So, How Come You're Still A Leftie?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
How can any thoughtful citizen continue to support the liberal-progressive agenda?
What aspects of a failed philosophy do you not understand?

1. Shouldn’t we expect to see the cities that have had long-term Democrat governance as being utopias?
“Why is it that every Democratic run city has the highest crime rates??
For example, Detroit, whose mayor has been indicted on felony charges, hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961. Buffalo has been even more stubborn. It started putting a Democrat in office back in 1954, and it hasn't stopped since.

Unfortunately, those two cities may be alone at the top of the poverty rate list, but they're not alone in their love for Democrats. Cincinnati, Ohio (third on the poverty rate list), hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1984. Cleveland, Ohio (fourth on the list), has been led by a Democrat since 1989. St. Louis, Missouri (sixth), hasn't had a Republican since 1949, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (eighth), since 1908, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (ninth), since 1952 and Newark, New Jersey (10th), since 1907.
Democrat run Cites lead the highest crime and murder rates

2. How about Democrat candidates running as Democrats, instead of pretending that they are conservatives? Why do they do that?

a. How bad is it for Democrats? They’re running against their own programs. ObamaCare, cap-n-tax, you name it, they’re against it now. This situation reached absurdity when five Democrat members of Congress ran ads claiming to have voted “no” on TARP. The five are Frank Kratovil (MD), Dina Titus (NV), Mary Jo Kilroy (OH), Kathy Dahlkemper (PA) and Glenn Nye (VA). The inconvenient truth is, according to, “None of the five lawmakers who are running these ads is listed in the roll call vote. That’s because none of them had taken office yet.” Democrats Run From Their Record: epic fail obama Conservative Libertarian Outpost

b. If Democrats running against the White House prevail, the result could have a profound impact on the party's ability to govern. More than 30 Democrats with proven records of independence are campaigning on this theme, and scores more have started trying to do so late in the game. Even if the party maintains control of the House, it almost certainly won't have a functioning liberal majority, Democratic aides and lawmakers say. Tom Faranda's Folly: WSJ: Conservative Democrat Congressmen doing well in election run-up

c. …party officials in Washington can’t identify a single House member who’s running an ad boasting of a “yes” vote — despite the fact that 219 House Democrats voted in favor of final passage in March.
Read more: Democrats run away from health care - Jennifer Haberkorn -

d. "The common wisdom holds that 'both parties' have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for the general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do."
Coulter, 11-27-03

My answer…folks who want to be assured that there will be somebody (or something, i.e. government) that promises to take care of them support left-wing policies.

a. Liberal linguist Professor George Lakoff highlights this explanation, in his book “Don't Think of an Elephant!,” when he speaks of progressives framing policy in a ‘nurturing and cooperative” manner, as opposed to those mean conservatives who rely on a more competitive, ‘strict father’ rendition.

b. And even when said policies are exposed as failures, i.e., the Obama economic policies, our left-wing friends continue to argue in their favor. The answer is right here:

“The general idea is that it’s absolutely threatening to admit you’re wrong,” says political scientist Brendan Nyhan, the lead researcher on the Michigan study. The phenomenon — known as “backfire” — is “a natural defense mechanism to avoid that cognitive dissonance.”
How facts backfire - The Boston Globe

So, I understand you predicament, lefties... (but remember to pull the right lever in the privacy of the election booth.)
I am liberal due to the facts.

You dont posses them

Kind of bland for you, Ms. Truthie...

care to comment on either the depredation that Democrat rule has brought to the cities...or why Democrats hide their true intentions when running for office?

You know, truth matters.
There was a mental illness that needed a name so the doctor's began to call it "liberalism". Seems like it's an epidemic.
How can any thoughtful citizen continue to support the liberal-progressive agenda?
What aspects of a failed philosophy do you not understand?

1. Shouldn’t we expect to see the cities that have had long-term Democrat governance as being utopias?
“Why is it that every Democratic run city has the highest crime rates??
For example, Detroit, whose mayor has been indicted on felony charges, hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961. Buffalo has been even more stubborn. It started putting a Democrat in office back in 1954, and it hasn't stopped since.

