So which is it? Did the Trump admin. do a good job with the virus, or was your panic porn totally wrong...and still is?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Which is it?

Good ol' Jim Acostus today at the white house briefing... "we have reached 200,000 deaths in this country, what does this administration say to the people who are outraged by this and the Ptresidents poor performance"?
What the hell Jimbo?
For months the left media and the left officials pushed the panic porn button over and over and over 2,000,000 will DIE!!!! unless Trump does XYZ!!! OH MY GOD ... we could have up to 4,000,000 dead even!!! TRRRRUUUUMMMPP!!!!!!!!!

And here we are 200,000. And that includes many-many the CDC has already stated died of other factors, but were CV positive when died, so they were counted as Covid deaths. So which the hell is it??? Did Trumps administration save 1.8 million people - or - was your panic porn wrong all along??
You don't get to have it both ways...and at this point - you guys look stupid as fuck for STILL pushing the panic porn every damn day!!!

Which is it Democrats??

Which is it?

Good ol' Jim Acostus today at the white house briefing... "we have reached 200,000 deaths in this country, what does this administration say to the people who are outraged by this and the Ptresidents poor performance"?
What the hell Jimbo?
For months the left media and the left officials pushed the panic porn button over and over and over 2,000,000 will DIE!!!! unless Trump does XYZ!!! OH MY GOD ... we could have up to 4,000,000 dead even!!! TRRRRUUUUMMMPP!!!!!!!!!

And here we are 200,000. And that includes many-many the CDC has already stated died of other factors, but were CV positive when died, so they were counted as Covid deaths. So which the hell is it??? Did Trumps administration save 1.8 million people - or - was your panic porn wrong all along??
You don't get to have it both ways...and at this point - you guys look stupid as fuck for STILL pushing the panic porn every damn day!!!

Which is it Democrats??

It's all they have!
They actually don't care what the facts are.
They only care about Transforming America (which they've had great success at btw)
The quickest path to Tranforming America is destroying America.

My only question to the collective Left is......
WHY Do You Want a Dictator ? Don't you know dictators won't care about your well being?
(And if you don't know that's what you are fighting for, then you are too stupid to be voting at all)
It is a national shame... seriously.
For several months straight the numbers are getting better every day.
The two main numbers is the daily hospitalization rate, and the daily death rates. NEITHER do you hear the CNN crowd talk about.
The refuse to. Because it is getting better and better.
The United States death per capita numbers are great. Even when you include the deaths that the CDC has ADMITTED that they were not really CV deaths, only tested positive at time of death, but they actually died of something else.
Our numbers are GOOD.
But oh noo.... gotta keep the panic porn going!!
It's not the literal response, it's how duplicitous the ass hole spoke about the science, the masks, the numbers and the severity which then caused a rift between the "purritikow pawwties" like everything else does - Trump's nut lickers are anti mask, virus is a hoax/no big dealers and the Dems full-retard the other way. But what side was Trump on, exactly? Both, he was an ass hole blathering off the cuff anti mask, its a hoax shit at rallies and then when questioned/pressed with the science, out of the other side of his face saying that masks are patriotic.

In a private interview saying that it's way worse than the flu, and then in public interviews saying it's no worse than the flu.

Pretty sure his "however the wind blows" response is what people are intuiting when they mock him for it. And rightly so.
Why does the colletive, reactionary right want to Trumpfom America into a hell hole

WHY Do You Want a Dictator ?
It's all they have!
And Americans believe it because Trump gets horrible ratings from the public on his administration's handling of the virus.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Only the rabid Left gives him bad ratings.
And those are all anti-American low IQ morons.

2/3 of Americans is not the rabid left, tard.

Those stats stink.
You must have pulled them out of your ass

One thing about you Left leaners is that you believe ANYTHING if it comes from a source that hates trump
Which is it?

Good ol' Jim Acostus today at the white house briefing... "we have reached 200,000 deaths in this country, what does this administration say to the people who are outraged by this and the Ptresidents poor performance"?
What the hell Jimbo?
For months the left media and the left officials pushed the panic porn button over and over and over 2,000,000 will DIE!!!! unless Trump does XYZ!!! OH MY GOD ... we could have up to 4,000,000 dead even!!! TRRRRUUUUMMMPP!!!!!!!!!

And here we are 200,000. And that includes many-many the CDC has already stated died of other factors, but were CV positive when died, so they were counted as Covid deaths. So which the hell is it??? Did Trumps administration save 1.8 million people - or - was your panic porn wrong all along??
You don't get to have it both ways...and at this point - you guys look stupid as fuck for STILL pushing the panic porn every damn day!!!

Which is it Democrats??

Trump owns the infection numbers, the deaths, and the economic carnage. It was clear from the outset of the virus spreading he had no interest in doing the actual job he was elected to do. He was more interested in campaigning, golfing, and tweeting. And I didn't need Woodwards tapes to tell me that. Not sure what you are confused by here.
Why does the colletive, reactionary right want to Trumpfom America into a hell hole

WHY Do You Want a Dictator ?

Name the state where Trump has dictated the closing of businesses..... the LEFTIST states that have done so.

You are a fool. that is all
Name the positives that Trump has done in failing to COVID

You WILL NOT trumpform America
BHU cannot handle the truth that guts Trump like a fresh fish flopping on the front lawn.

Covid 19 is a horror for fools who also believe the kings invisible clothes are stunning
You should never underestimate a Cult leader's ability to divide.

A couple of days after the George Floyd thing popped off, Trump on camera was saying it's very sad and that something should be done, he empathizes with the protestors and the need for police reform and will be reaching out to George's family, they killed an innocent man.

That SAME DAY a few hours later, re-tweeting a story about Floyd's criminal records.

The President, at the beginning, saying he stands by the peaceful Protesters and will clamp down on the rioters...then evolved once it was "cool" to calling all of the Protesters rioters.

The duplicitous divider does this on just about every topic.

It's a big fuckin yawn, to me. He loves your emo-feels, left and right.
"we have reached 200,000 deaths in this country, what does this administration say to the people who are outraged by this and the President's poor performance"?

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