She is Right on.


Aug 27, 2008
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Lebanon Ohio
Can't believe they actually aired this. Wonder how long she will be alive.

Here is a powerful and amazing statement on Al Jazeera television. The woman
is Wafa Sultan, an Arab-American psychologist from Los Angeles .I would suggest
watching it ASAP, because I don't know how long the link will be active.

It is extremely surprising that the Arab financed TV station in Dubai would
allow this to air. Be sure and wat ch this, it is so powerful I have no doubt
she now has very large price on her head. I also have no doubt it won't be on
the net very long. She is one impressive woman. This film clip should be shown
around the world repeatedly!
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"civilizations do not clash"

??? uh, yea. they really do.

"muslims started this clash when they divided people in to muslims and non-muslims"

IRONIC fucking statement of the year given the premium of being jewish in israel vs. arab in israel. gimme a fucking break.

"HUMANITY OWES most of the discoveries and science of the 19th and 20th centuriesTO JERWISH SCIENTISTS"



"15 million people, scattered throughout the world, won their rights through work and knowledge"


YEA! and a few pesky fucking goyim from the Allies!

"We have not seen a single jew protest by KILLING PEOPLE"!!!!!!


yea, sure, lady.. arab toddlers bombed to smithereeens, OF COURSE, don't count!

No, dude.. she's not "right on". Although, i can see why her statements tickle your zion bone.

This woman Wafa Sultan was allowed on Al Jazeera as a joke.

I looked her up on google.

She even says that she has left Islam and is now a secularist.

No one in the Islamic world is going to listen to this woman about anything!!! :lol:
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This woman Wafa Sultan was allowed on Al Jazeera as a joke.

I looked her up on google.

She even says that she has left Islam and is now a secularist.

No one in the Islamic world is going to listen to this woman about anything!!! :lol:

How typical, muslims only listen to what other muslims have to say. I found it really interesting to see how the religious guy just said she was a heretic, in my opinion she might have been the heretic but the religious guy was the uncivilized one. At least half of what this woman says is true, muslims behave more violent then people of other religions, muslims who convert to another religion are not accepted by other muslims (= which shows that a lot of muslims don't have adapted to the modern time we live in), the word secular doesn't mean much in the mind of muslims because they don't know what it means.

I m getting tired of muslims who think they can push their beliefs upon others and think that they are above the law of non-muslim countries they live in.

This woman makes more sense then a lot of muslims these days. I also don't think there is a civilization clash between muslim countries and the west because muslim countries are not civilized at all. If it wasn't for the West, muslims in muslim countries didn't even have cars, computers, cell phones, ... I d be surprised if they were much further then in the west was in the medieval period. What have muslims contributed to this world in the last decades?



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Beyond your little fucking boohoo "no one is listening to my posted video" bullshit I QUOTED the exact bullshit that makes this woman a laughing stock. Just because YOU really, REALLY want to hear someone talk shit on muslims doesn't mean she is a fucking saint of peace. If the 19th and 20 centuries owe their scientific breakthroughs to JEWS, not to mention her little quip about jews rising up from Euro domination, I guess we Americans can go ahead and stop rescueing jews and giving them secret technology that is the ONLY thing keeping israel afloat..

good grief.

ps, we can ALL run to silly little cartoons, dude. The difference being that your stupid ass will slobber all over a racist cartoon lampooning arabs while crying like a fucking martyr siren the second a jewish cartoon of the same nature shows up. So, keep posting, dude. All you do is convey your own double standard blank check.
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Looks like real people in that first one. Darn good artist if you ask me.
Beyond your little fucking boohoo "no one is listening to my posted video" bullshit I QUOTED the exact bullshit that makes this woman a laughing stock. Just because YOU really, REALLY want to hear someone talk shit on muslims doesn't mean she is a fucking saint of peace. If the 19th and 20 centuries owe their scientific breakthroughs to JEWS, not to mention her little quip about jews rising up from Euro domination, I guess we Americans can go ahead and stop rescueing jews and giving them secret technology that is the ONLY thing keeping israel afloat..

good grief.

ps, we can ALL run to silly little cartoons, dude. The difference being that your stupid ass will slobber all over a racist cartoon lampooning arabs while crying like a fucking martyr siren the second a jewish cartoon of the same nature shows up. So, keep posting, dude. All you do is convey your own double standard blank check.

