Student Walkouts Taught A Life Lesson

i'm not the 3rd wife of a sleaze who cheated on his first wife with his second & whored around to the point of saying that 'AIDS was his vietnam'. & everything i said of melania is fact. she is sliced & diced & full of silicone & modeled nude with her grabbing her crotch & one in bed with another woman. as far as your tired clinton/democrat diatribe.... i am not a (D). but you go girl with trumpeting for a porn loving maggot & his first lady. i'll tell ya one thing--- he's got something over on her & THAT i feel bad for her. & it probably has to do with barron. otherwise it's crystal clear she would be out by now.

You're a vicious little bitch, aren't you?

You voted for a sexual predator twice and then his ho who attacked his victims again. Even if your delusional rant was right, both Trumps are better than you supporting a sexual predator

my my MY my my.... just listen to you.... such venom. hmmmm gotta say though, your short term memory needs vast improvement. i said i never voted for bill clinton & i certainly would admit to voting for anybody i actually did vote for. but apparently you don't mind admitting to voting for a demented walking mango with no ethics whatsoever... imagine, trying to steal an old woman's home thru eminent domain; wanting to pave it over so he can have a freakin' parking lot for his casino. huh... & i'm sure melania did her homework & knew what he did. & married him anyway.
Read your posts about Melania, dim wit. That's why I just flamed you back about the Moocher and Blamery. There is no other response to flaming. You're ending discussion right there

i said nothing that wasn't true.
Your posts about The First Lady are speculation and judgements based upon your dislike (?envy) of her. They aren’t ‘truth’, just like it isn’t a ‘fact’ that she doesn’t love her husband.
But keep up the Clinton/Democrat tradition of attacking women and telling them what they think, why they vote, and whether or not they love their husband!

no envy here, sweety. i'm not the 3rd wife of a sleaze who cheated on his first wife with his second & whored around to the point of saying that 'AIDS was his vietnam'. & everything i said of melania is fact. she is sliced & diced & full of silicone & modeled nude with her grabbing her crotch & one in bed with another woman. as far as your tired clinton/democrat diatribe.... i am not a (D). but you go girl with trumpeting for a porn loving maggot & his first lady. i'll tell ya one thing--- he's got something over on her & THAT i feel bad for her. & it probably has to do with barron. otherwise it's crystal clear she would be out by now.
The more venomously you attack her with your self righteous nonsense, the more envious you sound.
Must be sad to be you, such a jealous, judgemental, bitter harridan.
I hope you can find some measure of happiness soon, and maybe then you won’t feel the need to spew your bile about a woman you’ve never met and know nothing more about than the crap and gossip you read in the tabloids :eusa_naughty:
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you ;)

mmmmm..... ne'eh.... why would i be envious of a woman who- despite the man whore she married for huuuuuuuge amts of cash - is stuck with him? but you go keep on with the delusions you have.... it's not surprising that you don't know or care that those pics are real AND that trump admitted it they were.... it's typical of his base's loyalty to a con man & his latest betrothed....

It's hilarious that you're a woman and so incredibly misogynist that you go so bitterly personal at any woman who disagrees with your politics.

You ARE the leftist female Archie Bunker. Women are free to agree with you, not to think for themselves
my my MY my my.... just listen to you.... such venom


OMG, have you read any of your posts?????? I literally laughed out loud when I read this a moment ago.

And you stupid kvnt, I was MOCKING you. You write the most vitriolic hate filled misogeny. So I talked to you like you talk to women you disagree with politically ...

... and ...


My Gawd you're a dumb slut
Dang negress, stealing the kids' friend chicken during lunch, too. It's what "those people" do.
If she were in the White House, she could graduate from petty theft to using the government steal people's money, just like Obama. It's what those people do.

i'm not the 3rd wife of a sleaze who cheated on his first wife with his second & whored around to the point of saying that 'AIDS was his vietnam'. & everything i said of melania is fact. she is sliced & diced & full of silicone & modeled nude with her grabbing her crotch & one in bed with another woman. as far as your tired clinton/democrat diatribe.... i am not a (D). but you go girl with trumpeting for a porn loving maggot & his first lady. i'll tell ya one thing--- he's got something over on her & THAT i feel bad for her. & it probably has to do with barron. otherwise it's crystal clear she would be out by now.

You're a vicious little bitch, aren't you?

You voted for a sexual predator twice and then his ho who attacked his victims again. Even if your delusional rant was right, both Trumps are better than you supporting a sexual predator

Are you talking about Bill Clinton? No one voted for a “sexual predator” once, no less twice, when voting for Clinton. You just can’t refrain from kazzing, can you?

