Sexual Harassment score card: 36 Dems,7 GOP... 8 unknowns


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Seems the party that has been the greatest advocate for women's rights is also the party with the greatest inclination to ignore their rights!

List of men accused of sexual misconduct

NOTE: (I've added above list for Rose, Stone, Thrush and Conyers that were after above list created.)
NOTE2: (I being fair and balanced forgot Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and counted them as GOPers!)

Now once again though how many of the 36 Dems have had as much coverage as the one GOP Moore?
Let's see...Google News search...
"Roy Moore" 7,370,000 results
"Al Franken" 800,000
Wow biased reporting at work......
Nearly 80% more news items for a GOP "senatorial" candidate than for a Democrat "SITTING Senator".
36 known Democrats versus 5 known GOPs... hmmm is there another bias showing????
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Seems the party that has been the greatest advocate for women's rights is also the party with the greatest inclination to ignore their rights!

List of men accused of sexual misconduct

NOTE:(I've added above list for Rose, Stone, Thrush and Conyers that were after above list created.)

Now once again though how many of the 36 Dems have had as much coverage as the one GOP Moore?
Let's see...Google News search...
"Roy Moore" 7,370,000 results
"Al Franken" 800,000
Wow biased reporting at work......
Nearly 80% more news items for a GOP "senatorial" candidate than for a Democrat "SITTING Senator".
36 known Democrats versus 5 know GOPs... hmmm is there another bias showing????
John Conyers, one of the Dems greatest Trump critics, has been accused of sexual inpropriety as well.

AL Green is another.

This all stinks to high heaven.

This explains why Obama got away with so much....he was blackmailing them.
All of you are partisan hacks. This isnt a political party problem.
You dingleberries need to get over yourselves.

Note this isn't about the "party" issue as much as it is the MSM biased reporting .... great emphasis on Moore compared to a sitting Democrat Senator Franken!
All of you are partisan hacks. This isnt a political party problem.
You dingleberries need to get over yourselves.

Note this isn't about the "party" issue as much as it is the MSM biased reporting .... great emphasis on Moore compared to a sitting Democrat Senator Franken!
Maybe because he was accused of stalking young teenagers
as i said, get over yourselves.
All of you are partisan hacks. This isnt a political party problem.
You dingleberries need to get over yourselves.

Note this isn't about the "party" issue as much as it is the MSM biased reporting .... great emphasis on Moore compared to a sitting Democrat Senator Franken!

They won't be able to escape the Charlie Rose bombshell. What's that saying, people in glass houses should not throw stones, libs attack Trump like a pack of wild dogs then this blows up in their face a category 10 wave of serial sexual harassment, forcing women to perform sex acts, alleged rapes, the left is no friend to women.
Seems the party that has been the greatest advocate for women's rights is also the party with the greatest inclination to ignore their rights!

List of men accused of sexual misconduct

NOTE:(I've added above list for Rose, Stone, Thrush and Conyers that were after above list created.)

Now once again though how many of the 36 Dems have had as much coverage as the one GOP Moore?
Let's see...Google News search...
"Roy Moore" 7,370,000 results
"Al Franken" 800,000
Wow biased reporting at work......
Nearly 80% more news items for a GOP "senatorial" candidate than for a Democrat "SITTING Senator".
36 known Democrats versus 5 know GOPs... hmmm is there another bias showing????
John Conyers, one of the Dems greatest Trump critics, has been accused of sexual inpropriety as well.

AL Green is another.

This all stinks to high heaven.

This explains why Obama got away with so much....he was blackmailing them.

Hey thanks for "Al Green" just added to thread and changed Title to 37!
All of you are partisan hacks. This isnt a political party problem.
You dingleberries need to get over yourselves.

Ya, they are all assholes. They need to release this list we keep hearing about as well as a list of all those who used funds from it. That should shut 99.3% of the loud mouth assholes. Why is no one asking about it?
All of you are partisan hacks. This isnt a political party problem.
You dingleberries need to get over yourselves.

Note this isn't about the "party" issue as much as it is the MSM biased reporting .... great emphasis on Moore compared to a sitting Democrat Senator Franken!
Maybe because he was accused of stalking young teenagers
as i said, get over yourselves.

Yea that's right... stalking young teenagers is bad. No question... IF true!
Now they say a picture is worth a thousand words...
Screen Shot 2017-11-21 at 9.44.43 AM.png
All of you are partisan hacks. This isnt a political party problem.
You dingleberries need to get over yourselves.

