Sharpton leads march calling for Dead Cops


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
This is beyond intolerable.

You want to know what's wrong in America today, look no further than this snake in the grass. Why hasn't cancer found his sick ass?



Joining the families of blacks killed by police, thousands marched toward the capitol and down New York streets on Saturday to protest what they called an epidemic of abuse at the hands of police.
But even though it was his event, many attendees didn't want to hear from organizer Al Sharpton.

The march, organized by Sharpton's National Action Network, once again chanted the oft-heard slogan, "No Justice, No Peace" with marchers demanding that federal laws be enacted to curb local and state police agencies use of force rules.

In an op-ed published on December 8, Sharpton noted that the "march against police violence" was needed to force Congress to "immediately start hearings to deal with laws that will change the jurisdiction threshold for federal cases and policing."

Once the thousands of marchers reached the grounds outside the Capitol, Sharpton warned Congress that he and his supporters would not be ignored.

“You thought you'd sweep it under the rug. You thought there'd be no limelight," Sharpton said. "We are going to keep the light on Michael Brown, on Eric Garner, on Tamir Rice, on all of these victims because the only way -- I'm sorry, I come out of the 'hood -- the only way you make roaches run, you got to cut the light on."

Sharpton was joined at the podium by felony armed robbery suspect Lesley McSpaddenand alleged riot-inciter Louis Head, the parents of Michael Brown, a strong-arm robbery suspect killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri in August.

"What a sea of people," McSpadden said. "Thank you for having my back."

Al Sharpton Leads March in DC as NYC Protesters Chant What Do We Want Dead Cops

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They are too fearful to do it but they really need to start enforcing inciting riots and violence laws. But they do this in uber liberal cities where they know they can get away with it. Six cops have been assaulted by Sharpton's Brown shirts so far. The blood is on DeBlasio's hands.
They are too fearful to do it but they really need to start enforcing inciting riots and violence laws. But they do this in uber liberal cities where they know they can get away with it. Six cops have been assaulted by Sharpton's Brown shirts so far. The blood is on DeBlasio's hands.

And Mt Knubmnut Obama could care less about black folks. That's because he has already spent his political capital on them. It's called EBT, WIC, and a host of other handouts and the unlimited use of the race card.

So, Obama is white most of the time and black when it benefits him, But like I said, there is nothing he can exploit at the minute to obtain political gain.

But I digress....

Smoke em if you got em


Thousands Of Protesters Swarm Washington, NYC: "Don't Expect To See Obama Here, Black Issues Don't Matter To Him"

Those planning on visiting (or merely driving around) Washington or New York City today may want to consider a plan B. As Reuters reports, "thousands of demonstrators were expected in Washington and New York on Saturday to protest the killings of unarmed black men by U.S. police and to urge Congress to protect citizens. Organizers said the protests would be among the largest over police tactics and the killings of black males by officers in New York, Cleveland and Ferguson, Missouri. “It’s open season on black people now,” New York march co-organizer Umaara Elliott said in a statement. “So we demand that action be taken at every level of government to ensure that these racist killings by the police cease.”

"We need more than just talk; we need legislative action that will shift things both on the books and in the streets," civil rights leader the Rev. Al Sharpton, whose National Action Alliance is heading the Washington protest, said in a statement.

The Washington protest will include the families of Eric Garner and Akai Gurley, who were killed by New York police; Trayvon Martin, slain by a Florida neighborhood watchman in 2012; and Michael Brown, killed by an officer in Ferguson.

The march will start at noon and block Pennsylvania Avenue between the White House and the U.S. Capitol. Protesters are expected to arrive by bus from as far away as Florida, Connecticut and Pittsburgh, according to the organizers' website.

In New York, the march was expected to draw about 44,000 people and was meant to reinvigorate protests that swelled after a grand jury declined to indict the officer who killed Garner using a choke hold, organizers said.

