Steve Bannon on Biden's Economy: “Everything in Your Life Financially and Economically is Changing in the Last 72 hours”

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Everything has taken a turn for the worst. Americans are hurting financially and Biden is not acknowledging it. Stolen elections have consequences.

"Worst year" in points, possibly.

By percentage, not even close.

But that doesn't matter to Bannon and his rubes.

"Worst year" in points, possibly.

By percentage, not even close.

But that doesn't matter to Bannon and his rubes.

"Yes the economy is tanking badly with Pedo Joe but, so far, it's only the 7th worst S&P crash in history by percentage".

Pointing out that, so far, the Great Depression & 2008 market collapse were worse for the S&P isn't making the diaper dude & his plans to crash the country any more palatable.
We still have more months to go & we are already seeing a 3rd straight quarter of GDP contraction.
Do you actually think these numbers will improve?

You are a supporter of these proglodytes trying to reset the world, so just own it.
Everything has taken a turn for the worst. Americans are hurting financially and Biden is not acknowledging it. Stolen elections have consequences.

What do you expect? We have a bunch of people who have no business acumen running this country, and then they put mandates on business which they haven't a clue about. It is totally affecting the free market, as they choose winners, and losers by their policy.

And do not expect things to get much better, even if the GOP takes both chambers of congress.


Because the market does NOT like uncertainty. They know now that any time the GOP loses, the Left will again reimpose their will. How do you make reasonable long term investments in many sectors, if which politician is in power decides if you make, or lose money? It no longer goes by which company is good, but which type of company the leaders approve of when the Left is in charge.

And all of this is brought to you by people who have either been politicians their whole adult life; and a group called the SQUAD........who is so wet behind the ears that they think they know everything, and actually know little of nothing. I do not know what Americans are thinking, but they better put on their thinking cap, if they want to save themselves from financial disaster!
"Yes the economy is tanking badly with Pedo Joe but, so far, it's only the 7th worst S&P crash in history by percentage".

Pointing out that, so far, the Great Depression & 2008 market collapse were worse for the S&P isn't making the diaper dude & his plans to crash the country any more palatable.
We still have more months to go & we are already seeing a 3rd straight quarter of GDP contraction.
Do you actually think these numbers will improve?

You are a supporter of these proglodytes trying to reset the world, so just own it.
Yes, as a 22-year financial advisor/CFP, I think the numbers will improve.

You're free to hope for the worst, however. Party over country for you folks.
Yes, as a 22-year financial advisor/CFP, I think the numbers will improve.

You're free to hope for the worst, however. Party over country for you folks.

Now that is a ridiculous statement Mac. By the Left imposing their will on the market, they have helped create this disaster, and you know it.....and if you don't, you are no financial advisor. The reality is----------> they are moving to fast, and the reason they are doing that is in case they start to lose power. If that is not ideology and party over country, I do not know what is!
Yes, as a 22-year financial advisor/CFP, I think the numbers will improve.

You're free to hope for the worst, however. Party over country for you folks.
Enjoy that hopium as the markets continue to decline & the economy tanks because of insane proggy policies.
You can talk about party over country as it does. Just more progjection.

Thank God I never trusted financial advisors with making any decisions for me.
If you're seeing signs that things will improve, stop the peyote & sober up
Now that is a ridiculous statement Mac. By the Left imposing their will on the market, they have helped create this disaster, and you know it.....and if you don't, you are no financial advisor. The reality is----------> they are moving to fast, and the reason they are doing that is in case they start to lose power. If that is not ideology and party over country, I do not know what is!
They haven't imposed their will on the market. You're ignorant.
Everything has taken a turn for the worst. Americans are hurting financially and Biden is not acknowledging it. Stolen elections have consequences.

The market is a long term game, right now if you have a 401K it is adding shares at a discounted price and when the market is back, you will be far better of than before.
Enjoy that hopium as the markets continue to decline & the economy tanks because of insane proggy policies.
You can talk about party over country as it does. Just more progjection.

Thank God I never trusted financial advisors with making any decisions for me.
If you're seeing signs that things will improve, stop the peyote & sober up

Exactly, and why should we think this? Because heads of banks are telling us that we have a problem, NOT financial advisors.

Did you see what Jamie Dimond told Rasheda Talib? If not, look up the video. And these Leftists, who should we believe.........them who have no damn idea what is going on, or heads of some of the worlds largest banks? And many of these bankers are LEFTISTS, and they are still making the warning!
First the Republicans slam Quantitative Easing for being inflationary:

Then they cheer an economy and markets that are SUPPORTED and DRIVEN by QE, as their hero BEGS the Fed for EVEN MORE QE:

And now they bitch and moan when inflation comes home to roost, exacerbated by busted global supply chains.

The Trumpsters don't know shit about this stuff. Only what Hannity and Tucker tell them. Rubes.
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