so how does AlGore, Greta Thunberg and all you global warming enthusiasts explain this?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
CORCORAN, Calif. —
Sixth Avenue used to cut through miles of farmland. Now, the road has disappeared under muddy water, its path marked by sodden telephone poles that protrude from the swelling lake. Water laps just below the windows of a lone farmhouse that sits alongside the submerged route.

Thousands of acres of cropland have been inundated in this heavily farmed swath of the San Joaquin Valley. And the water just keeps rising.

For the first time in decades, Tulare Lake is reappearing in the valley, reclaiming the lowlands at its historic heart. Once the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River, Tulare Lake was largely drained in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as the rivers that fed it were dammed and diverted for agriculture.

So Al,Greta, all you global warming evangelistas... where did all this water come from making up 40 years of drought?
CORCORAN, Calif. —
Sixth Avenue used to cut through miles of farmland. Now, the road has disappeared under muddy water, its path marked by sodden telephone poles that protrude from the swelling lake. Water laps just below the windows of a lone farmhouse that sits alongside the submerged route.

Thousands of acres of cropland have been inundated in this heavily farmed swath of the San Joaquin Valley. And the water just keeps rising.

For the first time in decades, Tulare Lake is reappearing in the valley, reclaiming the lowlands at its historic heart. Once the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River, Tulare Lake was largely drained in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as the rivers that fed it were dammed and diverted for agriculture.

So Al,Greta, all you global warming evangelistas... where did all this water come from making up 40 years of drought?
Wow, you are seriously asking that question. Global warming means warmer and WETTER storms. I mean "Du Huh".

If it's dry...climate alarmist say it's drought caused by global warming (or "climate change")
If it's wet...climate alarmist say it's deluge caused by global warming (or "climate change")
If it's hot...climate alarmist say it's heat caused by global warming (or "climate change")
If it's cold...climate alarmist say it's chill caused by global warming (or "climate change")

You get the drift.
CORCORAN, Calif. —
Sixth Avenue used to cut through miles of farmland. Now, the road has disappeared under muddy water, its path marked by sodden telephone poles that protrude from the swelling lake. Water laps just below the windows of a lone farmhouse that sits alongside the submerged route.

Thousands of acres of cropland have been inundated in this heavily farmed swath of the San Joaquin Valley. And the water just keeps rising.

For the first time in decades, Tulare Lake is reappearing in the valley, reclaiming the lowlands at its historic heart. Once the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River, Tulare Lake was largely drained in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as the rivers that fed it were dammed and diverted for agriculture.

So Al,Greta, all you global warming evangelistas... where did all this water come from making up 40 years of drought?
Cool. All the republicans stranded there can rely on disastrous flooding to bring their lake back every few decades.
CORCORAN, Calif. —
Sixth Avenue used to cut through miles of farmland. Now, the road has disappeared under muddy water, its path marked by sodden telephone poles that protrude from the swelling lake. Water laps just below the windows of a lone farmhouse that sits alongside the submerged route.

Thousands of acres of cropland have been inundated in this heavily farmed swath of the San Joaquin Valley. And the water just keeps rising.

For the first time in decades, Tulare Lake is reappearing in the valley, reclaiming the lowlands at its historic heart. Once the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River, Tulare Lake was largely drained in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as the rivers that fed it were dammed and diverted for agriculture.

So Al,Greta, all you global warming evangelistas... where did all this water come from making up 40 years of drought?
Weve been 13 degrees below normal all spring
I've only been golfing twjce
If it's dry...climate alarmist say it's drought caused by global warming (or "climate change")
If it's wet...climate alarmist say it's deluge caused by global warming (or "climate change")
If it's hot...climate alarmist say it's heat caused by global warming (or "climate change")
If it's cold...climate alarmist say it's chill caused by global warming (or "climate change")

You get the drift.
Climate change makes for shorter winters

Climate change makes for harsher winters

Climate change means less snow

Climate change means more snow

Climate change causes droughts in California

Climate change causes floods in Texas and Oklahoma

Climate change makes wet places wetter and dry places drier...

...except when it makes wet places dryer...

