So will the MSM now go after Gretchen Whitmer, I won't hold my breath!

Lol, just like a dumb fucking repug. For those of us paying attention to real news and not propaganda we know the the Michigan republic party sued to prevent the governor from making covid restrictions. Republicans causing the problem and then trying to blame some one else is standard operating procedure for you dumb fucks these days.
This is on the MAGArats

And now MAGArats WANT lockdowns and masks?


You assholes got what you wanted
Lol,all they do is bitch,obstruct and spread hate and fear. The talk about corporate elites and then feed them power with tax cuts. They tell us corporations should have unlimited power to spread dark money. They call dark money freedom of speech. Then when a corporation uses actual speech as freedom of speech, the Turtle tells corporations to shut up or he will use government power to shut them up. They bitch about the loss of their freedom because they do not wanna wear masks. They sue so you can not place any restrictions on them and then blame you for not placing restrictions on them. They have no interest in solving problems they only want to create them and then bitch about them.. You can put mounds upon mounds of evidence in front of them and they call it deep state lies but will believe things with absolutely no evidence what so ever. The sources that feed them these lies get sued, as a defense they state in public record for all to see only morons who are completely unreasonable would belive what I say. Then the right who has just accused the left of cheating at elections passes laws to cheat at elections based on the same lies that their own source says only unreasonable morons would belive . There is just not enough time in the day to list the bat shit crazy that is going on here. It does not seem possible yet here we are. Wow this shit is flat out trippy.
Lol, just like a dumb fucking repug. For those of us paying attention to real news and not propaganda we know the the Michigan republic party sued to prevent the governor from making covid restrictions. Republicans causing the problem and then trying to blame some one else is standard operating procedure for you dumb fucks these days.
This is on the MAGArats

And now MAGArats WANT lockdowns and masks?


You assholes got what you wanted
Lol,all they do is bitch,obstruct and spread hate and fear. The talk about corporate elites and then feed them power with tax cuts. They tell us corporations should have unlimited power to spread dark money. They call dark money freedom of speech. Then when a corporation uses actual speech as freedom of speech, the Turtle tells corporations to shut up or he will use government power to shut them up. They bitch about the loss of their freedom because they do not wanna wear masks. They sue so you can not place any restrictions on them and then blame you for not placing restrictions on them. They have no interest in solving problems they only want to create them and then bitch about them.. You can put mounds upon mounds of evidence in front of them and they call it deep state lies but will believe things with absolutely no evidence what so ever. The sources that feed them these lies get sued, as a defense they state in public record for all to see only morons who are completely unreasonable would belive what I say. Then the right who has just accused the left of cheating at elections passes laws to cheat at elections based on the same lies that their own source says only unreasonable morons would belive . There is just not enough time in the day to list the bat shit crazy that is going on here. It does not seem possible yet here we are. Wow this shit is flat out trippy.
We're asking for election laws that make people feel confident that their vote isn't being cancelled out by someone's vote that isn't eligible to vote. How is that "cheating"?
Michigan is #1 in new Covid cases, and surging.
However, the governor has said she will not create any new mandates to curb the surge, and instead rely on people's "common sense".
She's sounding like a Republican governor.

My question is, will Dimocrats and their MSM go after her like they've went after Republican governors who have not shut their states down?

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates

With her state battling the biggest surge of new COVID-19 cases in the nation, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says she will not issue new mandates to blunt the outbreak, relying instead on the common sense of a citizenry now experienced in struggling with the deadly virus for over a year.

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates (
CNN was ripping the decision up one side and down the other this morning.

Witmer can NOT issue an Executive Order for masking The state SC has ruled so.

Typical right wing nonsense. They get what they demand and then bitch about it

Christ you're dense.

I'll try again................ NO ONE ON THE RIGHT IS BITCHING ABOUT WITMER's LACK OF ACTION DURING THIS SURGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is about whether Dimocrats and the MSM, WHO HAVE WENT AFTER SOME GOP GOVERNOR's FOR NOT CLOSING EVERYTHING DOWN will now attack Witmer for her refusal to act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Witmer can NOT issue an Executive Order for masking The state SC has ruled so.

Typical right wing nonsense. They get what they demand and then bitch about it
Care to take a crack at explaining why Whitmer ISN'T mandating lock downs for this surge when she did for earlier surges, Lesh? What's different between then and now? A different person sitting in the Oval Office perhaps?
Michigan is #1 in new Covid cases, and surging.
However, the governor has said she will not create any new mandates to curb the surge, and instead rely on people's "common sense".
She's sounding like a Republican governor.

My question is, will Dimocrats and their MSM go after her like they've went after Republican governors who have not shut their states down?