Unfortunately, those two cities may be alone at the top of the poverty rate list, but they're not alone in their love for Democrats. Cincinnati, Ohio (third on the poverty rate list), hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1984. Cleveland, Ohio (fourth on the list), has been led by a Democrat since 1989. St. Louis, Missouri (sixth), hasn't had a Republican since 1949, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (eighth), since 1908, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (ninth), since 1952 and Newark, New Jersey (10th), since 1907.
Democrat run Cites lead the highest crime and murder rates

2. How about Democrat candidates running as Democrats, instead of pretending that they are conservatives? Why do they do that?

a. How bad is it for Democrats? They’re running against their own programs. ObamaCare, cap-n-tax, you name it, they’re against it now. This situation reached absurdity when five Democrat members of Congress ran ads claiming to have voted “no” on TARP. The five are Frank Kratovil (MD), Dina Titus (NV), Mary Jo Kilroy (OH), Kathy Dahlkemper (PA) and Glenn Nye (VA). The inconvenient truth is, according to, “None of the five lawmakers who are running these ads is listed in the roll call vote. That’s because none of them had taken office yet.” Democrats Run From Their Record: epic fail obama Conservative Libertarian Outpost

b. If Democrats running against the White House prevail, the result could have a profound impact on the party's ability to govern. More than 30 Democrats with proven records of independence are campaigning on this theme, and scores more have started trying to do so late in the game. Even if the party maintains control of the House, it almost certainly won't have a functioning liberal majority, Democratic aides and lawmakers say. Tom Faranda's Folly: WSJ: Conservative Democrat Congressmen doing well in election run-up

c. …party officials in Washington can’t identify a single House member who’s running an ad boasting of a “yes” vote — despite the fact that 219 House Democrats voted in favor of final passage in March.
Read more: Democrats run away from health care - Jennifer Haberkorn -

d. "The common wisdom holds that 'both parties' have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for the general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do."
Coulter, 11-27-03

My answer…folks who want to be assured that there will be somebody (or something, i.e. government) that promises to take care of them support left-wing policies.

a. Liberal linguist Professor George Lakoff highlights this explanation, in his book “Don't Think of an Elephant!,” when he speaks of progressives framing policy in a ‘nurturing and cooperative” manner, as opposed to those mean conservatives who rely on a more competitive, ‘strict father’ rendition.

b. And even when said policies are exposed as failures, i.e., the Obama economic policies, our left-wing friends continue to argue in their favor. The answer is right here:

“The general idea is that it’s absolutely threatening to admit you’re wrong,” says political scientist Brendan Nyhan, the lead researcher on the Michigan study. The phenomenon — known as “backfire” — is “a natural defense mechanism to avoid that cognitive dissonance.”
How facts backfire - The Boston Globe

So, I understand you predicament, lefties... (but remember to pull the right lever in the privacy of the election booth.)

Why am I still a leftie?

1. Both of my Parents were married.

2. My Father served in World War II and Korea.

3. I graduated High School.

4. I serverd Six (06) Years in the United States Army (1971 - 1977).

5. I do not need to take off my socks when I count up to twenty.

6. I can and do think for myself.

7. Rush Limbaugh has a drug conviction. He had to piss in a cup during probation. He lies on a daily basis.

8. George Bush was deserter. As a vet, I tend to dislike deserters. Only thing I hate more is a Draft Dodger, like Dick Cheney.

9. I don't believe in kicking people in head, arresting reporters, outting C.I.A. Agents, or lies about W.M.D.

10. You quote Mann Coulter....a brainless twit with false boobs and no brains.

11. Bill O'Reily is a bgot. Has engaged sexual harassement of women.

12. Beck thinks god talks to him, yeah right.

13. I don't cherry pick parts of the Constitution to support and disgard the rest.

14. The Moon IS NOT MADE OF GREEN CHEESE...sorry I know you were taught different.

15. Given the choice of supporting two immoral and UN-CONSTITUTIONAL Wars or spending money to build highways, schools, and hospitals...we don't need the wars.

16. Voting for Sarah Palin is like voting the mayor of the city that was the Meth Capital of the U..S....oh yeah that WAS PALIN.

17. I do not want, need, desire, request or require any person, at any time to tell how much their version of their god loves me. Their god is in the last cubicle on the left in Sub Basment 1-A.

I do not believe in the hate of the right. I do not believe in the violence of the right.
I'm more an Independent. Conservative on some issue, liberal on others.

