Student Films Teacher Saying The N Word

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Okay, I don't like the N word any more than the next white person (not black) but the teacher specifically said that he wasn't calling anybody that so this appears to be an overreaction at its finest.

Fuck that! It's just another word the commies wanna ban!

They don't even break up fights anymore, they just whip their phones and record and wait for something to happen in hopes

of large intenet hits.

That's a degradation of society right there.

And I learned what I know from older black and white dudes way older than me.

I was trying to kill this dude one night....okay..maybe not trying to kill, but I was fighting and .38 hot on him like a badger

after he started everything.

These big ol' boys pulled us apart, i wa s mad 'cuz I was winnin' and he was about to havemore than 1 black eye and

a bruise on his jaw. Owait, he had 2 black eyes from 1 punch, nm. The jaw punch was not satisfactory for me.

Anyway..dammit! The big black n white guys pulled us apart and defused everything.

I think their thing was sweatbands. Anyway, I mean they were the older guys, and I had to listen to them, and they

told good stuff. I mean, nobody wants to get arrested tonight or kill someone or be killed, we're all in this together, man.

"Why not just have a good time and don't fight? We're not letting you 2 get back together, no. That's not happening without a handshake."

"And don't even think about sucker-punchin', because then we're all going to hit you once."

Where did people like that go?
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