Setting aside the fact that not one of those allegations were ever proven... none were made prior to his first election; and only one was made prior to his second second election, and that was Paula Jones, whose case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit.
i said nothing that wasn't true.
Your posts about The First Lady are speculation and judgements based upon your dislike (?envy) of her. They aren’t ‘truth’, just like it isn’t a ‘fact’ that she doesn’t love her husband.
But keep up the Clinton/Democrat tradition of attacking women and telling them what they think, why they vote, and whether or not they love their husband!

no envy here, sweety. i'm not the 3rd wife of a sleaze who cheated on his first wife with his second & whored around to the point of saying that 'AIDS was his vietnam'. & everything i said of melania is fact. she is sliced & diced & full of silicone & modeled nude with her grabbing her crotch & one in bed with another woman. as far as your tired clinton/democrat diatribe.... i am not a (D). but you go girl with trumpeting for a porn loving maggot & his first lady. i'll tell ya one thing--- he's got something over on her & THAT i feel bad for her. & it probably has to do with barron. otherwise it's crystal clear she would be out by now.
The more venomously you attack her with your self righteous nonsense, the more envious you sound.
Must be sad to be you, such a jealous, judgemental, bitter harridan.
I hope you can find some measure of happiness soon, and maybe then you won’t feel the need to spew your bile about a woman you’ve never met and know nothing more about than the crap and gossip you read in the tabloids :eusa_naughty:
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you ;)

mmmmm..... ne'eh.... why would i be envious of a woman who- despite the man whore she married for huuuuuuuge amts of cash - is stuck with him? but you go keep on with the delusions you have.... it's not surprising that you don't know or care that those pics are real AND that trump admitted it they were.... it's typical of his base's loyalty to a con man & his latest betrothed....

It's hilarious that you're a woman and so incredibly misogynist that you go so bitterly personal at any woman who disagrees with your politics.

You ARE the leftist female Archie Bunker. Women are free to agree with you, not to think for themselves

lol.... i AM? really? is that a fact? how silly of you, yet totally consistent with being the poorly educated trumpanzee that you are.
my my MY my my.... just listen to you.... such venom


OMG, have you read any of your posts?????? I literally laughed out loud when I read this a moment ago.

And you stupid kvnt, I was MOCKING you. You write the most vitriolic hate filled misogeny. So I talked to you like you talk to women you disagree with politically ...

... and ...


My Gawd you're a dumb slut

lol... you have no clue when someone is poking you with a proverbial stick. you freaking out over what i said about #45's 3rd wife was astounding... what a snowflake you are.

gotta say though, it's pure entertainment. so, now you can tell me what a great job she's doing with her 'anti-cyber bullying' campaign... did she start her condemnation of it with donny tic tac's behavior?
Last edited:
Your posts about The First Lady are speculation and judgements based upon your dislike (?envy) of her. They aren’t ‘truth’, just like it isn’t a ‘fact’ that she doesn’t love her husband.
But keep up the Clinton/Democrat tradition of attacking women and telling them what they think, why they vote, and whether or not they love their husband!

no envy here, sweety. i'm not the 3rd wife of a sleaze who cheated on his first wife with his second & whored around to the point of saying that 'AIDS was his vietnam'. & everything i said of melania is fact. she is sliced & diced & full of silicone & modeled nude with her grabbing her crotch & one in bed with another woman. as far as your tired clinton/democrat diatribe.... i am not a (D). but you go girl with trumpeting for a porn loving maggot & his first lady. i'll tell ya one thing--- he's got something over on her & THAT i feel bad for her. & it probably has to do with barron. otherwise it's crystal clear she would be out by now.
The more venomously you attack her with your self righteous nonsense, the more envious you sound.
Must be sad to be you, such a jealous, judgemental, bitter harridan.
I hope you can find some measure of happiness soon, and maybe then you won’t feel the need to spew your bile about a woman you’ve never met and know nothing more about than the crap and gossip you read in the tabloids :eusa_naughty:
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you ;)

mmmmm..... ne'eh.... why would i be envious of a woman who- despite the man whore she married for huuuuuuuge amts of cash - is stuck with him? but you go keep on with the delusions you have.... it's not surprising that you don't know or care that those pics are real AND that trump admitted it they were.... it's typical of his base's loyalty to a con man & his latest betrothed....

It's hilarious that you're a woman and so incredibly misogynist that you go so bitterly personal at any woman who disagrees with your politics.