But I've been voting "D" the last few election cycles because I felt like Bush/DeLay/Frist drove me from the party. Borrow and Spend "R"s are a bigger danger to us than Tax and Spend "D"s.

If the GOP gives me a credible candidate in 2012, I'll probably vote for them.
How can any thoughtful citizen continue to support the liberal-progressive agenda?
What aspects of a failed philosophy do you not understand?

1. Shouldn’t we expect to see the cities that have had long-term Democrat governance as being utopias?
“Why is it that every Democratic run city has the highest crime rates??
For example, Detroit, whose mayor has been indicted on felony charges, hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961. Buffalo has been even more stubborn. It started putting a Democrat in office back in 1954, and it hasn't stopped since.

Unfortunately, those two cities may be alone at the top of the poverty rate list, but they're not alone in their love for Democrats. Cincinnati, Ohio (third on the poverty rate list), hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1984. Cleveland, Ohio (fourth on the list), has been led by a Democrat since 1989. St. Louis, Missouri (sixth), hasn't had a Republican since 1949, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (eighth), since 1908, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (ninth), since 1952 and Newark, New Jersey (10th), since 1907.
Democrat run Cites lead the highest crime and murder rates

2. How about Democrat candidates running as Democrats, instead of pretending that they are conservatives? Why do they do that?

a. How bad is it for Democrats? They’re running against their own programs. ObamaCare, cap-n-tax, you name it, they’re against it now. This situation reached absurdity when five Democrat members of Congress ran ads claiming to have voted “no” on TARP. The five are Frank Kratovil (MD), Dina Titus (NV), Mary Jo Kilroy (OH), Kathy Dahlkemper (PA) and Glenn Nye (VA). The inconvenient truth is, according to, “None of the five lawmakers who are running these ads is listed in the roll call vote. That’s because none of them had taken office yet.” Democrats Run From Their Record: epic fail obama Conservative Libertarian Outpost

b. If Democrats running against the White House prevail, the result could have a profound impact on the party's ability to govern. More than 30 Democrats with proven records of independence are campaigning on this theme, and scores more have started trying to do so late in the game. Even if the party maintains control of the House, it almost certainly won't have a functioning liberal majority, Democratic aides and lawmakers say. Tom Faranda's Folly: WSJ: Conservative Democrat Congressmen doing well in election run-up

c. …party officials in Washington can’t identify a single House member who’s running an ad boasting of a “yes” vote — despite the fact that 219 House Democrats voted in favor of final passage in March.
Read more: Democrats run away from health care - Jennifer Haberkorn -

d. "The common wisdom holds that 'both parties' have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for the general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do."
Coulter, 11-27-03

My answer…folks who want to be assured that there will be somebody (or something, i.e. government) that promises to take care of them support left-wing policies.

a. Liberal linguist Professor George Lakoff highlights this explanation, in his book “Don't Think of an Elephant!,” when he speaks of progressives framing policy in a ‘nurturing and cooperative” manner, as opposed to those mean conservatives who rely on a more competitive, ‘strict father’ rendition.

b. And even when said policies are exposed as failures, i.e., the Obama economic policies, our left-wing friends continue to argue in their favor. The answer is right here:

“The general idea is that it’s absolutely threatening to admit you’re wrong,” says political scientist Brendan Nyhan, the lead researcher on the Michigan study. The phenomenon — known as “backfire” — is “a natural defense mechanism to avoid that cognitive dissonance.”
How facts backfire - The Boston Globe

So, I understand you predicament, lefties... (but remember to pull the right lever in the privacy of the election booth.)

Why am I still a leftie?

1. Both of my Parents were married.

2. My Father served in World War II and Korea.

3. I graduated High School.

4. I serverd Six (06) Years in the United States Army (1971 - 1977).

5. I do not need to take off my socks when I count up to twenty.

6. I can and do think for myself.

7. Rush Limbaugh has a drug conviction. He had to piss in a cup during probation. He lies on a daily basis.

8. George Bush was deserter. As a vet, I tend to dislike deserters. Only thing I hate more is a Draft Dodger, like Dick Cheney.

