Shockingly - somebody on the left actually gets it...


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
Article from WaPo

the good news? reasonable voices like this will be drowned out in the frenzy of vitriol and perpetual melts from the left

2 things I will say that essentially assure that a) we keep the House and b) extend our lead in the Senate

1 - the House... the republicans implemented a BRILLIANT strategy going into the 2010 census

we made it our top priority to take over State legislatures - with the extreme motivation of overturning or minimizing Obama's pernicious policies (most notably, Obamacare) & the intensity of the republican effort - we were very successful

because of this; when new district maps were drawn; the national district maps were drawn very favorably for republicans

those districts are still in place and make it almost impossible for Democrats to pick up the 24 seats they will need to flip the lower chamber

2 - the Senate - 2018 is very favorable for Republicans; this has been discussed at length for several months...

the article & 2 points made that I was surprised to see in WaPo:

Democrats haven’t been this confident since... 2016

making 2018 into a year-long referendum on Trump is a recipe for another Election Day shocker.

The opponents will not all be as loopy and creepy as Roy Moore.

To turn the tide of Trumpism, Democrats need candidates and policies that speak to voters in red states and red districts

lastly - if the economy continues to improve (and I believe it will); Trump's odds of re-election are just about insurmountable

plus; a new voter, one that escapes traditional pollsters, is absolutely out there - he is motivated and encouraged & we can count on him to show up for Trump in 2020


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Article from WaPo

the good news? reasonable voices like this will be drowned out in the frenzy of vitriol and perpetual melts from the left

2 things I will say that essentially assure that a) we keep the House and b) extend our lead in the Senate

1 - the House... the republicans implemented a BRILLIANT strategy going into the 2010 census

we made it our top priority to take over State legislatures - with the extreme motivation of overturning or minimizing Obama's pernicious policies (most notably, Obamacare) & the intensity of the republican effort - we were very successful

because of this; when new district maps were drawn; the national district maps were drawn very favorably for republicans

those districts are still in place and make it almost impossible for Democrats to pick up the 24 seats they will need to flip the lower chamber

2 - the Senate - 2018 is very favorable for Republicans; this has been discussed at length for several months...

the article & 2 points made that I was surprised to see in WaPo:

Democrats haven’t been this confident since... 2016

making 2018 into a year-long referendum on Trump is a recipe for another Election Day shocker.

The opponents will not all be as loopy and creepy as Roy Moore.

To turn the tide of Trumpism, Democrats need candidates and policies that speak to voters in red states and red districts

lastly - if the economy continues to improve (and I believe it will); Trump's odds of re-election are just about insurmountable

plus; a new voter, one that escapes traditional pollsters, is absolutely out there - he is motivated and encouraged & we can count on him to show up for Trump in 2020


If the Republicans were smart, and I have My doubts, they will do some of the following.

They will do more than just fight a holding action to retain the lead they have. Of course, they should protect seats that may be in jeopardy, but they need to take the fight to the blue side of the aisle. The key is to gain enough seats that it doesn't matter who is President. They must hold a large enough majority to override a veto. The same with the Senate.

They should build a strong and positive message based on a strong economy and improved financial situations of the citizens.

They should lay out a strong positive message on what America can once again become if we only work together. (This would be the only jab I would take at the Democrats).

When they are attacked, they should laugh at the attackers and then launch immediately into a discussion of how the situations of the citizens are already much improved and the positive things that can still be accomplished.

The Democrats have become the party of 'No' and obstructionist in desperation. By having a positive message, their negativity and hatred would be very hard to miss.
because of this; when new district maps were drawn; the national district maps were drawn very favorably for republicans

those districts are still in place and make it almost impossible for Democrats to pick up the 24 seats they will need to flip the lower chamber


So once again the Right is wholly dependent on undemocratic distortions of our election processes.

lol, big surprise.
A year and two months ago, I buckled my seat beat and voted for Trump in spite of a few obvious personality disorders...because his opponent was clearly the most DEPRAVED person in America....not already in prison.

Here at the end of the year...I am a big fan. Already the best President since Reagan, and could actually surpass him. I previously had no hope for that.

Lock her up
Build the Wall
End Chain & Lottery Migration
Clean out the Obama Garbage at the DOJ and FBI
Put Public Officials who effectuate Sanctuary Policies in Jail
Liberals oversold their hand.

Trump hasn’t blown up the planet earth in a nuclear holocaust and he hasn’t opened up concentration camps for minorities and invaded Canada and Mexico.

Reflecting on their lies about what would happen if Trump was elected who the fuck can take them seriously?

I find it hard to be excited. How long ago did the GOP take over and how much have they actually done to make things better? If not for the tax cuts their boat surely would have sunk in 18

how long?

less than a year ago

what have we done?

deregulation; reshape and preserve the judiciary & implemented common sense

your welcome
A year and two months ago, I buckled my seat beat and voted for Trump in spite of a few obvious personality disorders...because his opponent was clearly the most DEPRAVED person in America....not already in prison.

Here at the end of the year...I am a big fan. Already the best President since Reagan, and could actually surpass him. I previously had no hope for that.

this I resemble this big league

and there are a lot of us out there


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