You ARE the leftist female Archie Bunker. Women are free to agree with you, not to think for themselves

lol.... i AM? really? is that a fact? how silly of you, yet totally consistent with being the poorly educated trumpanzee that you are.

playtime: Am not, am not, am not ... holds breath

So you hate that bitch Hillary and condemn her for only supporting women who agree with leftists? Really? Show me one of those posts. You're a hateful, vengeful bitch yourself, particularly to women. But sure, show me one of those posts where you defend the right of women to disagree with your politics

my my MY my my.... just listen to you.... such venom


OMG, have you read any of your posts?????? I literally laughed out loud when I read this a moment ago.

And you stupid kvnt, I was MOCKING you. You write the most vitriolic hate filled misogeny. So I talked to you like you talk to women you disagree with politically ...

... and ...


My Gawd you're a dumb slut

lol... you have no clue when someone is poking you with a proverbial stick. you freaking out over what i said about #45's 3rd wife was astounding... what a snowflake you are.

gotta say though, it's pure entertainment. so, now you can tell me what a great job she's doing with her 'anti-cyber bullying' campaign... did she start her condemnation of it with donny tic tac's behavior?

SSsuuuuurrrrreeeeeeee you are. How stupid do you think you are?
my my MY my my.... just listen to you.... such venom


OMG, have you read any of your posts?????? I literally laughed out loud when I read this a moment ago.

And you stupid kvnt, I was MOCKING you. You write the most vitriolic hate filled misogeny. So I talked to you like you talk to women you disagree with politically ...

... and ...


My Gawd you're a dumb slut

lol... you have no clue when someone is poking you with a proverbial stick. you freaking out over what i said about #45's 3rd wife was astounding... what a snowflake you are.

gotta say though, it's pure entertainment. so, now you can tell me what a great job she's doing with her 'anti-cyber bullying' campaign... did she start her condemnation of it with donny tic tac's behavior?

SSsuuuuurrrrreeeeeeee you are. How stupid do you think you are?
Hey, Kaz, do you ever stop kazzing? Ever??
no envy here, sweety. i'm not the 3rd wife of a sleaze who cheated on his first wife with his second & whored around to the point of saying that 'AIDS was his vietnam'. & everything i said of melania is fact. she is sliced & diced & full of silicone & modeled nude with her grabbing her crotch & one in bed with another woman. as far as your tired clinton/democrat diatribe.... i am not a (D). but you go girl with trumpeting for a porn loving maggot & his first lady. i'll tell ya one thing--- he's got something over on her & THAT i feel bad for her. & it probably has to do with barron. otherwise it's crystal clear she would be out by now.
The more venomously you attack her with your self righteous nonsense, the more envious you sound.
Must be sad to be you, such a jealous, judgemental, bitter harridan.
I hope you can find some measure of happiness soon, and maybe then you won’t feel the need to spew your bile about a woman you’ve never met and know nothing more about than the crap and gossip you read in the tabloids :eusa_naughty:
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you ;)

mmmmm..... ne'eh.... why would i be envious of a woman who- despite the man whore she married for huuuuuuuge amts of cash - is stuck with him? but you go keep on with the delusions you have.... it's not surprising that you don't know or care that those pics are real AND that trump admitted it they were.... it's typical of his base's loyalty to a con man & his latest betrothed....

It's hilarious that you're a woman and so incredibly misogynist that you go so bitterly personal at any woman who disagrees with your politics.

You ARE the leftist female Archie Bunker. Women are free to agree with you, not to think for themselves

lol.... i AM? really? is that a fact? how silly of you, yet totally consistent with being the poorly educated trumpanzee that you are.

playtime: Am not, am not, am not ... holds breath

So you hate that bitch Hillary and condemn her for only supporting women who agree with leftists? Really? Show me one of those posts. You're a hateful, vengeful bitch yourself, particularly to women. But sure, show me one of those posts where you defend the right of women to disagree with your politics


first of all - YOU are the one saying the word 'hate'. i never said i hated melania. you aren't very good at spinning & deflection. i will say one thing though.... in 2008, i voted for a black man over a white woman & in 2016 i voted for an female american over a fascist wanna be traitor.

other than that - you can do your own fucking research. :poke:
I laughed out loud when I read seems the brainwashed walkouts at a high school in Richmond, S.C left their backpacks behind. To march against the NRA, guns, Trump, etc. Meanwhile back at the school, a black female janitor rifled through those backpacks and stole $180. And the janitor is the spittin image of Michele "Mike" Obama: :lol:


Talk about a bubble-buster, eh? welcome to the real world ya little dummies.