9. I don't believe in kicking people in head, arresting reporters, outting C.I.A. Agents, or lies about W.M.D.

10. You quote Mann Coulter....a brainless twit with false boobs and no brains.

11. Bill O'Reily is a bgot. Has engaged sexual harassement of women.

12. Beck thinks god talks to him, yeah right.

13. I don't cherry pick parts of the Constitution to support and disgard the rest.

14. The Moon IS NOT MADE OF GREEN CHEESE...sorry I know you were taught different.

15. Given the choice of supporting two immoral and UN-CONSTITUTIONAL Wars or spending money to build highways, schools, and hospitals...we don't need the wars.

16. Voting for Sarah Palin is like voting the mayor of the city that was the Meth Capital of the U..S....oh yeah that WAS PALIN.

17. I do not want, need, desire, request or require any person, at any time to tell how much their version of their god loves me. Their god is in the last cubicle on the left in Sub Basment 1-A.

I do not believe in the hate of the right. I do not believe in the violence of the right.

First and foremost, with great appreciation for your service to our country.

Wow, I really must have hit a nerve, in that you after you calmed down and wiped the spittle off your chin, you neglected to comment on the OP points: how to explain the abject failure of Democrat administrations in our major cities...and why Democrats hide (if I were liberal I would have said 'lie') about their agendas when they run for office...

But, bravo, your rant enforced all of the vile and hostile ad hominem attacks that the left is famous for (forgive my ending a sentence with a preposition). And that is exactly why I love the kind of ...what passes for rebuttal from the left!

So, we can dispense with numbers 5 through 14, all of which are easily disproved, or are attempts at personal attacks.

And 1 through 4, while interesting, are irrelevant with respect to the OP.

#15 shows you to be less than informed, since both parties voted for same.

#16, how many mayors would you like me to name from you side that preside over murder and mayhem, and give lovely quotes such as 'the bitch set me up"? So, another empty parry by you...

#17 is really an interesting one, as liberalism is a religion that I can't avoid hearing about, as well.

So, let's see how good a job you out of seventeen...
So sorry, better luck in the future.

Ya' know what? Because I feel sorry for you, as a less than well informed liberal, limited to the less enviable traits of libs, let me help you out with a kind of outline for future posts:

Broadly, a "liberal' subscribes to some or all of the following: progressive income taxation; universal health care of some kind; opposition to the war in Iraq, and a certain queasiness about the war on terror; an instinctive preference for international diplomacy; the right to gay marriage; a woman's right to an abortion; environmentalism in some Kyoto Protocol-friendly form; and a rejection of the McCain-Palin ticket.
The 25 Most Influential Liberals In The U.S. Media -

See, wouldn't that have been a better answer?
How can any thoughtful citizen continue to support the liberal-progressive agenda?
What aspects of a failed philosophy do you not understand?

1. Shouldn’t we expect to see the cities that have had long-term Democrat governance as being utopias?
“Why is it that every Democratic run city has the highest crime rates??
For example, Detroit, whose mayor has been indicted on felony charges, hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961. Buffalo has been even more stubborn. It started putting a Democrat in office back in 1954, and it hasn't stopped since.

Unfortunately, those two cities may be alone at the top of the poverty rate list, but they're not alone in their love for Democrats. Cincinnati, Ohio (third on the poverty rate list), hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1984. Cleveland, Ohio (fourth on the list), has been led by a Democrat since 1989. St. Louis, Missouri (sixth), hasn't had a Republican since 1949, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (eighth), since 1908, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (ninth), since 1952 and Newark, New Jersey (10th), since 1907.
Democrat run Cites lead the highest crime and murder rates

2. How about Democrat candidates running as Democrats, instead of pretending that they are conservatives? Why do they do that?

a. How bad is it for Democrats? They’re running against their own programs. ObamaCare, cap-n-tax, you name it, they’re against it now. This situation reached absurdity when five Democrat members of Congress ran ads claiming to have voted “no” on TARP. The five are Frank Kratovil (MD), Dina Titus (NV), Mary Jo Kilroy (OH), Kathy Dahlkemper (PA) and Glenn Nye (VA). The inconvenient truth is, according to, “None of the five lawmakers who are running these ads is listed in the roll call vote. That’s because none of them had taken office yet.” Democrats Run From Their Record: epic fail obama Conservative Libertarian Outpost

b. If Democrats running against the White House prevail, the result could have a profound impact on the party's ability to govern. More than 30 Democrats with proven records of independence are campaigning on this theme, and scores more have started trying to do so late in the game. Even if the party maintains control of the House, it almost certainly won't have a functioning liberal majority, Democratic aides and lawmakers say. Tom Faranda's Folly: WSJ: Conservative Democrat Congressmen doing well in election run-up

c. …party officials in Washington can’t identify a single House member who’s running an ad boasting of a “yes” vote — despite the fact that 219 House Democrats voted in favor of final passage in March.
Read more: Democrats run away from health care - Jennifer Haberkorn -

d. "The common wisdom holds that 'both parties' have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for the general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do."
Coulter, 11-27-03

