"Sucking on satan's candy bag"

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Michele Bachmann Wants to Ban Halloween Stating, ?Sucking on Satan?s Candy Sacks Leads to Liberalism? - Free Wood Post

Michele Bachmann, Republican Congressional Representative to Minnesota and founder of the Tea Party Caucus, is at it again. She is calling for a ban on Halloween, stating, “This holiday is based in Satanism. It’s a Pagan ritual to worship Satan and call him forth to the earth and the liberal elites have added socialism to it. We are in the end days and we must purify our nation if we are to be welcomed into the kingdom of God.”

PLEASE tell me this is a hoax.

She's an idiot, yes, but this is just way too stupid to be real.

OTOH, it shows a complete ignorance of history so that sounds like her.

(Please take note that I am restraining from making crude remarks about her sucking on candy bags ........... Blech. What a disgusting visual THAT is.)

(Never mind. I couldn't help but make one teeny weenie little crude remark.)
Thanks for the laugh.

$harry and mitch.jpg
She'd probably want to pray away the play.

Didn't she agree with newt that kids should be working and not playing?
I live in District 6 in MN. I can assure that this is a hoax, but agree it is right along her lines. Anoka,MN considers itself the Halloween Capital of the world since it was the first town to hold a parade to stop youth from pranks starting in 1920. Don't think she would piss off her base in this highly Republican district.

In MN we love our loons and the birds too. We have elected many including Jesse Ventura, Al Frankin, Mark Dayton...but they are our special loons and they are a protected species, so be nice.
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The creepiest is that she could have said it.

Dear Luddly: What can be proven by medicine and science,
is that the ENERGY that is in the occult practices, sorcery voodoo demonic witchcraft etc.
is NEGATIVE and does CLASH with positive energy in healing prayer.

There are doctors who researched this.

It is like playing with radioactive materials. Just because you can't see the effects
doesn't mean it isn't cancer causing.

The need for reducing the cost of disease and treatment, especially dealing with demonic type voices and criminal illness or addictions that make people serial kill or rape and torture, will necessitate medical proof of how to diagnose, monitor, treat and cure these diseased conditions based on MEASURING the energy to confirm if someone is sick or healed yet.

Read the posts and website by the former Son of Sam who was healed of his
demonic/satanic voices and obsessions. http://www.forgivenforlife.org/
He understood that he had become sick and obsessed because of the satanic influences,
similar to how drug or alcohol addiction takes over a person's mind and free will.

it can be cured; like cancer the earlier
you intervene, the better chance of preventing it from becoming more deadly.

This "negative energy" is real and can be shown by science to work in opposition
to the healing life energy that flows through mind and body when they heal naturally.

That part, science can prove, so you don't need religious hocus pocus to preach it anymore

Luddly if you have ever read books by Scott Peck
* People of the Lie
* Glimpses of the Devil
both explain the connection between the spiritual occult influences
and the mental illness in schizophrenic or other patients who harmed themselves or others
until these demonic influences were removed through spiritual therapy which Peck observed and explained as a doctor using the scientific method.
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Michele Bachmann Wants to Ban Halloween Stating, ?Sucking on Satan?s Candy Sacks Leads to Liberalism? - Free Wood Post

Michele Bachmann, Republican Congressional Representative to Minnesota and founder of the Tea Party Caucus, is at it again. She is calling for a ban on Halloween, stating, “This holiday is based in Satanism. It’s a Pagan ritual to worship Satan and call him forth to the earth and the liberal elites have added socialism to it. We are in the end days and we must purify our nation if we are to be welcomed into the kingdom of God.”

PLEASE tell me this is a hoax.

She's an idiot, yes, but this is just way too stupid to be real.

OTOH, it shows a complete ignorance of history so that sounds like her.

(Please take note that I am restraining from making crude remarks about her sucking on candy bags ........... Blech. What a disgusting visual THAT is.)

(Never mind. I couldn't help but make one teeny weenie little crude remark.)

This is why folks should never listen heresies as this preached by the Evangelicals and Fundamentalists and Pentecostals.

They can believe it all they want, but they can't project their silliness on to secular society.

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