And judging by the following photos from across the country, the marches have clearly already begun

Thousands Of Protesters Swarm Washington NYC Don t Expect To See Obama Here Black Issues Don t Matter To Him Zero Hedge
They are too fearful to do it but they really need to start enforcing inciting riots and violence laws. But they do this in uber liberal cities where they know they can get away with it. Six cops have been assaulted by Sharpton's Brown shirts so far. The blood is on DeBlasio's hands.

And Mt Knubmnut Obama could care less about black folks. That's because he has already spent his political capital on them. It's called EBT, WIC, and a host of other handouts and the unlimited use of the race card.

So, Obama is white most of the time and black when it benefits him, But like I said, there is nothing he can exploit at the minute to obtain political gain.

But I digress....

Smoke em if you got em


Thousands Of Protesters Swarm Washington, NYC: "Don't Expect To See Obama Here, Black Issues Don't Matter To Him"

Those planning on visiting (or merely driving around) Washington or New York City today may want to consider a plan B. As Reuters reports, "thousands of demonstrators were expected in Washington and New York on Saturday to protest the killings of unarmed black men by U.S. police and to urge Congress to protect citizens. Organizers said the protests would be among the largest over police tactics and the killings of black males by officers in New York, Cleveland and Ferguson, Missouri. “It’s open season on black people now,” New York march co-organizer Umaara Elliott said in a statement. “So we demand that action be taken at every level of government to ensure that these racist killings by the police cease.”

"We need more than just talk; we need legislative action that will shift things both on the books and in the streets," civil rights leader the Rev. Al Sharpton, whose National Action Alliance is heading the Washington protest, said in a statement.

The Washington protest will include the families of Eric Garner and Akai Gurley, who were killed by New York police; Trayvon Martin, slain by a Florida neighborhood watchman in 2012; and Michael Brown, killed by an officer in Ferguson.

The march will start at noon and block Pennsylvania Avenue between the White House and the U.S. Capitol. Protesters are expected to arrive by bus from as far away as Florida, Connecticut and Pittsburgh, according to the organizers' website.

In New York, the march was expected to draw about 44,000 people and was meant to reinvigorate protests that swelled after a grand jury declined to indict the officer who killed Garner using a choke hold, organizers said.

And judging by the following photos from across the country, the marches have clearly already begun

Thousands Of Protesters Swarm Washington NYC Don t Expect To See Obama Here Black Issues Don t Matter To Him Zero Hedge
Blacks got duped again.

Obama, "their historic black President", has kicked them further to the back of the bus.

But, they can't get out and protest THAT!!
They are too fearful to do it but they really need to start enforcing inciting riots and violence laws. But they do this in uber liberal cities where they know they can get away with it. Six cops have been assaulted by Sharpton's Brown shirts so far. The blood is on DeBlasio's hands.

And Mt Knubmnut Obama could care less about black folks. That's because he has already spent his political capital on them. It's called EBT, WIC, and a host of other handouts and the unlimited use of the race card.

So, Obama is white most of the time and black when it benefits him, But like I said, there is nothing he can exploit at the minute to obtain political gain.

But I digress....

Smoke em if you got em


Thousands Of Protesters Swarm Washington, NYC: "Don't Expect To See Obama Here, Black Issues Don't Matter To Him"

Those planning on visiting (or merely driving around) Washington or New York City today may want to consider a plan B. As Reuters reports, "thousands of demonstrators were expected in Washington and New York on Saturday to protest the killings of unarmed black men by U.S. police and to urge Congress to protect citizens. Organizers said the protests would be among the largest over police tactics and the killings of black males by officers in New York, Cleveland and Ferguson, Missouri. “It’s open season on black people now,” New York march co-organizer Umaara Elliott said in a statement. “So we demand that action be taken at every level of government to ensure that these racist killings by the police cease.”

"We need more than just talk; we need legislative action that will shift things both on the books and in the streets," civil rights leader the Rev. Al Sharpton, whose National Action Alliance is heading the Washington protest, said in a statement.

The Washington protest will include the families of Eric Garner and Akai Gurley, who were killed by New York police; Trayvon Martin, slain by a Florida neighborhood watchman in 2012; and Michael Brown, killed by an officer in Ferguson.