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates

With her state battling the biggest surge of new COVID-19 cases in the nation, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says she will not issue new mandates to blunt the outbreak, relying instead on the common sense of a citizenry now experienced in struggling with the deadly virus for over a year.

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates (
CNN was ripping the decision up one side and down the other this morning.

I will have to look at that.
That indeed would be interesting if true.
Michigan is #1 in new Covid cases, and surging.
However, the governor has said she will not create any new mandates to curb the surge, and instead rely on people's "common sense".
She's sounding like a Republican governor.

My question is, will Dimocrats and their MSM go after her like they've went after Republican governors who have not shut their states down?

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates

With her state battling the biggest surge of new COVID-19 cases in the nation, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says she will not issue new mandates to blunt the outbreak, relying instead on the common sense of a citizenry now experienced in struggling with the deadly virus for over a year.

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates (
She's dealing with the incompetence of Ron DeathSantis, and returning Spring Breakers.
Scaping the bottom of the excuse barrel, are we?
Michigan is #1 in new Covid cases, and surging.
However, the governor has said she will not create any new mandates to curb the surge, and instead rely on people's "common sense".
She's sounding like a Republican governor.

My question is, will Dimocrats and their MSM go after her like they've went after Republican governors who have not shut their states down?

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates

With her state battling the biggest surge of new COVID-19 cases in the nation, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says she will not issue new mandates to blunt the outbreak, relying instead on the common sense of a citizenry now experienced in struggling with the deadly virus for over a year.

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates (
She's dealing with the incompetence of Ron DeathSantis, and returning Spring Breakers.
What a crock! Rates are going DOWN in Florida despite the fact that DeSantis has opened up Florida more than almost any other place in the country! Would you like to explain why they're going up in Michigan? Governor Gretchen "Lock It Down!" Whitmer can't! Her policies put thousands of Michigan businesses out of business. Now she doesn't know what to do! She told everyone they had to make that sacrifice before when cases surged...back when it was politically advantageous to hurt the national economy of Donald Trump...but now she's painted herself into a corner with that policy because Biden is President!


The Trump cult demands, using constant threats of violence and every legal means available to them, that the gov do things that will spread COVID catastrophically.

She does those things. It spreads COVID catastophciallly.

Instead of admitting just how badly they screwed up, and how badly they acted, they demand we attack the gov.

Nope. The violent Trump cult fascists are the ones at fault here.
And yet other places that have been doing those things are not experiencing those problems like that. Odd, isn't it, or is it just easier when you can cherrypick the bits you want to present?
Michigan is #1 in new Covid cases, and surging.
However, the governor has said she will not create any new mandates to curb the surge, and instead rely on people's "common sense".
She's sounding like a Republican governor.

My question is, will Dimocrats and their MSM go after her like they've went after Republican governors who have not shut their states down?

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates

With her state battling the biggest surge of new COVID-19 cases in the nation, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says she will not issue new mandates to blunt the outbreak, relying instead on the common sense of a citizenry now experienced in struggling with the deadly virus for over a year.

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates (
CNN was ripping the decision up one side and down the other this morning.

I will have to look at that.
That indeed would be interesting if true.
To be fair they were on the republican led legislature's ass as well, but they weren't cutting whitmer any slack.
Michigan is #1 in new Covid cases, and surging.
However, the governor has said she will not create any new mandates to curb the surge, and instead rely on people's "common sense".
She's sounding like a Republican governor.

My question is, will Dimocrats and their MSM go after her like they've went after Republican governors who have not shut their states down?

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates

With her state battling the biggest surge of new COVID-19 cases in the nation, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says she will not issue new mandates to blunt the outbreak, relying instead on the common sense of a citizenry now experienced in struggling with the deadly virus for over a year.

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates (
She's dealing with the incompetence of Ron DeathSantis, and returning Spring Breakers.
What a crock! Rates are going DOWN in Florida despite the fact that DeSantis has opened up Florida more than almost any other place in the country! Would you like to explain why they're going up in Michigan? Governor Gretchen "Lock It Down!" Whitmer can't! Her policies put thousands of Michigan businesses out of business. Now she doesn't know what to do! She told everyone they had to make that sacrifice before when cases surged...back when it was politically advantageous to hurt the national economy of Donald Trump...but now she's painted herself into a corner with that policy because Biden is President!

The Tallahassee Democrat is your source? Based on a USA Today analysis? LOL
Michigan is #1 in new Covid cases, and surging.
However, the governor has said she will not create any new mandates to curb the surge, and instead rely on people's "common sense".
She's sounding like a Republican governor.

My question is, will Dimocrats and their MSM go after her like they've went after Republican governors who have not shut their states down?

