So Much For 'Every Woman Must Be Believed': Abrams Says '$crew Women' In Sucking Up To Joe For VP Chance

Stacey Abrams on Tara Reade sexual assault allegation: 'I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden'

Stacey Abrams on Tara Reade sexual assault allegation:
'I believe Joe Biden'

During his Presidential Campaign so far Joe demonstrated:

1. He could not remember what political office he is running for:
-- "I'm Joe Biden, and I am running for the US SENATE..."

2. He could not remember what STATE he was in
-- That's still better than Barry, who thought there were 57 states

3. He could not tell the difference between / did not know his SISTER from his own WIFE

....and yet Stacey Abrams claims, 'I BELIEVE JOE BIDEN'.


Abrams is so pathetic, so desperate to get the not to be Biden's VP selection that she is demonstrating she is willing to kiss Joe Biden's old, white, wrinkled, pedophile, hair-sniffing, women-groping ass, throwing women under the proverbial bus if that's what it takes.

Alyssa Milano, the liberal Hollywood self-proclaimed Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Party's #MeToo / All-Women-Must-Be-Believed Conservative/GOP-Targeting Attack Dog, completely abandoned the Democrats' / Hillary mantra of 'Every Woman Must Be Believed', as well, but at least she made an attempt to make it seem she gives a damn about women who have been sexually assaulted ... by anyone except a Democrat..

For Milano, It's no longer '#MeToo' or 'Every Woman Must Be Believed' - It's 'I See and Hear You'...something Joe Biden himself refuses to acknowledge.

At least Milano and others now are coming out and insisting it must be investigated. They are at least smart enough to know a FAUX investigation must at least be attempted to create the PERCEPTION that their hypocrisy does not exist and Biden is being treated at least 1/10th as badly as Kavanaugh and his family were.

Abrams, however, just publicly declared, 'Screw Reade, Screw Women, no investigation needed, nothing to see here - I BELIEVE JOE....NEXT!'

You would think every woman being considered as Joe's VP would want this settled...for Joe Biden himself to at least acknowledge this accusation, which he refuses to do. so far Abrams is the only one who is publicly come out to say 'I don't care if this old white guy felt up some white intern years ago - I want to be the next VP!'

But you didn’t believe Ford, so what’s your complaint, MAGAt?
I don't really believe the woman accusing Biden, but she actually has witnesses and Ford didn't. You believed her though.
Stacey Abrams on Tara Reade sexual assault allegation: 'I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden'

Stacey Abrams on Tara Reade sexual assault allegation:
'I believe Joe Biden'

During his Presidential Campaign so far Joe demonstrated:

1. He could not remember what political office he is running for:
-- "I'm Joe Biden, and I am running for the US SENATE..."

2. He could not remember what STATE he was in
-- That's still better than Barry, who thought there were 57 states

3. He could not tell the difference between / did not know his SISTER from his own WIFE

....and yet Stacey Abrams claims, 'I BELIEVE JOE BIDEN'.


Abrams is so pathetic, so desperate to get the not to be Biden's VP selection that she is demonstrating she is willing to kiss Joe Biden's old, white, wrinkled, pedophile, hair-sniffing, women-groping ass, throwing women under the proverbial bus if that's what it takes.

Alyssa Milano, the liberal Hollywood self-proclaimed Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Party's #MeToo / All-Women-Must-Be-Believed Conservative/GOP-Targeting Attack Dog, completely abandoned the Democrats' / Hillary mantra of 'Every Woman Must Be Believed', as well, but at least she made an attempt to make it seem she gives a damn about women who have been sexually assaulted ... by anyone except a Democrat..

For Milano, It's no longer '#MeToo' or 'Every Woman Must Be Believed' - It's 'I See and Hear You'...something Joe Biden himself refuses to acknowledge.

At least Milano and others now are coming out and insisting it must be investigated. They are at least smart enough to know a FAUX investigation must at least be attempted to create the PERCEPTION that their hypocrisy does not exist and Biden is being treated at least 1/10th as badly as Kavanaugh and his family were.

Abrams, however, just publicly declared, 'Screw Reade, Screw Women, no investigation needed, nothing to see here - I BELIEVE JOE....NEXT!'

You would think every woman being considered as Joe's VP would want this settled...for Joe Biden himself to at least acknowledge this accusation, which he refuses to do. so far Abrams is the only one who is publicly come out to say 'I don't care if this old white guy felt up some white intern years ago - I want to be the next VP!'

But you didn’t believe Ford, so what’s your complaint, MAGAt?
I don't really believe the woman accusing Biden, but she actually has witnesses and Ford didn't. You believed her though.

It’s politically driven bullshit and they all know it.

I heard one asshole on TV say the Kavanaugh thing was more important because it’s a lifetime appointment and the President is 8 years at most.

Talk about slinging bullshit.
Stacey Abrams on Tara Reade sexual assault allegation: 'I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden''I believe Joe Biden'

Stacey Abrams on Tara Reade sexual assault allegation:
'I believe Joe Biden'

During his Presidential Campaign so far Joe demonstrated:

1. He could not remember what political office he is running for:
-- "I'm Joe Biden, and I am running for the US SENATE..."

2. He could not remember what STATE he was in
-- That's still better than Barry, who thought there were 57 states

3. He could not tell the difference between / did not know his SISTER from his own WIFE

....and yet Stacey Abrams claims, 'I BELIEVE JOE BIDEN'.


Abrams is so pathetic, so desperate to get the not to be Biden's VP selection that she is demonstrating she is willing to kiss Joe Biden's old, white, wrinkled, pedophile, hair-sniffing, women-groping ass, throwing women under the proverbial bus if that's what it takes.

Alyssa Milano, the liberal Hollywood self-proclaimed Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Party's #MeToo / All-Women-Must-Be-Believed Conservative/GOP-Targeting Attack Dog, completely abandoned the Democrats' / Hillary mantra of 'Every Woman Must Be Believed', as well, but at least she made an attempt to make it seem she gives a damn about women who have been sexually assaulted ... by anyone except a Democrat..

For Milano, It's no longer '#MeToo' or 'Every Woman Must Be Believed' - It's 'I See and Hear You'...something Joe Biden himself refuses to acknowledge.

At least Milano and others now are coming out and insisting it must be investigated. They are at least smart enough to know a FAUX investigation must at least be attempted to create the PERCEPTION that their hypocrisy does not exist and Biden is being treated at least 1/10th as badly as Kavanaugh and his family were.

Abrams, however, just publicly declared, 'Screw Reade, Screw Women, no investigation needed, nothing to see here - I BELIEVE JOE....NEXT!'

You would think every woman being considered as Joe's VP would want this settled...for Joe Biden himself to at least acknowledge this accusation, which he refuses to do. so far Abrams is the only one who is publicly come out to say 'I don't care if this old white guy felt up some white intern years ago - I want to be the next VP!'

But you didn’t believe Ford, so what’s your complaint, MAGAt?
I don't really believe the woman accusing Biden, but she actually has witnesses and Ford didn't. You believed her though.

If I had to pick one to believe, it would be Reade. I don't know what her possible motivation could be besides perhaps money. Ford's was clear. She was a baby killing activist. A pussy hat wearer. A lib college professor. She had plenty of political reasons to try and keep Kavanaugh out of the courts.
If I had to pick one to believe, it would be Reade
Shocking! :laughing0301:

Glad you think it's so funny, but your day is coming real soon. Politics is one thing, but your lowlife party will ruin the lives of good and honest people like Kavanuagh and Flynn, and not think twice about it. God has a way of dealing with people like that, and it's why Donald Trump is our President today.

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