Show me any funny Jewish cartoon and I laugh with it as much as I laugh with the muhammad cartoons.

I can see it is a frustrated woman, but I can also see that many muslims are just as frustrated. Whining about Israel, whining about a stupid cartoon, whining about Jews controlling the world, ...

And there are Jews that are also americans, so no need to separate them. The fact is that Jews are part of a lot of modern western nations and have shaped (culturally: f.e. Charlie Chaplin, technologically: f.e. Einstein) them into what they are now.

And the US is also responsible for the creation of the state of Israel: "On May 14, 1948, the United States, under President Truman, became the first country to extend de facto recognition to the State of Israel." Other then that it is about the only democracy in the middle east, the US does not promote dictatorships unless it has to for strategic reasons (Saudi Arabia: oil).
Apparently, given how much evidence you don't provide, you can't see shit. Hiding behind posted cartoons sure is easy when you are not part of, or defending, the current ****** class, eh? How did jews in Germany circa 1945 take that kind of comedy gold?

And, considering which of us is actually posting evidence you probably don't have a reason to accuse anyone of whining.

charlie chaplin and fucking Einstein didn't produce the amount of science that the woman suggests.. Not that a zionist can appreciate the facts where there is a jewish dick to suck. Indeed, there IS reason to separate given the premise of her quote. You need me to QUOTE her again? Sorry, jews don't get to claim all western advancement just because they hide behind the pant leg of the United States.

Sorry, ACTUAL democracies don't try as hard as zioniosts to preserve an ethnic majority or a favored race. If that were the case, the US would already have evicted all of our jews to israel and washed our hands of it. Claiming that israel is a democracy is like calling a slave infested cotton field from the south a goddamn labor union meeting.

Now, did you have evidence in THIS or the other thread to post or should we all just assume you are correct because of that jewish halo you keep trying to polish?
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At least half of what this woman says is true, muslims behave more violent then people of other religions, muslims who convert to another religion are not accepted by other muslims (= which shows that a lot of muslims don't have adapted to the modern time we live in), the word secular doesn't mean much in the mind of muslims because they don't know what it means.

I have worked in Muslim countries and this doesn't seem to bear any resemblance to reality. I suggest you get out more.
At least half of what this woman says is true, muslims behave more violent then people of other religions, muslims who convert to another religion are not accepted by other muslims (= which shows that a lot of muslims don't have adapted to the modern time we live in), the word secular doesn't mean much in the mind of muslims because they don't know what it means.

I have worked in Muslim countries and this doesn't seem to bear any resemblance to reality. I suggest you get out more.

See, thats the fucking problem with dudes like this.. They hide behind their own racism against arabs and muslims but then scream like a fucking tornado siren the second a jew gets treated the same way. Muslims aren't MORE violent than anyone. Hell, given the CIVILIAN SLAUGHTER we just saw in Gaza, where apparently 12 jewish lives are worth 700 arab, women and toddler lives, it's a knee slapping joke that ANYONE would say something as stupid as that. WITHOUT EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE BULLSHIT, no less.
I have worked in Muslim countries and this doesn't seem to bear any resemblance to reality. I suggest you get out more.

So muslims who convert to atheism/christianity are not a problem in those countries? Even in non-muslim countries that is a problem.

Christians in Egypt that are living on a garbage belt because the "civilized" muslims know what secularism means?

Nowhere in the Muslim world are women treated as equals :
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But, hey, being that this is your first attempt at supporting your position feel free to try again.
I have worked in Muslim countries and this doesn't seem to bear any resemblance to reality. I suggest you get out more.

So muslims who convert to atheism/christianity are not a problem in those countries? Even in non-muslim countries that is a problem.

Christians in Egypt that are living on a garbage belt because the "civilized" muslims know what secularism means?