The march will start at noon and block Pennsylvania Avenue between the White House and the U.S. Capitol. Protesters are expected to arrive by bus from as far away as Florida, Connecticut and Pittsburgh, according to the organizers' website.

In New York, the march was expected to draw about 44,000 people and was meant to reinvigorate protests that swelled after a grand jury declined to indict the officer who killed Garner using a choke hold, organizers said.

And judging by the following photos from across the country, the marches have clearly already begun

Thousands Of Protesters Swarm Washington NYC Don t Expect To See Obama Here Black Issues Don t Matter To Him Zero Hedge
Blacks got duped again.

Obama, "their historic black President", has kicked them further to the back of the bus.

But, they can't get out and protest THAT!!

Of course they did. But like the battered wife syndrome, they (blacks) are in denial. It's easier to deflect personal accountability, and instead, blame someone else as they just can't accept they've sold themselves to the man again.

I guess history does repeat itself

And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.
And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.

I see...

Talking about guilt by association :badgrin:

Sorry. Don't believe they were chanting for dead cops.
And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.

I want to see a close up video of people saying that before I believe it. I don't trust the source.
Sorry. Don't believe they were chanting for dead cops.
And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.

I want to see a close up video of people saying that before I believe it. I don't trust the source.

Well of course.. But I'll play along

What would you consider a valid, credible source?


Two NYPD cops assaulted as Manhattan march over Eric Garner case turns ugly

A massive Manhattan march against police brutality turned ugly as night fell Saturday, with protesters assaulting cops, bashing in a patrol car window and calling for the deaths of NYPD officers.==

Two NYPD cops assaulted as Manhattan protests turn ugly - NY Daily News

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Sorry. Don't believe they were chanting for dead cops.
And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.

I want to see a close up video of people saying that before I believe it. I don't trust the source.

Well of course.. But I'll play along

What would you consider a valid, credible source?


Any video of those protesters from close enough away to see their mouths as they chant. You know.....proof of the claim.

Whathya got? Anything from closer than 100 yards up?

Sorry. Don't believe they were chanting for dead cops.
And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.

I want to see a close up video of people saying that before I believe it. I don't trust the source.

Well of course.. But I'll play along

What would you consider a valid, credible source?


Any video of those protesters from close enough away to see their mouths as they chant. You know.....proof of the claim.

Whathya got? Anything from closer than 100 yards up?


A massive Manhattan march against police brutality turned ugly as night fell Saturday, with protesters assaulting cops, bashing in a patrol car window and calling for the deaths of NYPD officers.Garner case turns ugly

Two NYPD cops assaulted as Manhattan protests turn ugly - NY Daily News
And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.

I see...

Talking about guilt by association :badgrin:


Actually, what you are doing is very much guilt by association.

I don't believe in such.

I don't always like what Sharpton does. He sticks his nose into a lot of things and I think he often does it for money.

But there is no evidence here that he either encouraged, took part in or lead any of the "death" chants.

We have see this happen with pols a lot: they speak at an event, crazy people say crazy shit and then the pol gets knocked for it.

Unless you are willing to go so far as to say that his mere presence makes people want to call for the murder of cops (which is dead wrong, just to note, all death threats are wrong, point-blank), then I suggest that you come up with better evidence.
Sorry. Don't believe they were chanting for dead cops.
And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.

I want to see a close up video of people saying that before I believe it. I don't trust the source.

Theoretically, the audio could have been played with, but in the age of 7 billion smartfons on this beautiful planet of ours, someone is likely to have recorded it from "ground zero". In the fullness of time, all the information will come out.
As much as a scumbag that Sharpton is, it would be political suicide for he himself to publicly make such vile comments.
No doubt though, he surrounds himself with thugs that do.
As much as a scumbag that Sharpton is, it would be political suicide for he himself to publicly make such vile comments.
No doubt though, he surrounds himself with thugs that do.

Ok, if that is a real argument on your part, then surely you can provide evidence of such, right?

Because until that happens, all you are doing is speculating.
And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.