My answer…folks who want to be assured that there will be somebody (or something, i.e. government) that promises to take care of them support left-wing policies.

a. Liberal linguist Professor George Lakoff highlights this explanation, in his book “Don't Think of an Elephant!,” when he speaks of progressives framing policy in a ‘nurturing and cooperative” manner, as opposed to those mean conservatives who rely on a more competitive, ‘strict father’ rendition.

b. And even when said policies are exposed as failures, i.e., the Obama economic policies, our left-wing friends continue to argue in their favor. The answer is right here:

“The general idea is that it’s absolutely threatening to admit you’re wrong,” says political scientist Brendan Nyhan, the lead researcher on the Michigan study. The phenomenon — known as “backfire” — is “a natural defense mechanism to avoid that cognitive dissonance.”
How facts backfire - The Boston Globe

So, I understand you predicament, lefties... (but remember to pull the right lever in the privacy of the election booth.)

Only a wingnut would think that it's normal that a political party shouldn't have conservatives, moderates, and liberals. That's what's wrong with today's GOP. It is intolerant of anyone that isn't a far right loon.
How can any thoughtful citizen continue to support the liberal-progressive agenda?
What aspects of a failed philosophy do you not understand?

1. Shouldn’t we expect to see the cities that have had long-term Democrat governance as being utopias?
“Why is it that every Democratic run city has the highest crime rates??
For example, Detroit, whose mayor has been indicted on felony charges, hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961. Buffalo has been even more stubborn. It started putting a Democrat in office back in 1954, and it hasn't stopped since.

Unfortunately, those two cities may be alone at the top of the poverty rate list, but they're not alone in their love for Democrats. Cincinnati, Ohio (third on the poverty rate list), hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1984. Cleveland, Ohio (fourth on the list), has been led by a Democrat since 1989. St. Louis, Missouri (sixth), hasn't had a Republican since 1949, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (eighth), since 1908, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (ninth), since 1952 and Newark, New Jersey (10th), since 1907.
Democrat run Cites lead the highest crime and murder rates

2. How about Democrat candidates running as Democrats, instead of pretending that they are conservatives? Why do they do that?

a. How bad is it for Democrats? They’re running against their own programs. ObamaCare, cap-n-tax, you name it, they’re against it now. This situation reached absurdity when five Democrat members of Congress ran ads claiming to have voted “no” on TARP. The five are Frank Kratovil (MD), Dina Titus (NV), Mary Jo Kilroy (OH), Kathy Dahlkemper (PA) and Glenn Nye (VA). The inconvenient truth is, according to, “None of the five lawmakers who are running these ads is listed in the roll call vote. That’s because none of them had taken office yet.” Democrats Run From Their Record: epic fail obama Conservative Libertarian Outpost

b. If Democrats running against the White House prevail, the result could have a profound impact on the party's ability to govern. More than 30 Democrats with proven records of independence are campaigning on this theme, and scores more have started trying to do so late in the game. Even if the party maintains control of the House, it almost certainly won't have a functioning liberal majority, Democratic aides and lawmakers say. Tom Faranda's Folly: WSJ: Conservative Democrat Congressmen doing well in election run-up

c. …party officials in Washington can’t identify a single House member who’s running an ad boasting of a “yes” vote — despite the fact that 219 House Democrats voted in favor of final passage in March.
Read more: Democrats run away from health care - Jennifer Haberkorn -

d. "The common wisdom holds that 'both parties' have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for the general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do."
Coulter, 11-27-03

My answer…folks who want to be assured that there will be somebody (or something, i.e. government) that promises to take care of them support left-wing policies.

a. Liberal linguist Professor George Lakoff highlights this explanation, in his book “Don't Think of an Elephant!,” when he speaks of progressives framing policy in a ‘nurturing and cooperative” manner, as opposed to those mean conservatives who rely on a more competitive, ‘strict father’ rendition.