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates

With her state battling the biggest surge of new COVID-19 cases in the nation, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says she will not issue new mandates to blunt the outbreak, relying instead on the common sense of a citizenry now experienced in struggling with the deadly virus for over a year.

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates (
She's dealing with the incompetence of Ron DeathSantis, and returning Spring Breakers.
What a crock! Rates are going DOWN in Florida despite the fact that DeSantis has opened up Florida more than almost any other place in the country! Would you like to explain why they're going up in Michigan? Governor Gretchen "Lock It Down!" Whitmer can't! Her policies put thousands of Michigan businesses out of business. Now she doesn't know what to do! She told everyone they had to make that sacrifice before when cases surged...back when it was politically advantageous to hurt the national economy of Donald Trump...but now she's painted herself into a corner with that policy because Biden is President!

The Tallahassee Democrat is your source? Based on a USA Today analysis? LOL

How many would you like?
Michigan is #1 in new Covid cases, and surging.
However, the governor has said she will not create any new mandates to curb the surge, and instead rely on people's "common sense".
She's sounding like a Republican governor.

My question is, will Dimocrats and their MSM go after her like they've went after Republican governors who have not shut their states down?

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates

With her state battling the biggest surge of new COVID-19 cases in the nation, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says she will not issue new mandates to blunt the outbreak, relying instead on the common sense of a citizenry now experienced in struggling with the deadly virus for over a year.

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates (
She's dealing with the incompetence of Ron DeathSantis, and returning Spring Breakers.
What a crock! Rates are going DOWN in Florida despite the fact that DeSantis has opened up Florida more than almost any other place in the country! Would you like to explain why they're going up in Michigan? Governor Gretchen "Lock It Down!" Whitmer can't! Her policies put thousands of Michigan businesses out of business. Now she doesn't know what to do! She told everyone they had to make that sacrifice before when cases surged...back when it was politically advantageous to hurt the national economy of Donald Trump...but now she's painted herself into a corner with that policy because Biden is President!

The Tallahassee Democrat is your source? Based on a USA Today analysis? LOL

How many would you like?
You can quote as many sources as you like in the liberal main stream media, Crep and that won't change the very real fact that life has returned to normal in Florida and people are flocking here by the thousands because THIS State isn't Michigan or New York or any of the other liberally controlled States that destroyed the lives of their constituents with draconian lockdowns that made no sense at all! Noem and DeSantis got it right...Cuomo and Whitmer got it wrong.

I've never seen so many people relocating in all the years I've lived here! They want OUT of States that are controlled by liberals.
Michigan is #1 in new Covid cases, and surging.
However, the governor has said she will not create any new mandates to curb the surge, and instead rely on people's "common sense".
She's sounding like a Republican governor.

My question is, will Dimocrats and their MSM go after her like they've went after Republican governors who have not shut their states down?

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates

With her state battling the biggest surge of new COVID-19 cases in the nation, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says she will not issue new mandates to blunt the outbreak, relying instead on the common sense of a citizenry now experienced in struggling with the deadly virus for over a year.

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates (
She's dealing with the incompetence of Ron DeathSantis, and returning Spring Breakers.
What a crock! Rates are going DOWN in Florida despite the fact that DeSantis has opened up Florida more than almost any other place in the country! Would you like to explain why they're going up in Michigan? Governor Gretchen "Lock It Down!" Whitmer can't! Her policies put thousands of Michigan businesses out of business. Now she doesn't know what to do! She told everyone they had to make that sacrifice before when cases surged...back when it was politically advantageous to hurt the national economy of Donald Trump...but now she's painted herself into a corner with that policy because Biden is President!

The Tallahassee Democrat is your source? Based on a USA Today analysis? LOL

How many would you like?
You can quote as many sources as you like in the liberal main stream media, Crep and that won't change the very real fact that life has returned to normal in Florida and people are flocking here by the thousands because THIS State isn't Michigan or New York or any of the other liberally controlled States that destroyed the lives of their constituents with draconian lockdowns that made no sense at all! Noem and DeSantis got it right...Cuomo and Whitmer got it wrong.

I've never seen so many people relocating in all the years I've lived here! They want OUT of States that are controlled by liberals.

I've noticed real estate prices in Florida have really been increasing.
Michigan is #1 in new Covid cases, and surging.
However, the governor has said she will not create any new mandates to curb the surge, and instead rely on people's "common sense".
She's sounding like a Republican governor.

My question is, will Dimocrats and their MSM go after her like they've went after Republican governors who have not shut their states down?

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates

With her state battling the biggest surge of new COVID-19 cases in the nation, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says she will not issue new mandates to blunt the outbreak, relying instead on the common sense of a citizenry now experienced in struggling with the deadly virus for over a year.