School custodian stole $180 from students' bags during National School Walkout, cops say

So you're laughing because someone got money stolen?

What the fuck has America turned into?

Would you have been so partisan, say, had a protester been raped? (Rhetorical question there)
The more venomously you attack her with your self righteous nonsense, the more envious you sound.
Must be sad to be you, such a jealous, judgemental, bitter harridan.
I hope you can find some measure of happiness soon, and maybe then you won’t feel the need to spew your bile about a woman you’ve never met and know nothing more about than the crap and gossip you read in the tabloids :eusa_naughty:
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you ;)

mmmmm..... ne'eh.... why would i be envious of a woman who- despite the man whore she married for huuuuuuuge amts of cash - is stuck with him? but you go keep on with the delusions you have.... it's not surprising that you don't know or care that those pics are real AND that trump admitted it they were.... it's typical of his base's loyalty to a con man & his latest betrothed....

It's hilarious that you're a woman and so incredibly misogynist that you go so bitterly personal at any woman who disagrees with your politics.

You ARE the leftist female Archie Bunker. Women are free to agree with you, not to think for themselves

lol.... i AM? really? is that a fact? how silly of you, yet totally consistent with being the poorly educated trumpanzee that you are.

playtime: Am not, am not, am not ... holds breath

So you hate that bitch Hillary and condemn her for only supporting women who agree with leftists? Really? Show me one of those posts. You're a hateful, vengeful bitch yourself, particularly to women. But sure, show me one of those posts where you defend the right of women to disagree with your politics


first of all - YOU are the one saying the word 'hate'. i never said i hated melania. you aren't very good at spinning & deflection. i will say one thing though.... in 2008, i voted for a black man over a white woman & in 2016 i voted for an female american over a fascist wanna be traitor.

other than that - you can do your own fucking research. :poke:

Your posts are extremely clear that you hate Melania. And we both know you've never written a post saying women are free to vote their mind, only your mind. Otherwise you want to destroy the bitch. Other women, look at Melania and see what's in store for you if you don't vote for leftists. Rule #1 of being a leftist. Victimize yourself for the cause at every opportunity.

You are a woman only in the sense that you are a brunette or your favorite color is blue. It's only a stat. You are first and foremost a leftist. And that means you use your status as a woman to target women for the cause. That's just how leftists roll.

You ARE Archie Bunker. Just on the other side. You're a self victimizing woman who targets women because you think women are not smart enough to think for themselves. White men told you what to think, and like an obedient woman as you believe women should be, you think it
Last edited:
mmmmm..... ne'eh.... why would i be envious of a woman who- despite the man whore she married for huuuuuuuge amts of cash - is stuck with him? but you go keep on with the delusions you have.... it's not surprising that you don't know or care that those pics are real AND that trump admitted it they were.... it's typical of his base's loyalty to a con man & his latest betrothed....

It's hilarious that you're a woman and so incredibly misogynist that you go so bitterly personal at any woman who disagrees with your politics.

You ARE the leftist female Archie Bunker. Women are free to agree with you, not to think for themselves

lol.... i AM? really? is that a fact? how silly of you, yet totally consistent with being the poorly educated trumpanzee that you are.

playtime: Am not, am not, am not ... holds breath

So you hate that bitch Hillary and condemn her for only supporting women who agree with leftists? Really? Show me one of those posts. You're a hateful, vengeful bitch yourself, particularly to women. But sure, show me one of those posts where you defend the right of women to disagree with your politics


first of all - YOU are the one saying the word 'hate'. i never said i hated melania. you aren't very good at spinning & deflection. i will say one thing though.... in 2008, i voted for a black man over a white woman & in 2016 i voted for an female american over a fascist wanna be traitor.

other than that - you can do your own fucking research. :poke:

Your posts are extremely clear that you hate Melania. And we both know you've never written a post where you say women are free to only vote your mind. Otherwise you want to destroy the bitch. Other women, look at Melania and see what's in store for you if you don't vote for leftists.

You ARE Archie Bunker. Just on the other side. You're a self victimizing woman who targets women because you think women are not smart enough to think for themselves. White men told you what to think, and like an obedient woman as you believe women should be, you think it

lol............. you actually need to believe that, don't you? psychiatrists have a medical term for that.
my my MY my my.... just listen to you.... such venom


OMG, have you read any of your posts?????? I literally laughed out loud when I read this a moment ago.

And you stupid kvnt, I was MOCKING you. You write the most vitriolic hate filled misogeny. So I talked to you like you talk to women you disagree with politically ...