Actually I'm not a "party" hack as I voted for A democrat for President... big mistake though!
What I am though is a very strong proponent of journalistic honesty which we have not had for nearly 50 years starting with Walter Cronkite INFLUENCING and causing deaths in
Vietnam when we were winning.
Coupled with the FACTS the MSM like unions donate over 80% of their money to the Democrat party it continues to show how biased the MSM has become.
Add to that this biased MSM is educated by biased liberal (here is a link from a former lawyer for the Black Panthers.... David Horowitz) colleges.
The vastly disproportionate presence of leftist professors on university campuses across the United States has been well documented.
One of the first studies on this subject was conducted in 2003 by the Center for the Study of Popular Culture (CSPC, now called the David Horowitz Freedom Center), David Horowitz Freedom Center which examined the ratio of registered Democrats to registered Republicans on the faculties of 32 elite colleges and universities nationwide.
In its examinations of more than 150 departments and upper-level administrations at the 32 colleges and universities, the CSPC found that the overall ratio of registered Democrats to registered Republicans was greater than than 10-to-1 (1,397 Democrats, 134 Republicans).
The One-Party University - Discover the Networks

So it isn't so much a "party" issue as it is an honesty issue...i.e. neither our colleges/schools are fair and balanced and as a result nor our MSM. All of which people with logic,
integrity and principles have come to the same conclusion... we can't trust most of what the MSM reports. Simply biased.
isn't it strange that now that the Clintons are apparently on the "outs" with the Democrat party it is now after over 15 years we are being told that Bill Clinton's sexual attacks on
Jones,Flowers,Broderick, were NOT ok? Just too bad this same "moral" outrage the MSM is showing current sexual abusers wasn't around when Clinton was running for President. With the MSM basically looking the other way, this acceptance of Clinton's behavior became the role model for ensuing men to promote this behavior. If the President of the USA gets away with it, why can't other moneyed and powerful men also get away with it? Just let the MSM cover it up!
Also it is further proof of how biased the MSM is... here we have both GOP RINOs and the MSM telling Moore not to run based on allegations YET where were these
RINOs during this time as well as the MSM? Isn't the wonton death of a young woman reason enough to expel a sitting Senator?

Incident on Chappaquiddick Island - Jul 18, 1969 -
Shortly after leaving a party on Chappaquiddick Island, Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy of Massachusetts drives an Oldsmobile off a wooden bridge into a tide-swept pond. Kennedy escaped the submerged car, but his passenger, 28-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne, did not. The senator did not report the fatal car accident for 10 hours.

On the evening of July 18, 1969, while most Americans were home watching television reports on the progress of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission, Kennedy and his cousin Joe Gargan were hosting a cookout and party at a rented cottage on Chappaquiddick Island, an affluent island near Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. The party was planned as a reunion for Kopechne and five other women, all veterans of the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s 1968 presidential campaign. Bobby Kennedy was Ted Kennedy’s older brother, and following Bobby’s assassination in June 1968 Ted took up his family’s political torch. In 1969, Ted Kennedy was elected majority whip in the U.S. Senate, and he seemed an early front-runner for the 1972 Democratic presidential nomination.

Where was the same angst over the death and even the question about this incident?
Seems the party that has been the greatest advocate for women's rights is also the party with the greatest inclination to ignore their rights!

List of men accused of sexual misconduct

NOTE: (I've added above list for Rose, Stone, Thrush and Conyers that were after above list created.)
NOTE2: (I being fair and balanced forgot Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and counted them as GOPers!)

Now once again though how many of the 36 Dems have had as much coverage as the one GOP Moore?
Let's see...Google News search...
"Roy Moore" 7,370,000 results
"Al Franken" 800,000
Wow biased reporting at work......
Nearly 80% more news items for a GOP "senatorial" candidate than for a Democrat "SITTING Senator".
36 known Democrats versus 5 known GOPs... hmmm is there another bias showing????
Somehow you forgot 'grab them by the pussy' Trump.
Seems the party that has been the greatest advocate for women's rights is also the party with the greatest inclination to ignore their rights!

List of men accused of sexual misconduct

NOTE: (I've added above list for Rose, Stone, Thrush and Conyers that were after above list created.)
NOTE2: (I being fair and balanced forgot Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and counted them as GOPers!)

Now once again though how many of the 36 Dems have had as much coverage as the one GOP Moore?
Let's see...Google News search...
"Roy Moore" 7,370,000 results
"Al Franken" 800,000
Wow biased reporting at work......
Nearly 80% more news items for a GOP "senatorial" candidate than for a Democrat "SITTING Senator".
36 known Democrats versus 5 known GOPs... hmmm is there another bias showing????
Somehow you forgot 'grab them by the pussy' Trump.

Well to be honest he never said he did...
It was a hot mic situation and Donald Trump had no idea it was on. He candidly talks about when you're famous you can do anything with women and is caught saying at one point "Grab her by the pussy".
But he never said HE grabbed them by the pussy. Are you saying just because he said that he does that?

