Socialist Girl: If Elected I’ll Be Inaugurated to Congress

let's solve simple poverty via market friendly means; capitalism can do it through compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment; which socialism must consider an inefficiency since it does not promote the general welfare.
Hell. She might make it to the SC as long as she hasn't groped anyone.

Pfffttt.. forget about the Supreme Court, given this country's track record this century....

She's first class, USDA certified Prime, Grade A POTUS material.

After all she already knows all about inaugurations and signing bills into law.
Socialist Girl: If Elected I’ll Be Inaugurated to Congress

Umm yyyyeah that's not what she says Dingbat. Watch the video in your own link.

I swearta god the issue around here isn't partisan hackery so much as simple illiteracy.
Socialist Girl: If Elected I’ll Be Inaugurated to Congress

Umm yyyyeah that's not what she says Dingbat. Watch the video in your own link.

I swearta god the issue around here isn't partisan hackery so much as simple illiteracy.

WTF, clean out your ears.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Bing video

That's exactly the same video I just busted. Four more seconds I'll never get back.

It does not say "to Congress". Wtf, your own link.
Socialist Girl: If Elected I’ll Be Inaugurated to Congress

Umm yyyyeah that's not what she says Dingbat. Watch the video in your own link.

I swearta god the issue around here isn't partisan hackery so much as simple illiteracy.

You are the biggest hack here punk. It's EXACTLY what she said AND meant. Stupid people like you make humans look bad.
Socialist Girl: If Elected I’ll Be Inaugurated to Congress

Umm yyyyeah that's not what she says Dingbat. Watch the video in your own link.

I swearta god the issue around here isn't partisan hackery so much as simple illiteracy.

WTF, clean out your ears.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Bing video

That's exactly the same video I just busted. Four more seconds I'll never get back.

It does not say "to Congress". Wtf, your own link.

You didn't bust shit kid. You're playing silly little word games.
Socialist Girl: If Elected I’ll Be Inaugurated to Congress

Umm yyyyeah that's not what she says Dingbat. Watch the video in your own link.

I swearta god the issue around here isn't partisan hackery so much as simple illiteracy.

You are the biggest hack here punk. It's EXACTLY what she said AND meant. Stupid people like you make humans look bad.

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. Go forth and actually listen to it.

When you finally break down and do that you'll hear laughter in the background. It's a fucking JOKE. Google "joke" if you don't know what that is. Or just look in the mirror.

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