Share Your Projects...How Are You Keeping Busy?


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
I like to garden & I'm thunkin' that the greenhouses are probably shut down so I wont be able to buy I went into my heirloom seed box & found 5 varieties of tomatoes...but they're from 2003 :(

Welp, I'm giving it the old college try!

Can Thunk get 17 year old tomato seeds to sprout? Stay tuned.

Same Thunk time...same Thunk channel! :banana:
Loading ammo and shooting it through a chronograph. I Just rediscovered how to calculate Standard Deviation.

Math is fun.
I had a few adult beverages the other night & didn't feel right about it.

Not sure if I was concerned about the virus or somebody breaking in or what...but I just felt I should keep my wits about me.

Haven't had a drink since.
World of Warcraft Classic. Got my Prot pally to level 60, currently being taught LBRS and UBRS by the guild.
Studying for the bar.

Andy Timmons ^^
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I like to garden & I'm thunkin' that the greenhouses are probably shut down so I wont be able to buy I went into my heirloom seed box & found 5 varieties of tomatoes...but they're from 2003 :(

Welp, I'm giving it the old college try!

Can Thunk get 17 year old tomato seeds to sprout? Stay tuned.

Same Thunk time...same Thunk channel! :banana:

Been babysitting the apocalypse so to speak. By that I mean digging through local and national news stories, keeping up with events in other cities through family members and friends, and hanging out down at the local Sheriff's precinct to shoot the breeze and get some personal intel; trying to keep my finger on the pulse of the pandemic and its effect on our community—just in case the shit is about to hit the fan. Otherwise, I've been cooking like mad, doing university work, helping the wife set up a work from home office space, and otherwise pulling my hair out looking for new ways to kill time.
I like to garden & I'm thunkin' that the greenhouses are probably shut down so I wont be able to buy I went into my heirloom seed box & found 5 varieties of tomatoes...but they're from 2003 :(

Welp, I'm giving it the old college try!

Can Thunk get 17 year old tomato seeds to sprout? Stay tuned.

Same Thunk time...same Thunk channel! :banana:
Yard work yesterday. Pool and computer work today.
Hey can you post a track? That would be cool to hear you. I am trying to figure the best way to upload a piano track of me playing.
Well first, that's not me in the photo, and yes, I would except right now all I have is an old 4G verizon phone and it would probably sound shitty.....remind me again later this summer and maybe I'll have some better recording equipment.

I have a buddy in Dallas who plays keyboards too and software engineer
...maybe he and I can upload something - he's got a whole studio with his keyboards, some guitars, bass, a drum set, and all that. If I ever make it down there.
Since the gyms are closed until April 14th here in Tennessee, walking outside is how I have been keeping up with my workout.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but when will yard sales be allowed to happen? I have a room that is in serious need of being cleaned out and if it is ever taken care of, what is removed from the house will become yard sale material or good will donations.

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