've ever seen it." Guy must lead a sheltered life.
This right here is a Biden issue and you are in total denial if you think it isn't.
You Lie! - Trump & Republicans had the House, Senate, Presidency, Supreme Court and most of the State Governors & State Senate's, Yet they Refused to Ratify the Constitutional changes necessary to not allow anyone on the planet to come to the USA and become a US citizen!!!

They also Refused to remove the plaque from the Statue of Liberty telling them to send their tired, poor & weak.

No. You just aren't that bright.
Another example of non stop talk and nothing ever done to fix it.

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