...and dry places wetter

Climate change causes more hurricanes

Climate change causes less hurricanes

Climate change causes more rain (but less water)

Climate change causes less rain

Climate change decreases the spread of malaria

Climate change increases the spread of malaria

Climate change makes San Francisco foggier

Climate change makes San Francisco less foggy

Climate change causes duller autumn leaves

Climate changes causes more colourful autumn leaves

Climate change makes for less salty seas

Climate change makes for saltier seas

Climate change causes Antarctica to lose land ice

Climate change causes Antarctica to gain land ice

Climate change makes the earth hotter...

...unless the earth isn't getting hotter... which case climate change can explain that, too.

Science as Falsification
CORCORAN, Calif. —
Sixth Avenue used to cut through miles of farmland. Now, the road has disappeared under muddy water, its path marked by sodden telephone poles that protrude from the swelling lake. Water laps just below the windows of a lone farmhouse that sits alongside the submerged route.

Thousands of acres of cropland have been inundated in this heavily farmed swath of the San Joaquin Valley. And the water just keeps rising.

For the first time in decades, Tulare Lake is reappearing in the valley, reclaiming the lowlands at its historic heart. Once the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River, Tulare Lake was largely drained in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as the rivers that fed it were dammed and diverted for agriculture.

So Al,Greta, all you global warming evangelistas... where did all this water come from making up 40 years of drought?
. . . and then they will tell us this summer, when it is bone dry in California, and the Californian environmental authorities have released all the water that has filled their reservoirs, into the rivers to, "save endangered species," or "encorage salmon runs," rather than help with water scarcity. . . and that there are water problems & drought out west. :oops:


Facing Dry Year, CA State Water Board is Draining California Reservoirs​

Facing Dry Year, CA State Water Board is Draining California Reservoirs - California Political Review

". . . Deja vu: In 2018, we addressed the California Water Resources Control Board and lawmakers’ charges of its misplaced priorities:

As chairwoman of the California Water Resources Control Board, Felicia Marcus oversees a massive state bureaucracy with a $1 billion annual budget.

In a prescient op ed today (2018) in the Modesto Bee, Assemblyman Adam Gray (D-Merced) had some harsh words for Marcus and her radical environmental cohorts. “Despite her promises to the contrary, she and her board have used their immense authority to jeopardize – not protect – the economy and drinking water supplies of the Northern San Joaquin Valley.”

Gray says, “The State Water Board claims it needs the water to help restore fish populations, but an earlier version of their own report suggested their plan would result in little more than an additional 1,000 fish per year.”

“Irrigation districts in Merced, Turlock and Modesto have all proposed responsible alternatives that call for a combination of increased water flows, habitat restoration and predation controls,” Gray said. “Unsurprisingly, the State Water Board has rejected those proposals out of hand while continuing to preach a preference for voluntary settlements.”

“The truth is, the board will never be happy until it gets our water – no matter the consequence to our economy or our drinking water supplies,” Gray added.

California’s residents, farmers and ranchers find themselves in this untenable situation once again. . . "

Trust me on this. . . come summer, the folks ruling out in California, will be lying to the nation, so that fish can live, while prices of food skyrocket.
CORCORAN, Calif. —
Sixth Avenue used to cut through miles of farmland. Now, the road has disappeared under muddy water, its path marked by sodden telephone poles that protrude from the swelling lake. Water laps just below the windows of a lone farmhouse that sits alongside the submerged route.

Thousands of acres of cropland have been inundated in this heavily farmed swath of the San Joaquin Valley. And the water just keeps rising.

For the first time in decades, Tulare Lake is reappearing in the valley, reclaiming the lowlands at its historic heart. Once the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River, Tulare Lake was largely drained in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as the rivers that fed it were dammed and diverted for agriculture.

So Al,Greta, all you global warming evangelistas... where did all this water come from making up 40 years of drought?
Cmon man, obviously the lake is racist.
Wow, you are seriously asking that question. Global warming means warmer and WETTER storms. I mean "Du Huh".

You fool! It’s Manmade Global Climate Warming Change!!


Warmer= Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Atmospheric River Bomb Cyclone Doomer = Moonat
Wow, you are seriously asking that question. Global warming means warmer and WETTER storms. I mean "Du Huh".