Michigan's COVID cases surge to alarming levels, but governor rejects new mandates (
She's dealing with the incompetence of Ron DeathSantis, and returning Spring Breakers.
What a crock! Rates are going DOWN in Florida despite the fact that DeSantis has opened up Florida more than almost any other place in the country! Would you like to explain why they're going up in Michigan? Governor Gretchen "Lock It Down!" Whitmer can't! Her policies put thousands of Michigan businesses out of business. Now she doesn't know what to do! She told everyone they had to make that sacrifice before when cases surged...back when it was politically advantageous to hurt the national economy of Donald Trump...but now she's painted herself into a corner with that policy because Biden is President!

The Tallahassee Democrat is your source? Based on a USA Today analysis? LOL
They are newspapers. You may have heard of them before you lost your mind.
Lol, just like a dumb fucking repug. For those of us paying attention to real news and not propaganda we know the the Michigan republic party sued to prevent the governor from making covid restrictions. Republicans causing the problem and then trying to blame some one else is standard operating procedure for you dumb fucks these days.
This is on the MAGArats

And now MAGArats WANT lockdowns and masks?


You assholes got what you wanted
Lol,all they do is bitch,obstruct and spread hate and fear. The talk about corporate elites and then feed them power with tax cuts. They tell us corporations should have unlimited power to spread dark money. They call dark money freedom of speech. Then when a corporation uses actual speech as freedom of speech, the Turtle tells corporations to shut up or he will use government power to shut them up. They bitch about the loss of their freedom because they do not wanna wear masks. They sue so you can not place any restrictions on them and then blame you for not placing restrictions on them. They have no interest in solving problems they only want to create them and then bitch about them.. You can put mounds upon mounds of evidence in front of them and they call it deep state lies but will believe things with absolutely no evidence what so ever. The sources that feed them these lies get sued, as a defense they state in public record for all to see only morons who are completely unreasonable would belive what I say. Then the right who has just accused the left of cheating at elections passes laws to cheat at elections based on the same lies that their own source says only unreasonable morons would belive . There is just not enough time in the day to list the bat shit crazy that is going on here. It does not seem possible yet here we are. Wow this shit is flat out trippy.
We're asking for election laws that make people feel confident that their vote isn't being cancelled out by someone's vote that isn't eligible to vote. How is that "cheating"?
There was absolutely no evidence that happened. What you are looking for is long lines in the city so eligible voters can't vote. We all know it. So take the rest of that horse shit and put it where it belongs.
Lol, just like a dumb fucking repug. For those of us paying attention to real news and not propaganda we know the the Michigan republic party sued to prevent the governor from making covid restrictions. Republicans causing the problem and then trying to blame some one else is standard operating procedure for you dumb fucks these days.
This is on the MAGArats

And now MAGArats WANT lockdowns and masks?


You assholes got what you wanted
Lol,all they do is bitch,obstruct and spread hate and fear. The talk about corporate elites and then feed them power with tax cuts. They tell us corporations should have unlimited power to spread dark money. They call dark money freedom of speech. Then when a corporation uses actual speech as freedom of speech, the Turtle tells corporations to shut up or he will use government power to shut them up. They bitch about the loss of their freedom because they do not wanna wear masks. They sue so you can not place any restrictions on them and then blame you for not placing restrictions on them. They have no interest in solving problems they only want to create them and then bitch about them.. You can put mounds upon mounds of evidence in front of them and they call it deep state lies but will believe things with absolutely no evidence what so ever. The sources that feed them these lies get sued, as a defense they state in public record for all to see only morons who are completely unreasonable would belive what I say. Then the right who has just accused the left of cheating at elections passes laws to cheat at elections based on the same lies that their own source says only unreasonable morons would belive . There is just not enough time in the day to list the bat shit crazy that is going on here. It does not seem possible yet here we are. Wow this shit is flat out trippy.
We're asking for election laws that make people feel confident that their vote isn't being cancelled out by someone's vote that isn't eligible to vote. How is that "cheating"?
There was absolutely no evidence that happened. What you are looking for is long lines in the city so eligible voters can't vote. We all know it. So take the rest of that horse shit and put it where it belongs.
I'm looking for requiring a valid picture ID to vote! I'm looking for an end to ballot "harvesting"! I'm looking for an end to the mailing out of ballots to where voters may or may not live! None of those things will result in long lines for voters. Getting rid of all of those things will result in more confidence in our election process of which there is little right now!

You on the left are trying to make our elections less secure because it will allow people to vote who aren't eligible. We all know THAT! You require an ID to get into the Democratic National Convention but don't think one should be required to go and vote! You can put THAT where the sun don't shine!

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