Some good news on the Covid 19 front


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
A Seattle researcher who’s studying a coronavirus vaccine undergoing clinical trials is pleased with early results that show the vaccine mounts an immune response.

“Seeing this is just wonderful,” said Dr. John Dunn, a researcher with the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle. Dunn said so far there’s no serious safety concerns with the vaccine, which is given in two shots, a month apart. One of the participants, Neal Browning of Bothell, WA said he did experience a little soreness at the injection site the morning after he received a dose but that only lasted a few minutes. “Much like you'd get when you had a typical flu shot,” Browning said.

We're not out of the woods on this virus, but progress is being made. :)

Lots of vaccine good news!!! Keep your fingers crossed, we could have a few of them!!!

The next battle is getting 70% of the population, vaccinated...And then achieving worldwide herd immunity through vaccination.... both hard tasks as well.....
Lots of vaccine good news!!! Keep your fingers crossed, we could have a few of them!!!

The next battle is getting 70% of the population, vaccinated...And then achieving worldwide herd immunity through vaccination.... both hard tasks as well.....

We are also testing vaccines in a clinical study with volunteers. It's by the way the first time I heard in the English speaking world that someone is using the expression "herd immunity" in a correct way.

We know the first infected persons here had 3 months after their infections in most cases no antibodies any longer. So it looks like that a herd immunity under natural conditions is perhaps not possible. But with vaccines and boosts or repetitions it should be possible. But to find and to test a good vaccine needs under normal conditions about 8-10 years. Now it looks like we are able to reduce this time to 1-2 years. A vaccine has to be tested in high quality. That's very important. We calculate if everything is okay in spring 2021 with a well tested vaccine in a high quality - for all people all over the world.
But we found also a way, how we could live with this virus even in case a vaccination is impossible. Important in this context is it to find very fast so called "super spreading events" and single super spreaders.

And another good news here in Germany. The tests from Roche for the Corona-2 virus are very good and we have now high capacities in qualified testings. So in case someone has the feeling he has Corona one can find this out within 24 hours. No one has to pay for such a test. So this reduces often a 2 week quarantine to only 1 day - what's very good for the economy.
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New good news:

First: A more bad backgrund information. They found out in London that the anti-bodies are not very long in the blood of patients. After 3 months form 90 persons only about 1/6 had still antibodies in the blood. In Munich show 4 from 9 patients, who had a more heavy problems, also a reduction of anti-bodies. Everyone hopes that T-cells and other immune reactions nevertheless learned to fight in a better way against the Corona-2 virus - nevertheless such ideas like an "immunity passport" for peoplew, who had Corona seems not to be a good idea in the current moment of history.

And now the good news: A cooperation from scientists in Cologne with scientists from Munich, Marburg, Frankfurt, Tübingen and Israel were able to show that a body is very fast able to produce anti-bodies - and they were able to rebuild artificially 255 neutralizing anti-bodies. This anti-bodies can be reproduced artificially in unlimited quantity and are hopefully a good weapon to stop local outbreaks and will be also hopefully a good therapeuticum in case of heavy covid-19 infections from people of risk-groups.
The final tests - it's very, very important to do this tests now in a maximum of quality! - will need a longer time now - but there is a good hope that this will work properly.

Pray for a good success of all this efforts and that this all will help many people in the end. And be patient - as hard as it is now to be patient. But when to learn patience, if not now?

And do not forget the current present problems: Wear masks. Wash hands. Keep distance. Do everything what is able to minimize the number of infections. By the way: To wash hands with soap for 20 seconds is the time someone needs to pray a Lords prayer.

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