Nowhere in the Muslim world are women treated as equals : Nowhere in the Muslim world are women treated as equals - Information of Interest International | WIN News | Find Articles at BNET

Are there some Muslims who have a problem with conversions? Sure. Are there some who don't believe in a secular society? Sure (but I don't think Alibaba or Publ do either). Other than this obvious fact, was your prior statement anything other than delusional bullshit? No.
Are there some Muslims who have a problem with conversions? Sure. Are there some who don't believe in a secular society? Sure (but I don't think Alibaba or Publ do either). Other than this obvious fact, was your prior statement anything other than delusional bullshit? No.

Without addressing the issue of conversion, there are also some truths in her statements. You won't see a Jew blow him or herself up to protest in Germany or in the Soviet Union or anywhere else. There is a brand of Islam, in wahibbism, that lends itself to those types of acts. I also don't know what her life experience was that makes her speak so vehemently.
who needs to blow themselves up WHEN THEY HAVE ALL THAT FUN CIVILIAN KILLING MILITARY TO PLAY WITH? Hey, maybe you can tell another joke like "you will never see a jew assassinating a prime minister because he accepted peace with muslims".

The FACT is that there are radicals in EVERY culture. The sad truth, however, is that people like Jillian will only rationalize the actions of her own team while the same actions of an arab are nothing less than evil to the fucking core and validates a collective punishment.
Are there some Muslims who have a problem with conversions? Sure. Are there some who don't believe in a secular society? Sure (but I don't think Alibaba or Publ do either). Other than this obvious fact, was your prior statement anything other than delusional bullshit? No.

Without addressing the issue of conversion, there are also some truths in her statements. You won't see a Jew blow him or herself up to protest in Germany or in the Soviet Union or anywhere else. There is a brand of Islam, in wahibbism, that lends itself to those types of acts. I also don't know what her life experience was that makes her speak so vehemently.

Hi Princess.

There is a theme of martyrdom in Islam that isn't found to the same degree in other modern religions. That is true. However, when the leader of the Algerian resistance movement in the late 1950s was asked why he blew up French cafes, he said that if the West wanted to provide him with tanks and fighter jets, he would use those instead.
in may of 48 there were two states......shortly thereafter the arabs tried to wipe out one of the two states.....they lost.....they have been complaining and playing the victim ever since.....
S'matter, hon? So rabid you can't even stand for these issues to be discussed?

Really, you need to seek help.

thats fuckin hilarious given that half of us expect you to scream antisemite no later than your next post. Say, did you hve evidence to post like I did or does your ethnicity circumvent that step in this discussion?
Are there some Muslims who have a problem with conversions? Sure. Are there some who don't believe in a secular society? Sure (but I don't think Alibaba or Publ do either). Other than this obvious fact, was your prior statement anything other than delusional bullshit? No.

Without addressing the issue of conversion, there are also some truths in her statements. You won't see a Jew blow him or herself up to protest in Germany or in the Soviet Union or anywhere else. There is a brand of Islam, in wahibbism, that lends itself to those types of acts. I also don't know what her life experience was that makes her speak so vehemently.

Hi Princess.

There is a theme of martyrdom in Islam that isn't found to the same degree in other modern religions. That is true. However, when the leader of the Algerian resistance movement in the late 1950s was asked why he blew up French cafes, he said that if the West wanted to provide him with tanks and fighter jets, he would use those instead.

heh... good to see you, Reilly.

I understand that. And certainly, in Algeria, the end-goal was independence from France. But if they had been offered their independence, they would have stopped fighting. The means of battle were not counterproductive. In terms of Israel and the Palestinians, the Palestinians were offered most of what they asked for.... and still turned it down. They persist in terrorist attacks that have no effect in terms of obtaining their end. None of the 3,000 kadusha's (sp?) that were sent into Israel from Gaza were such that Israel would be destroyed (Hamas' stated goal), but rather were designed to force Israel's hand to retaliate. Someone wanting to achieve an actual goal wouldn't act in such a counterproductive way, so I think, ultimately, the comparison to Algeria, fails.

When I studied mid-east politics in college, my professor, a brilliant Armenian man who had studied under Brezinski at Columbia, said that jihadis would be the major threat of the 21st century because of their psychology...separate and apart from issues like the palestinians.

On another note, with regard to the woman speaker, she's not wrong about the treatment of women under fundamentalist islam. No one else throws acid in girls' faces for attending school.
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