You are right! I should put Trump under the Democrat category though because at the time he was making that statement in 2005 he was a Democrat.
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'36 Dems,7 GOP'

Damn those GOP! :p

Notice how everyone of those Democrats are accompanied by a liberal / snowflake defense / justification / excuse / distraction....?

Seems the party that has been the greatest advocate for women's rights is also the party with the greatest inclination to ignore their rights!

List of men accused of sexual misconduct

NOTE: (I've added above list for Rose, Stone, Thrush and Conyers that were after above list created.)
NOTE2: (I being fair and balanced forgot Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and counted them as GOPers!)

Now once again though how many of the 36 Dems have had as much coverage as the one GOP Moore?
Let's see...Google News search...
"Roy Moore" 7,370,000 results
"Al Franken" 800,000
Wow biased reporting at work......
Nearly 80% more news items for a GOP "senatorial" candidate than for a Democrat "SITTING Senator".
36 known Democrats versus 5 known GOPs... hmmm is there another bias showing????

hey psychohack,
21st Century Fox in $90 million settlement tied to sexual harassment scandal

and you forgot the orange sociopath pussy grabber who likes watching 15 year olds undress and has the hots for his daughter.
Seems the party that has been the greatest advocate for women's rights is also the party with the greatest inclination to ignore their rights!

List of men accused of sexual misconduct

NOTE: (I've added above list for Rose, Stone, Thrush and Conyers that were after above list created.)
NOTE2: (I being fair and balanced forgot Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and counted them as GOPers!)

Now once again though how many of the 36 Dems have had as much coverage as the one GOP Moore?
Let's see...Google News search...
"Roy Moore" 7,370,000 results
"Al Franken" 800,000
Wow biased reporting at work......
Nearly 80% more news items for a GOP "senatorial" candidate than for a Democrat "SITTING Senator".
36 known Democrats versus 5 known GOPs... hmmm is there another bias showing????

Do morons like you really want to go that little route???

Republican Sex Scandals | List of GOP Affairs - Ranker
Seems the party that has been the greatest advocate for women's rights is also the party with the greatest inclination to ignore their rights!

List of men accused of sexual misconduct

NOTE: (I've added above list for Rose, Stone, Thrush and Conyers that were after above list created.)
NOTE2: (I being fair and balanced forgot Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and counted them as GOPers!)

Now once again though how many of the 36 Dems have had as much coverage as the one GOP Moore?
Let's see...Google News search...
"Roy Moore" 7,370,000 results
"Al Franken" 800,000
Wow biased reporting at work......
Nearly 80% more news items for a GOP "senatorial" candidate than for a Democrat "SITTING Senator".
36 known Democrats versus 5 known GOPs... hmmm is there another bias showing????

hey psychohack,
21st Century Fox in $90 million settlement tied to sexual harassment scandal

and you forgot the orange sociopath pussy grabber who likes watching 15 year olds undress and has the hots for his daughter.

AND you are as always not paying any attention to details!
I wrote:
NOTE: (I've added above list for Rose, Stone, Thrush and Conyers that were after above list created.)
NOTE2: (I being fair and balanced forgot Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and counted them as GOPers!)

Now as far as a "pussy grabber" who are you talking about? Trump never once said or was accused of "pussy grabbing"!
What he did say was: He candidly talks about when you're famous you can do anything with women and is caught saying at one point "Grab her by the pussy".

Did HE ADMIT he grabbed any women by the pussy? NOPE He said when you are famous like Charlie Rose, or weinstein's, or Clinton, you can but he never once admitted he did!

Now when did he ever say he watched 15 year olds undress? PROVE IT! where is the links???
Finally how did you ever come to the conclusion he had the hots for his daughter? I mean come on.... prove he actually HAD SEXUAL desires for his daughter? Prove IT!!
Naw... you can't! Prove it! It is no more true then saying as a woman you had the hots for your DAD!
Seems the party that has been the greatest advocate for women's rights is also the party with the greatest inclination to ignore their rights!

List of men accused of sexual misconduct

NOTE: (I've added above list for Rose, Stone, Thrush and Conyers that were after above list created.)
NOTE2: (I being fair and balanced forgot Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and counted them as GOPers!)

Now once again though how many of the 36 Dems have had as much coverage as the one GOP Moore?
Let's see...Google News search...
"Roy Moore" 7,370,000 results
"Al Franken" 800,000
Wow biased reporting at work......
Nearly 80% more news items for a GOP "senatorial" candidate than for a Democrat "SITTING Senator".
36 known Democrats versus 5 known GOPs... hmmm is there another bias showing????

Do morons like you really want to go that little route???

Republican Sex Scandals | List of GOP Affairs - Ranker

Of course because NONE on your list had been accused of molesting/raping/groping as those on the 36 Democrats... I mean show me a similar picture like
this sent by a former Democrat congressman who's wife worked for Hillary?
Screen Shot 2017-11-21 at 3.45.39 PM.png

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