

Senior Member
Jun 29, 2008
What technology tool do you use the most since it's mainstream inclusion?

Cell Phone


DVD/Blu Ray/CD's and their players

ipod/MP3 Player

Which one can't you live without, and which would you give up first?
What technology tool do you use the most since it's mainstream inclusion?

Cell Phone


DVD/Blu Ray/CD's and their players

ipod/MP3 Player

Which one can't you live without, and which would you give up first?

Can't live without Computer and DVD, and IPod. Could get by w/o cell.
I luvs me my ipod EZ. I've been waiting for this puppy all my life and didn't even know it.

Greatly enjoy the computer but, I admit, it can be too damn distracting from other things.

Dvds are nice but I'm happy if I can see the picture clearly; don't need any fancy HD or blue ray or the like.

If one of these things had to go it would be the cell phone. Hate 'em . Great in an emergency, no doubt and in situations like yours and your daughter's but . . . . most people have them glued to their head yapping or their fingers texting and have become rude and ruder. People can't decide which movie to rent or which brand of air freshener to buy without 'phoning home' first. Gaaaa.
I could live without all of them. Did for a long time.

But I prefer to have my cell phone, especially since I don't have a land line home phone. Next favorite would the be the computer. CDs/DVDs are convenient but not necessary and I haven't got an ipod.
I could live without all of them. Did for a long time.

But I prefer to have my cell phone, especially since I don't have a land line home phone. Next favorite would the be the computer. CDs/DVDs are convenient but not necessary and I haven't got an ipod.

You sound like me! I just got the internet 3 summers ago (2006), was the last in my crowd to get a cell phone (I don't have a land line either), and I don't own an ipod.

I could play my albums if I didn't have CD's.
What technology tool do you use the most since it's mainstream inclusion?

Cell Phone


DVD/Blu Ray/CD's and their players

ipod/MP3 Player

Which one can't you live without, and which would you give up first?

Computer and the internet. Because of my work, I am in front of the computer all day and all night.

All the other stuff I use, but less frequently.
Love my Mac. Cell is useful (thinking about getting rid of the landline). DVD / Blu Ray are becoming more and more irrelevant - streaming is the way of the future.
I could live without all of them. Did for a long time.

But I prefer to have my cell phone, especially since I don't have a land line home phone. Next favorite would the be the computer. CDs/DVDs are convenient but not necessary and I haven't got an ipod.

You sound like me! I just got the internet 3 summers ago (2006), was the last in my crowd to get a cell phone (I don't have a land line either), and I don't own an ipod.

I could play my albums if I didn't have CD's.

Might I suggest getting an MP3 player (non-ipod) and signing up for Rhapsody To Go. You pay $143 for the year and you can listen to nearly any song on the computer, and you can download the songs onto your MP3 player to listen in the car or portably. You don't own the music (essentially you are renting it), but you can listen to it just long enough that you get sick of it and move on. Or if you love it, you can buy it for a dollar per song.
Computer, big time. On it for hours every day, and watch TV in a little PIP box in bottom right of my 32" Sony Bravia, which I use as my monitor.
What technology tool do you use the most since it's mainstream inclusion?

Cell Phone


DVD/Blu Ray/CD's and their players

ipod/MP3 Player

Which one can't you live without, and which would you give up first?

Computer is a must have.
With a computer I can call people if I want to, play DVD/Blu Ray/CD's and I have more music than will fit on an iPod.

I lived without a phone for about a year one time. Didn't miss the thing one bit.
What technology tool do you use the most since it's mainstream inclusion?

Cell Phone


DVD/Blu Ray/CD's and their players

ipod/MP3 Player

Which one can't you live without, and which would you give up first?

Computer: With out it, I wouldn't have a job and I would loose 60% of my friends, assuming I am right in assuming that most of the boys and girls here at USMB would consider me a friend.

Cell Phone: Hardly ever get a call, but I use it.

I-Pod (mp3): Wouldn't miss it if I could keep my guitar.

DVD: Use it, but wouldn't miss it.

I would give them all up, including my guitar, if I had to choose between them and my car. There is freedom in knowing that I can go from Miami to Seattle in less than 5 days for less than $500.

I could live without any of the items. I enjoy them all. I use the computer the most.
I can't live without my computer. I never owned an iPod and can do without my cell phone.

I can also do without anything that Ron Popeil or Billy Mays sells on TV.
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