Steve McGarrett Agrees With Donald Trump: It's Time To Racial Profile Muslims

Should we screen for bearded, Arab looking guys like this?

Well here's a clue for the clueless, wetback is NOT a racist term. You idiots think you can redefine everything to fit your narrow minded views, it doesn't work that way, and the day you figure it out the world will be a better place.

Here's a clue for the literarily inebriated --- I never said "wetback" was a "racist" term anyway. You made that up.

No son, I axed the flinger of that turd for a definition of his own term. That's a simple question. From which he ran away to hide. In actual fact I posted no characterization of "wetback" at all. Rather, I asked for one.

Well considering racial profiling doesn't exist, it was an invention of some defense attorney, you can't.

Tell that to the OP --- it's what his title here says. Just as the previous title said "wetback" (twice).
Again, a simple question. Again, posed to the OP who actually wrote them. And again, I already know that, which is precisely why I pose the question in the first place.

This is all sailing right over your head, isn't it? Maybe you oughta fight your own battles instead of jumping in to defend racist bigots. Just an idea.
It's the only way to protect the people the founders created this country for. It's the only way to save our American sovereignty It's the only way to save our American culture and traditions. Lastly, it's the only way to make America great again. Trump just told Michael Savage it's time to start profiling these type people. American patriot of White European heritage, Steve McGarrett, agrees.

Donald Trump defends racial profiling in wake of bombs -
Can we profile dumb, drunk rednecks on the 4th of July?

Can we profile pothead losers 24/7?
If white males wearing Steelers jerseys committed heinous crimes across the US in the name of Steeler nation, you can bet your ass anyone wearing a Steelers jersey in public would be looked at sideways. It's human fucking nature.

I'd love to do an experiment and hire 2 actors, dress them in Middle Eastern garb, place them in an airport and have them engage each other in a very serious conversation while waiting for their flight. They should act like they don't want anyone to hear what they are talking about and look around as they are in deep discussion.

You can bet your ass that a majority of people waiting for the flight would report them. Racial profiling? Racist? No, we are hardwired to judge things. When we see patterns in nature we equate them to things we perceive to know. It's how we survive in the world.
Well here's a clue for the clueless, wetback is NOT a racist term. You idiots think you can redefine everything to fit your narrow minded views, it doesn't work that way, and the day you figure it out the world will be a better place.

Here's a clue for the literarily inebriated --- I never said "wetback" was a "racist" term anyway. You made that up.

No son, I axed the flinger of that turd for a definition of his own term. That's a simple question. From which he ran away to hide. In actual fact I posted no characterization of "wetback" at all. Rather, I asked for one.

Well considering racial profiling doesn't exist, it was an invention of some defense attorney, you can't.

Tell that to the OP --- it's what his title here says. Just as the previous title said "wetback" (twice).
Again, a simple question. Again, posed to the OP who actually wrote them. And again, I already know that, which is precisely why I pose the question in the first place.

This is all sailing right over your head, isn't it? Maybe you oughta fight your own battles instead of jumping in to defend racist bigots. Just an idea.

Guess you missed my first post in the thread. Now run along and play with your turds.

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