b. And even when said policies are exposed as failures, i.e., the Obama economic policies, our left-wing friends continue to argue in their favor. The answer is right here:

“The general idea is that it’s absolutely threatening to admit you’re wrong,” says political scientist Brendan Nyhan, the lead researcher on the Michigan study. The phenomenon — known as “backfire” — is “a natural defense mechanism to avoid that cognitive dissonance.”
How facts backfire - The Boston Globe

So, I understand you predicament, lefties... (but remember to pull the right lever in the privacy of the election booth.)

Only a wingnut would think that it's normal that a political party shouldn't have conservatives, moderates, and liberals. That's what's wrong with today's GOP. It is intolerant of anyone that isn't a far right loon.

It is so revealing when one begins with cliches such as 'wingnut,' and alerts me to the fact that their post is sure to be bland, unimaginative and ...(sigh) boring.

You haven't disappointed.

While I wonder that you have ignored the OP, which I hoped would enjoin some spirited give and take, I would like to address the idea that groups of like minded individuals who coalesce around similar likes and dislikes, should also include folks who disagree with said likes and dislikes....

your premise is insipid, parviscient, and risible.

Your idea is running seventh in a field of three. In terms of interest, it is the equivalent of Air America Radio.
The CIA defines anarchy as a lawless condition in the absence of government. The Innuendo is clear.

The following are the left-leaning liberal welfare democracies in the world:

Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Finland, France, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States,Uruguay.

Conservative to Ronald Reagan, anyone recalls, is pro-Social Security, and not for giving all the money to the Wall Street Bankers and Brokers who caused the mess in the first place.

China, Chile, Albana, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaraugua, Bolivia, and others tend to socialist or communist governments. Sweden is also thought Socialist.

All in common, they tend to be advanced as opposed to the right wing, free-market types on nations such as Haiti, or anything in East Africa. China seems to have the more superior model of a developing nation. The population of earth, in fact, more readily thought socialist, if at all developed. The nations across North Africa fit in.

And so, Anyone sees what. . . .well

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Alaksan, Real Americans: Know enough to vote against Tea Party lunacy of Palin and Miller. Again, likely anyone sees. . . .Well!)
PC once again not only insists on her own opinion but her own facts with her own reality.

So, let's unravel her one more time.

1. “Why is it that every Democratic run city has the highest crime rates??" Ask yourself if there are any Republican exceptions. If there is one exception, then the issue is not necessarily political but possibly the dynamics of large cities. She needs to address this. Notice that she leaves out #5 and #7 in her list? Why?

2. "How about Democrat candidates running as Democrats, instead of pretending that they are conservatives? Why do they do that?" For the same reason Pubs did in 2006 and 2008 ~ not to get beat. ". . . both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do." This ignores the fact that as far back as Wilkie and Landon, Pubs were running to the Left to try catch up with FDR. This is what parties do, PC.

3. Coulter as a source? Oh, my.

Once again, PC, thanks for grins and chuckles, as well as a look into your strange reality.
Last edited:
It would be the best of all possible worlds if Liberals and Conservatives finally killed each other off and left America to the Independants.

Clearly you have no understanding of any of the terms you so cavalierly toss about, nor any insight into history or the importance to the future of this great nation of the dominance of liberal or conservative philosophies.

BTW, isn't that pic from the short film they show at Williamsburg?
It would be the best of all possible worlds if Liberals and Conservatives finally killed each other off and left America to the Independants.

Clearly you have no understanding of any of the terms you so cavalierly toss about, nor any insight into history or the importance to the future of this great nation of the dominance of liberal or conservative philosophies.

BTW, isn't that pic from the short film they show at Williamsburg?

I might have to rethink my presence on this forum. People seem to be more interested in throwing around personal attacks than talking about the issues.

I'll ignore your condescention and merely answer your question.

No. It's a picture of Stephen Dillane as Thomas Jefferson in the "John Adams" Mini-Series.
I am liberal due to the facts.

You dont posses them

Now that's funny. :lol:

People on the extreme left, of which you are a dedicated Kool-Aid drinking member, and folks on the extreme right indulge little in facts, but rather a lot of demagoguery. You are no exception to that rule.

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