Somatic Psychology: Directors


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Two 'figurines' in cultural history that symbolize humanity's perspective on physique consciousness and spiritual fitness are the Vitruvian Man (by Leonardo da Vinci) and the Happy Man (or Budai, the Laughing Buddha).

The Vitruvian Man represents the symmetry of the human body and the axis of 'self-folding' created by the perfect parity down the center of the human body (from the forehead through the genitals and down to the center point between the two feet).

The Happy Man represents a balance in some unnamed future attained by a sound perception of self-consciousness and mental fitness.

The Vitruvian Man and the Happy Man help philosophers and 'fitness gurus' (as well as psychologists) better understand the psycho-somatic process and the biochemical homeostasis that governs the cyclical flow of blood, the circulation of oxygen, and the maintenance of brain-body control (or reflexes).

The Hindu god Shiva is thought to be a deity-symbol of perfect body-balance self-awareness and relaxed muscular fitness, so we can use the Vitruvian Man and the Happy Man to understand some of the vitality principles embodied in the philosophical 'aura' of Shiva.

All of this can help us evaluate special 'lifestyle maladies,' 'behavior-related deformities,' 'drug/nutrition regiments,' 'bone-cartilage comfort,' and 'perspiration/labor panic.' Indeed, patients suffering from immune system disorders (e.g., AIDS) can benefit from such analysis of body-systems contiguity. For example, "How much should I exercise and what nutrients should complement my regimen of prescriptive medicines?"

The hope is to coordinate psycho-somatic anxieties (that are lifestyle-related) with cultural/philosophical 'norms.'


SHIVA: Westerners should drink more goat's milk.
VITRUVIAN: That is popular only in the East.
BUDAI: Westerners do not trust its nutritional value.

SHIVA: Patients with AIDS require holistic meditation.
VITRUVIAN: They're frightened of blood.
BUDAI: It's a lifestyle or cultural malady.

SHIVA: Americans like horror films and labor jokes.
VITRUVIAN: Americans are sun-tan obsessive.
BUDAI: Americans like junk food and 'brain-candy.'

SHIVA: Sloth suffocation is a reality.
VITRUVIAN: Dehydration can be 'spiritual.'
BUDAI: The antidote to contortion is heat metrics.


Somatic Psychology

Vitruvian Man

Happy Man (Budai)


Fabletics (Kate Hudson)

To soak up the energy of the universe, you need to think of yourself as a 'sponge.'

The athletics-yoga wear of American celebrity Kate Hudson draws attention to a new age health-lifestyle philosophy: 'do-it-yourself kinesthetics.'

Anyone a fan of Gumby aesthetics?

This may feel like 'comedy' when in fact it is more like 'empirical sociology' which is ironically 'kid-approved.'

"have fun!" meets "gear-up" (a credo often seen in the holistic therapies offered to patients suffering from immune system disorders)

Fabletics (Website)


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