Student is selling her virginity on the internet


Aug 28, 2003
New York
A STUDENT is so hard up she has decided to make the ultimate sacrifice ...she is selling her virginity to the highest bidder on the internet.

So far more than 400 men, many of them sickos, have placed bids offering 18-year-old Rosie Reid up to £10,000 for sex.

The drastic action has left Rosie's parents sickened. Her doctor dad has told her she "is selling her soul". Her nurse mum is outraged.

And Rosie is even willing to sleep with a man despite it being abhorrent to her—she is a LESBIAN.

But she would rather prostitute herself than see her studies suffer.

She is currently forced to work long hours in poorly paid part-time jobs to pay her tuition fees.

Rosie said: "The way things are going, I'll leave university £15,000 in debt. That's why I'm taking drastic action."

She started her Bachelor of Science degree in social policy at the University of Bristol three months ago and is already £3,000 in debt.

Rosie estimates her three-year course at the university, where Prime Minister Tony Blair's son Euan is also a student, will cost her £7,500 a year.
hahahah, hey Jackass, what you didn't know is that she is one of Sandy's brown suga's - very LARGE!!!! haha
somebody will come to her aid, I thought things sold through ebay and such had to be tangable goods...something you could hold in your hands.... fuck it ...laughing to hard to type.....
hahahahahaha! jon, you going to bid??? or did you already!? hahha!
Hahaha...think I might keep her a lesbian. Seems to be they way my wife is going. She aint doing it to me anymore. :laugh:
Poor Jackass!!! guess the hand is sure getting a hell of a workout! :p: did you get a collection of lotions?? think about how SMOOTH things must be!!!!!:D
Wouldn't know where to look for it! :p: Jim claims not much there! hahahahahaha!

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