I'm here In california and we are freezing our ass off. It feels like January... not almost April, so
have no idea what you're talking about. This definately isnt a warm front.
How about we all just agree to do our best to take care of our environment and stop playing both sides of the hyperbolic political games??
The global power elite consolidating power with their scams is an issue. I guarantee you there are men in police uniforms who would defend these people. You think they are nice. their actions though over the years are not so nice.
How about we all just agree to do our best to take care of our environment and stop playing both sides of the hyperbolic political games??
I wish it were that simple. The folks that are really in control, throwing this out there? They are just using the environment for a very different agenda. TECHNOCRACY - The Great Reset.

The global totalitarian police state, that is based on this "climate change," narrative, and this biosecurity, "One Health," paradigm, that the global technocracy is rolling out, has really, nothing to do with our environment, and everything to do with a complete world wide technocratic electronic computerized panopticon, to control everything, and everyone on the planet.

Patrick Wood: Technocracy News: Quickening Report: Trilateral Commission Declares 2023 Year 1 of NWO​

". . . One particular speech may have caught Baker's attention, for it captured the essence of the three-day discussion, held from Friday through Sunday. "The Biden administration is trying to convince the world that there is this titanic struggle between autocracies and democracies. I am skeptical about that," a speaker said. Instead, the world is fragmented, with countries -- including the U.S. -- looking out for their self-interests, the speaker added.

The Trilateral Commission is a nongovernmental organization that seeks to deepen understanding between the U.S., Europe and Asia. . . ."


. . . The speaker, who cannot be identified according to commission rules, went on: "Three decades of globalization -- defined as integrated, free-market based and deflationary -- has been replaced by what will be a multidecade period of globalization defined as fragmented, not-free-market-based but industrial-policy based and structurally inflationary. This year, 2023, is Year One of this new global order."

At the core of this shift is the U.S. Instead of committing to a neoliberal, free-market economy, the U.S. government is driving the economy and key industries toward a set of objectives, such as domestic equity at home and competition with China, the speaker said.

In such a world, middle powers like India, Saudi Arabia and Turkey will carve their own paths, weighing the economic, strategic and defense interests, the speaker said.. . . "


". . . But commission members expressed hope that China would play a part in ending the Ukraine war. "Whether Russia will stop the war depends on the role of China. If China decides to help Russia [evade] sanctions, if China decides to provide Russia with arms, this war can go on for very long," one European analyst said.

Members also worried about how the war has disrupted efforts to reach net-zero emissions. "The new conflict that is perceived in many constituencies is between energy security on one hand and energy transformation on the other, following Ukraine," a member said. "At least for the short term, some of these priorities seemed to have shifted. We need to now reorder these priorities in a way that energy transformation happens and becomes the main driver of where investments need to go. . . ."

UN Extends Authority To Manage “Extreme Global Shocks”​


If it's dry...climate alarmist say it's drought caused by global warming (or "climate change")
If it's wet...climate alarmist say it's deluge caused by global warming (or "climate change")
If it's hot...climate alarmist say it's heat caused by global warming (or "climate change")
If it's cold...climate alarmist say it's chill caused by global warming (or "climate change")

You get the drift.
Nailed it.
CORCORAN, Calif. —
Sixth Avenue used to cut through miles of farmland. Now, the road has disappeared under muddy water, its path marked by sodden telephone poles that protrude from the swelling lake. Water laps just below the windows of a lone farmhouse that sits alongside the submerged route.

Thousands of acres of cropland have been inundated in this heavily farmed swath of the San Joaquin Valley. And the water just keeps rising.

For the first time in decades, Tulare Lake is reappearing in the valley, reclaiming the lowlands at its historic heart. Once the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River, Tulare Lake was largely drained in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as the rivers that fed it were dammed and diverted for agriculture.

So Al,Greta, all you global warming evangelistas... where did all this water come from making up 40 years of drought?


Why are we finding remains of a rainforest under the antarctic from 90 million years ago? How can all of the antarctic have been a rainforest at one point before man existed to pollute the earth and cause the caps to melt so it can be a rainforest.

Or maybe the earth isn't static and it's in a constant of chatoic flux we have no control over.

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