Stop looking down on us, please.


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
The Land of Sanctuary
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump, there would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we voted for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for one person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, high school dropouts, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
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I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump. There would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we vote for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
Another good example of Trump brained rationale. These people have no idea what they believe or why, they just know that they do.
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump. There would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we vote for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
Another good example of Trump brained rationale. These people have no idea what they believe or why, they just know that they do.

Oh, be quiet. Just how much of this did you read before you launched your attack?
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump. There would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we vote for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
Another good example of Trump brained rationale. These people have no idea what they believe or why, they just know that they do.

Oh, be quiet. Just how much of this did you read before you launched your attack?
Well I'm not a Trump follower, so I read a little faster and comprehend a lot better too.
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump. There would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we vote for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
Another good example of Trump brained rationale. These people have no idea what they believe or why, they just know that they do.

Oh, be quiet. Just how much of this did you read before you launched your attack?
Well I'm not a Trump follower, so I read a little faster and comprehend a lot better too.

Cute. I'm not playing your game anymore. There is always plenty of room on my ignore list, even for an ego as big as yours. Peace bro.
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I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump. There would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we vote for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
Another good example of Trump brained rationale. These people have no idea what they believe or why, they just know that they do.

Oh, be quiet. Just how much of this did you read before you launched your attack?
Well I'm not a Trump follower, so I read a little faster and comprehend a lot better too.

You couldn't prove it by your comments thus far. You should try reading it this time, instead of just saying you did and looking stupid.
I don't look down on the crazy.

I look across at them and say to myself "More proof that humans are not rational beings"
A host of other solutions from talking to the GOP leadership to organizing/joining a new party to express your grievances.

But no--let us vote for the biggest joke since Obama's ears is your answer.

That is desperation, and madness!
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump. There would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we vote for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
Another good example of Trump brained rationale. These people have no idea what they believe or why, they just know that they do.

Oh, be quiet. Just how much of this did you read before you launched your attack?
Well I'm not a Trump follower, so I read a little faster and comprehend a lot better too.

Cute. I'm not playing your game anymore, there is plenty of room on my ignore list, even for an ego as big as yours. Peace bro.
I guess it's just unfortunate that Trump followers are all so vague about there alleged beliefs.
That is desperation, and madness!

And this is you, looking down on people who have a different opinion.

I don't look down on the crazy.

And this is quite the contradiction in terms. Are you crazy too? Do you revere crazy people? This made no sense.
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump. There would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we vote for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
Another good example of Trump brained rationale. These people have no idea what they believe or why, they just know that they do.

Paid Poster Troll ....

I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump. There would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we vote for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
Another good example of Trump brained rationale. These people have no idea what they believe or why, they just know that they do.

Oh, be quiet. Just how much of this did you read before you launched your attack?
Well I'm not a Trump follower, so I read a little faster and comprehend a lot better too.

You couldn't prove it by your comments thus far. You should try reading it this time, instead of just saying you did and looking stupid.
Well the professor, feel free to articulate exactly why you believe Donald Trump will do anything he says he will do.
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump. There would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we vote for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
Another good example of Trump brained rationale. These people have no idea what they believe or why, they just know that they do.

Paid Poster Troll ....

I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump. There would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we vote for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
Another good example of Trump brained rationale. These people have no idea what they believe or why, they just know that they do.

Paid Poster Troll ....

If there's a position available for paid dumbshit I think you've got it in the bag already.
I don't look down on the crazy.

I look across at them and say to myself "More proof that humans are not rational beings"
A host of other solutions from talking to the GOP leadership to organizing/joining a new party to express your grievances.

But no--let us vote for the biggest joke since Obama's ears is your answer.

That is desperation, and madness!

Right and I bet you voted for Bush, he was the best thing that ever happened to America....NOT........

I don't look down on the crazy.

I look across at them and say to myself "More proof that humans are not rational beings"
A host of other solutions from talking to the GOP leadership to organizing/joining a new party to express your grievances.

But no--let us vote for the biggest joke since Obama's ears is your answer.

That is desperation, and madness!

The GOP leadership has been talked to death. The problem is all they ever do is talk, oh and tell us we need to trust them while they do nothing, and if we just vote for enough of them one day they might do something....or not if they think people won't like them.

So yes, joining a new party seems to be the way to go. Since the 2 major parties are hopelessly corrupt.

Of course the 2 major parties will use the vast wealth and power they have amassed along with their willing lapdogs of the media to ensure any such dies in the womb.

So those really look like good options eh?
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump. There would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we vote for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, high school dropouts, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."

You voted for Trump because you've given up.
That is desperation, and madness!

And this is you, looking down on people who have a different opinion.

I don't look down on the crazy.

And this is quite the contradiction in terms. Are you crazy too? Do you revere crazy people? This made no sense.

I'm human. Therefore I only appreciate rationality--however a rational being is something we humans are not.

Look, it makes perfect sense.

I unerstand where you are coming from. You are tired of following the "sensible" path. You are tired of being the only rational person in the room.

So you tried something nutty! In slang, it is called "going on a nut roll". Since all the reasonable and rational paths taken has failed, you decided to break down walls, blow up doors.

You went crazy because sanity does not seem to work for you.

That is natural human behavior. No need to think about it, just act from intuition!
We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally.

Indeed. The broad brush sucks moose cock.

Maybe you should make that point to this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.
and this thread.

That oughta keep you busy for a month but let me know when you're done -- there are hundreds more.

Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not.

Agreed. While Rump tried to incite a riot by cancelling an event people were already in the venue for and turning them loose in the street en masse, the people there did not take the bait and unfortunately for Rump, everybody went home without major incident, riot or anything else he may have had in mind. That's not Rump's doing, but in spite of his doing. And good for those people and good for the Chicago police ---- the ones who never advised shutting down the event in the first place but handled it anyway. :thup:
I don't look down on the crazy.

I look across at them and say to myself "More proof that humans are not rational beings"
A host of other solutions from talking to the GOP leadership to organizing/joining a new party to express your grievances.

But no--let us vote for the biggest joke since Obama's ears is your answer.

That is desperation, and madness!

The GOP leadership has been talked to death. The problem is all they ever do is talk, oh and tell us we need to trust them while they do nothing, and if we just vote for enough of them one day they might do something....or not if they think people won't like them.

So yes, joining a new party seems to be the way to go. Since the 2 major parties are hopelessly corrupt.

Of course the 2 major parties will use the vast wealth and power they have amassed along with their willing lapdogs of the media to ensure any such dies in the womb.

So those really look like good options eh?

Yes, talking to the GOP and calling them out on their BS was the first step. They knew they need more than they asked of you to get anything done.

You should know that too, by the way. How were they going to get rid of ACA by jut controlling the house?. Surely you knew that was fantastical--they did not fool you!! You fooled yourself an wanted to blame somebody if you did nt get what you wanted.

Now they are primed to get what they nee--the house, Senate and the Presidency and you quit! You quit! Why are you quitting now? Maybe you secretly love left wing policies but stage an act to be accepted? Maybe you love the emocrats taxing you because it mkes you feel important. Whatever it is, it is not because you think the GOP fooled you for what, 4 years?

You know the constitution?
You know how things are done in DC
Then the GOP did not mislead you--you lied to yourself!
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