Team Koch

Liberals sure have a weird about what rich conservatives legally spend their money on.

obsession ? Hardly. Just a fact how big $$ owns politicians.

RW's are strange little creatures aren't they ?
Your statement would actually mean something if liberals spent as much time musing about the impact of liberal big money owning politicians as they do the Koch brothers. The strange thing is how LW's respond when called on their bullshit.
Enter the 4th Party, The Koch Party. Rubio, Paul, and Cruz.

Koch Brothers Put Price Tag On 2016 889 Million It s All Politics NPR

Tea Party
Libertarian Party
The Koch Party, and better funded than all of the above.

Will the GOP open the door, and award a nomination ? or will the Koch Bros just BUY one.

ticktickticktickticktickticktick ...
Remind me how upset you are that Soro's donates just as much or more to liberal parties?

Cause the Koch are donating over ten times what Soros is...

Is what Soros doing healthy? Probably not.

But the Koch's are in a different league.

Soros has been doing it for a lot longer. I think the Kochs got tired of Soros and his BS directed at them.
sheesh ... nobody gets it even after I told them.
the RW is divided even further with the Koch's backing 3 possible candidates that have little chance of getting a GOP nomination, regardless if they have 887 million to play with ... tickticktick = time is ticking until a candidate emerges and the real players step up, and out. 4 different RW possibilities doing battle against each other won't work for the RW ... united they stand divided they fall.

now, how stupid are you to believe I'm bitching, if anything I'm clapping for the republitards to introduce even more Koch's with deep pockets and speed up the destruction of the Republicans/Gop for once and all.

Go Koch Bros, Run Cruz RUN !!!

dumbass RW's.

sheesh ... nobody gets it even after I told them.
the RW is divided even further with the Koch's backing 3 possible candidates that have little chance of getting a GOP nomination, regardless if they have 887 million to play with ... tickticktick = time is ticking until a candidate emerges and the real players step up, and out. 4 different RW possibilities doing battle against each other won't work for the RW ... united they stand divided they fall.

now, how stupid are you to believe I'm bitching, if anything I'm clapping for the republitards to introduce even more Koch's with deep pockets and speed up the destruction of the Republicans/Gop for once and all.

Go Koch Bros, Run Cruz RUN !!!

dumbass RW's.


So NOW your bitching that a primary process is going to be an actual PROCESS for the Republicans, not the anointment you expect with Hillary on the Dem side.

Bitch, bitch bitch, moan, moan, moan.
Enter the 4th Party, The Koch Party. Rubio, Paul, and Cruz.

Koch Brothers Put Price Tag On 2016 889 Million It s All Politics NPR

Tea Party
Libertarian Party
The Koch Party, and better funded than all of the above.

Will the GOP open the door, and award a nomination ? or will the Koch Bros just BUY one.

ticktickticktickticktickticktick ...
Remind me how upset you are that Soro's donates just as much or more to liberal parties?

I don't give a shit in a sack wtf Soros does or doesn't do. Same goes for the Koch Bros... youre an idiot Gunny.

And yet you bitch about the Koch brothers. Interesting.

He's suffering from Kochophobia.
sheesh ... nobody gets it even after I told them.
the RW is divided even further with the Koch's backing 3 possible candidates that have little chance of getting a GOP nomination, regardless if they have 887 million to play with ... tickticktick = time is ticking until a candidate emerges and the real players step up, and out. 4 different RW possibilities doing battle against each other won't work for the RW ... united they stand divided they fall.

now, how stupid are you to believe I'm bitching, if anything I'm clapping for the republitards to introduce even more Koch's with deep pockets and speed up the destruction of the Republicans/Gop for once and all.

Go Koch Bros, Run Cruz RUN !!!

dumbass RW's.


Heavy Hitters Top All-Time Donors 1989-2014 OpenSecrets

You are worried about #56 on this list?

Typical far left drone..
Conservatives have no problem with us living in a plutocracy because they have been led to believe their livelihood depends on it. For them more plutocracy means more money, the fools.
Enter the 4th Party, The Koch Party. Rubio, Paul, and Cruz.

Koch Brothers Put Price Tag On 2016 889 Million It s All Politics NPR

Tea Party
Libertarian Party
The Koch Party, and better funded than all of the above.

Will the GOP open the door, and award a nomination ? or will the Koch Bros just BUY one.

ticktickticktickticktickticktick ...
Remind me how upset you are that Soro's donates just as much or more to liberal parties?

I don't give a shit in a sack wtf Soros does or doesn't do. Same goes for the Koch Bros... youre an idiot Gunny.
why the fuck did you bring up the Koch Bros. or that fucking commie Soros then ?

you libertard knuckle draggers are all the same, lacking a chromosome or two. :up:


:fu: ......... :asshole:
Enter the 4th Party, The Koch Party. Rubio, Paul, and Cruz.

Koch Brothers Put Price Tag On 2016 889 Million It s All Politics NPR

Tea Party
Libertarian Party
The Koch Party, and better funded than all of the above.

Will the GOP open the door, and award a nomination ? or will the Koch Bros just BUY one.

ticktickticktickticktickticktick ...
Remind me how upset you are that Soro's donates just as much or more to liberal parties?

I don't give a shit in a sack wtf Soros does or doesn't do. Same goes for the Koch Bros... youre an idiot Gunny.

And yet you bitch about the Koch brothers. Interesting.

I'm not bitching ... I simply posted the story ... you're the one bitching.

you idiot.
Hey Marty, shitete is an idiot, pure and simple.
Why do LWNJs hate the Koch brothers so much? The hatred seems irrational to me.

How many people does Koch Industries hire? I think it's safe to assume that they hire many more people than any member of this forum.
Conservatives have no problem with us living in a plutocracy because they have been led to believe their livelihood depends on it. For them more plutocracy means more money, the fools.

Says the irony impaired far left drone..

Just remember that JKF was a Conservative
Not just Koch, but through the donors of their pac. Now tell me, how much did Obama's pac bring in? You know, the one Soros and what's his name, oh yeah Tom Steyer, who has pledged $100 million ALONE for 2016, oh and the unions that 97% goes to the Dems?
Enter the 4th Party, The Koch Party. Rubio, Paul, and Cruz.

Koch Brothers Put Price Tag On 2016 889 Million It s All Politics NPR

Tea Party
Libertarian Party
The Koch Party, and better funded than all of the above.

Will the GOP open the door, and award a nomination ? or will the Koch Bros just BUY one.

ticktickticktickticktickticktick ...
damn RW's are fucking stupid ... S-T-O-O-P-I-D !

and these MF's want to run the country ?

Koch Brothers’ Budget of $889 Million for 2016..............................

Yet if you actually know about politics, the majority of the people will follow your free thoughts.
Cool story.

What plans do the Democrats have to do anything for the country?

Let's evaluate post #2. "

What plans do the Democrats have to do anything for the country?"

Let's make two points here....
Donations to a political party isn't DOING SOMETHING FOR THE COUNTRY.

Also, the Left Wing is very open about changes anyone can read.

The Right Wing isn't open about the changes they want.

These are solidified facts.
Koch Brothers’ Budget of $889 Million for 2016..............................

Yet if you actually know about politics, the majority of the people will follow your free thoughts.

Love how the mods "merged" my thread from March 12th into this one made 7 days later..

The mods here are really smart.

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