Are you a fan of Al Sharpton? If so please explain...the brother of this dead Crown Hieghts Jew disagrees with you. Are you doing a "disservice to yourself? Funny you jump to defend Al Sharpton but you have no opinion on the other thread...weird:uhh:

The racist community agitator Al Sharpton at the highest level of the Obama administration US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity.

Monday, spoke with Norman Rosenbaum, brother of the Yankel Rosenbaum, the Orthodox Jew murdered by a mob in Crown Heights in 1991 within days of Al Sharpton telling Jews, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.” Rosenbaum was killed days after a tragic accident that left 7-year-old black child Gavin Cato dead. After Rosenbaum’s death, Sharpton led a march through Crown Heights, at which protesters changed “No Justice, No Peace,” and later said in a speech, “All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise, no meetings, no coffee klatch, no skinnin' and grinnin'."

Now Yankel’s brother, Norman, says that advertisers, MSNBC, and President Obama should be ashamed to be associated with Sharpton. “Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity, and in terms of Al Sharpton the individual, the greatest concern is they’re legitimizing a fraud and charlatan,” Rosenbaum said from Melbourne, Australia. He added, “He has never apologized, he has never offered any sincere remorse for the atrocious things he has done by way of terrible racist behavior and lies, for inciting racial events. Anybody who takes a look at that person and wants to spend advertising dollars on him should take a hard look at their moral stance in terms of their position in business, in commerce, and in the community.”
And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.

Are you a fan of Al Sharpton? If so please explain...the brother of this dead Crown Hieghts Jew disagrees with you. Are you doing a "disservice to yourself? Funny you jump to defend Al Sharpton but you have no opinion on the other thread...weird:uhh:

The racist community agitator Al Sharpton at the highest level of the Obama administration US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity.

Monday, spoke with Norman Rosenbaum, brother of the Yankel Rosenbaum, the Orthodox Jew murdered by a mob in Crown Heights in 1991 within days of Al Sharpton telling Jews, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.” Rosenbaum was killed days after a tragic accident that left 7-year-old black child Gavin Cato dead. After Rosenbaum’s death, Sharpton led a march through Crown Heights, at which protesters changed “No Justice, No Peace,” and later said in a speech, “All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise, no meetings, no coffee klatch, no skinnin' and grinnin'."

Now Yankel’s brother, Norman, says that advertisers, MSNBC, and President Obama should be ashamed to be associated with Sharpton. “Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity, and in terms of Al Sharpton the individual, the greatest concern is they’re legitimizing a fraud and charlatan,” Rosenbaum said from Melbourne, Australia. He added, “He has never apologized, he has never offered any sincere remorse for the atrocious things he has done by way of terrible racist behavior and lies, for inciting racial events. Anybody who takes a look at that person and wants to spend advertising dollars on him should take a hard look at their moral stance in terms of their position in business, in commerce, and in the community.”

No, Jroc , I am not a fan of Al Sharpton at all. He is a rabid anti-semite and I would not give him my hand.
I think I already indicated that I dislike a lot of what he says and I am convinced that he is financially motivated to do a lot of what he does.

That being said, I am a bigger fan of the truth.

Here is the title to this thread:

Sharpton leads march calling for Dead Cops

And yet, nothing can be found in the video that shows in any way that Sharpton encouraged those disgusting cries for death, or that he chanted with them, or that he lead it in any way.

Have you ever been to a large rally? Are you aware that speakers at those things can barely hear what is being said in the crowd? And the video shows the chanting from an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STREETBLOCK than where Sharpton spoke. Are you aware of this?

Until such evidence is provided, what we have right now is just yellow journalism, which is exactly what I expect from FOX.
"Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity.

When the investigation of the accident did not produce a criminal indictment against Yosef Lifsh, Al Sharpton encouraged the Cato family to seek big-bucks damages in a civil suit against Lifsh (who had since fled to Israel for his own safety). Sharpton announced that he would personally serve papers on Yosef Lifsh in Israel. He bought tickets and hopped an El-Al flight on the weekend of Yom Kippur. At Ben Gurion Airport, a woman spotted Sharpton hailing a cab and yelled to him, "Go to hell! “I am in hell already," shot back. "I am in Israel.

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