... and ...


My Gawd you're a dumb slut

lol... you have no clue when someone is poking you with a proverbial stick. you freaking out over what i said about #45's 3rd wife was astounding... what a snowflake you are.

gotta say though, it's pure entertainment. so, now you can tell me what a great job she's doing with her 'anti-cyber bullying' campaign... did she start her condemnation of it with donny tic tac's behavior?

SSsuuuuurrrrreeeeeeee you are. How stupid do you think you are?
Hey, Kaz, do you ever stop kazzing? Ever??
It's hilarious that you're a woman and so incredibly misogynist that you go so bitterly personal at any woman who disagrees with your politics.

You ARE the leftist female Archie Bunker. Women are free to agree with you, not to think for themselves

lol.... i AM? really? is that a fact? how silly of you, yet totally consistent with being the poorly educated trumpanzee that you are.

playtime: Am not, am not, am not ... holds breath

So you hate that bitch Hillary and condemn her for only supporting women who agree with leftists? Really? Show me one of those posts. You're a hateful, vengeful bitch yourself, particularly to women. But sure, show me one of those posts where you defend the right of women to disagree with your politics


first of all - YOU are the one saying the word 'hate'. i never said i hated melania. you aren't very good at spinning & deflection. i will say one thing though.... in 2008, i voted for a black man over a white woman & in 2016 i voted for an female american over a fascist wanna be traitor.

other than that - you can do your own fucking research. :poke:

Your posts are extremely clear that you hate Melania. And we both know you've never written a post where you say women are free to only vote your mind. Otherwise you want to destroy the bitch. Other women, look at Melania and see what's in store for you if you don't vote for leftists.

You ARE Archie Bunker. Just on the other side. You're a self victimizing woman who targets women because you think women are not smart enough to think for themselves. White men told you what to think, and like an obedient woman as you believe women should be, you think it

lol............. you actually need to believe that, don't you? psychiatrists have a medical term for that.

I don't know about psychiatrists, but in general it's called literacy.

You target women who don't agree with your political positions with hate and vitriol.

You ARE Archie Bunker, just on the other side
my my MY my my.... just listen to you.... such venom


OMG, have you read any of your posts?????? I literally laughed out loud when I read this a moment ago.

And you stupid kvnt, I was MOCKING you. You write the most vitriolic hate filled misogeny. So I talked to you like you talk to women you disagree with politically ...

... and ...


My Gawd you're a dumb slut

lol... you have no clue when someone is poking you with a proverbial stick. you freaking out over what i said about #45's 3rd wife was astounding... what a snowflake you are.

gotta say though, it's pure entertainment. so, now you can tell me what a great job she's doing with her 'anti-cyber bullying' campaign... did she start her condemnation of it with donny tic tac's behavior?

SSsuuuuurrrrreeeeeeee you are. How stupid do you think you are?
Hey, Kaz, do you ever stop kazzing? Ever??
lol.... i AM? really? is that a fact? how silly of you, yet totally consistent with being the poorly educated trumpanzee that you are.

playtime: Am not, am not, am not ... holds breath

So you hate that bitch Hillary and condemn her for only supporting women who agree with leftists? Really? Show me one of those posts. You're a hateful, vengeful bitch yourself, particularly to women. But sure, show me one of those posts where you defend the right of women to disagree with your politics


first of all - YOU are the one saying the word 'hate'. i never said i hated melania. you aren't very good at spinning & deflection. i will say one thing though.... in 2008, i voted for a black man over a white woman & in 2016 i voted for an female american over a fascist wanna be traitor.

other than that - you can do your own fucking research. :poke:

Your posts are extremely clear that you hate Melania. And we both know you've never written a post where you say women are free to only vote your mind. Otherwise you want to destroy the bitch. Other women, look at Melania and see what's in store for you if you don't vote for leftists.

You ARE Archie Bunker. Just on the other side. You're a self victimizing woman who targets women because you think women are not smart enough to think for themselves. White men told you what to think, and like an obedient woman as you believe women should be, you think it

lol............. you actually need to believe that, don't you? psychiatrists have a medical term for that.

I don't know about psychiatrists, but in general it's called literacy.

You target women who don't agree with your political positions with hate and vitriol.

You ARE Archie Bunker, just on the other side

Delusional Disorder | Psychology Today
So you're laughing because someone got money stolen?

What the fuck has America turned into?

Would you have been so partisan, say, had a protester been raped? (Rhetorical question there)

I am not laughing ... :1041:
With all those suspicious backpacks laying around unattended ... They should have called the police dogs.


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