Sisters dropped over border barrier by smugglers in shocking video 'doing fine,' Border Patrol officer says


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The young girls who were literally dropped on the American side of the U.S.-Mexico border and abandoned by smugglers earlier this week are sisters from Ecuador who are "doing fine" and are "so resilient," El Paso Border Patrol Sector Chief Gloria Chavez told "Your World" Thursday.

"I was really horrified and appalled and worried when I first saw the images come through from my staff," Chavez told host Neil Cavuto. "When I saw that first child dropped to the ground and then not see her move for a few seconds, I honestly thought this child just probably hit her head and is unconscious. And then I see the second child and immediately DHS, obviously, within a few minutes responded to that area to rescue them."

This is insane. You people see this as insane, right?
They found a 3 year old wandering near the border a couple of days ago. Dad came for him but had abandoned him and ran from the area.
..this shit should've been ERADICATED long ago --plain and simple
AOC wants open borders and this is what she is doing to the children that she claims to care about.
But, the truth is that AOC wants open borders because she is a racist and she doesn't really care about the suffering children just long as the corrupt Democrat Party gets more Latino Voters.
AOC wants open borders and this is what she is doing to the children that she claims to care about.
But, the truth is that AOC wants open borders because she is a racist and she doesn't really care about the suffering children just long as the corrupt Democrat Party gets more Latino Voters.
Dont tell Latino Americans how to vote.

And don’t assume Latinos are one issue voters. They can be very conservative. Are you claiming Latino Americans ar3 pro illegal immigrants?

You know there one way to get this to stop. Start going after illegal employers. Close them down. Put them in prison.
See the source image

so sad
At some point, these parents have to be held accountable for the abuse of children they are leaving behind and sending to the border. Blame Biden and the Democrats that have lost their voices and the parents for this disaster.
some point, these parents have to be held accountable for the abuse of children they are leaving behind and sending to the border.
The parents intend to profit from the abuse of their children
The young girls who were literally dropped on the American side of the U.S.-Mexico border and abandoned by smugglers earlier this week are sisters from Ecuador who are "doing fine" and are "so resilient," El Paso Border Patrol Sector Chief Gloria Chavez told "Your World" Thursday.

"I was really horrified and appalled and worried when I first saw the images come through from my staff," Chavez told host Neil Cavuto. "When I saw that first child dropped to the ground and then not see her move for a few seconds, I honestly thought this child just probably hit her head and is unconscious. And then I see the second child and immediately DHS, obviously, within a few minutes responded to that area to rescue them."

This is insane. You people see this as insane, right?
yes it is insane. it is criminal the way these parents use their children to try to gain entry into the USA. they put their children's lives in danger . these parents need to be arrested and prosecuted for their criminal actions. The US government needs to return all these children to their home countries immediately and let the parents know that they need to immigrate legally. let them know that this criminal behavior will not be tolerated in the USA. Only then this insanity will stop.

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