Somalia bans songs


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The Day the Music Died: Somali Islamists Ban Songs - ABC News

Somali radio stations have stopped broadcasting music following an order from Islamist insurgents who say songs are un-Islamic.

Somalia has a tradition of music and most residents greeted the ban with dismay. The edict is the latest unpopular order from Islamists, who have also banned bras, musical ringtones and movies.

Abdulahi Yasin Jama at Tusmo broadcasting says stations had no choice but to comply with the order, which came into force Tuesday. Only one government-controlled station is defying the ban.

The Islamists frequently assassinate those who defy them or carry out Shariah-based punishments like amputating limbs.

The ban on music echoes rules enforced by Afghanistan's hardline Taliban regime in the late 1990s
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I wonder why people fall for these radical beliefs?

Islamists in general have an ideology of enslaving everyone in this kinda of crap. The danger of these religious fanantics should be obvious to just about anybody, yet it continues to thrive like an out of control cancerous blob. It proves one thing however, terrorism works well in many areas of the planet. They should just change their belief to "Religion of Terror".

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