Sex Education and the American Teenager


la vie boheme
May 20, 2011
The Outer Limits
Most schools only promote an abstinence based curriculum when it comes to sex education. It is hard to understand the hesitance of teaching a real class that educates the hidden dangers of sex to these kids. Many people still fight against an actual class that teaches our children about safe sex, contraceptives and how to properly use them. I assume it is felt we are arming our children with the necessary weapons to throw all out orgies, spreading around un-godly evilness.

With the popularity of shows such as "Teen Mom" it has become more evident our youth knows little to nothing about proper precautions to avoid unwanted pregnancy and disease. In my city alone there are 90, yes 90, girls in one high school that are pregnant. I am not giving the green light to these children to participate in dirty deeds done dirt cheap, but instead protecting them and arming them with the necessary tools to make educated decisions.

Why do you think this day in age with teen pregnancy and the infant mortality rate as high as it is in our civilized, advanced society we are still reluctant to teach real sex ed? Abstinence is best, of course, but lets face it. It is outdated and clearly not working.

Education is the first step in population control, perhaps. But, abstinence does not make a child not have sex. It just makes them think the adults preaching that to them are hypocrites.

Personally, a "how to" wouldn't be a bad idea, because most of the men just plain suck in bed. :)
I'd like to know the source for your claim that "most" schools promote an abstinence-only education. I suspect that, if anything, schools are more open about this topic than they used to be. For example, it's not at all uncommon for students at many schools to have condoms available on request.
School Policies
While most states require schools to teach sexuality education, local school districts are given wide latitude in determining the content of their sexuality education programs.40 However, the minimal guidance that states do provide stresses abstinence.40 More than two out of three public school districts have a policy man- dating sexuality education.29 According to a na- tionwide survey taken by the Alan Guttmacher Institute of school superintendents:
• “86% percent of school districts with a sexuality education policy require promotion of abstinence”;
• “51% require that abstinence be taught as the preferred option but also permit discussion of contraception as an effective means of protecting against unin- tended pregnancy and STIs”;
• “35% require abstinence to be taught as the only option for unmarried people, while either prohibiting discussion of contraception altogether or limiting dis- cussion to contraceptive failure rates”; and
• “14% of school districts currently have policies that are truly comprehensive and teach both contraception and abstinence”.

Here are some more links:

Facts on American Teens? Sources of Information About Sex
IMO, Every school needs birth control in candy-like dispensers. Each student comes in everyday and takes some sort of birth control pill or condom. Probably both.
Sex should be taught in the back seat of a 57 Chevy - the same way I learned about it.
IMO, Every school needs birth control in candy-like dispensers. Each student comes in everyday and takes some sort of birth control pill or condom. Probably both.

The availability of this isn't the problem, teenagers can easily get the pill and condoms these days, they just don't use them.
Ultimately it has to come down to individual responsibility. (Which is why education is so important. You can't be responsible without being informed.)

To the main point, however, if a man and a woman of any age are both fertile but aren't prepared to deal with 9 months of pregnancy - they shouldn't fuck. Why that concept is so tough for so many people is a mystery to me.
IMO, Every school needs birth control in candy-like dispensers. Each student comes in everyday and takes some sort of birth control pill or condom. Probably both.

The availability of this isn't the problem, teenagers can easily get the pill and condoms these days, they just don't use them.

Did you use them? Did anyone over the age of 35 use them?

Don't answer this personal question but think about it. No one wants to use condoms but at least we can control the population from teen pregnancy by other ways. We all know condoms don't feel good but they need to be used to protect yourself from those nasty STDs. Show the kids a real dick or vagina infected and broken out with herpes. I'll bet they'll wear them after seeing that...You would too. :D
Agreed. Just hand the girls a pill at the door. Next!
The pill does not do a damn thing for STD's

how about we just start little boys off wearing condoms..that way they wont whine like babies when the time comes. ;)
IMO, Every school needs birth control in candy-like dispensers. Each student comes in everyday and takes some sort of birth control pill or condom. Probably both.

The availability of this isn't the problem, teenagers can easily get the pill and condoms these days, they just don't use them.

Did you use them? Did anyone over the age of 35 use them?

Don't answer this personal question but think about it. No one wants to use condoms but at least we can control the population from teen pregnancy by other ways. We all know condoms don't feel good but they need to be used to protect yourself from those nasty STDs. Show the kids a real dick or vagina infected and broken out with herpes. I'll bet they'll wear them after seeing that...You would too. :D

You can fix cant fix aids or herpes .
The availability of this isn't the problem, teenagers can easily get the pill and condoms these days, they just don't use them.

Did you use them? Did anyone over the age of 35 use them?

Don't answer this personal question but think about it. No one wants to use condoms but at least we can control the population from teen pregnancy by other ways. We all know condoms don't feel good but they need to be used to protect yourself from those nasty STDs. Show the kids a real dick or vagina infected and broken out with herpes. I'll bet they'll wear them after seeing that...You would too. :D

You can fix cant fix aids or herpes .

Very true!! This seconds my notion to show the the little teenagers infected real genitalia. Scare the little bastards and they will wear condoms. :D
IMO, Every school needs birth control in candy-like dispensers. Each student comes in everyday and takes some sort of birth control pill or condom. Probably both.

The availability of this isn't the problem, teenagers can easily get the pill and condoms these days, they just don't use them.

Did you use them? Did anyone over the age of 35 use them?

Don't answer this personal question but think about it. No one wants to use condoms but at least we can control the population from teen pregnancy by other ways. We all know condoms don't feel good but they need to be used to protect yourself from those nasty STDs. Show the kids a real dick or vagina infected and broken out with herpes. I'll bet they'll wear them after seeing that...You would too. :D

Well they already do show children the nasty pics of private parts with STDS, sure the kids are disgusted for a while but after a few weeks if they get a chance to have sex even without protection, they still do it.
Ultimately it has to come down to individual responsibility. (Which is why education is so important. You can't be responsible without being informed.)

To the main point, however, if a man and a woman of any age are both fertile but aren't prepared to deal with 9 months of pregnancy - they shouldn't fuck. Why that concept is so tough for so many people is a mystery to me.

Why yes, to hormone-driven-know-it-all teenagers the concept is an arduous undertaking. You are spot on in saying "You can't be responsible without being informed." However, many of these kids are ill or mis-informed. It IS about personal responsibility, but how can we pass that on if we as parents or adults are being irresponsible with our obligations to these children?
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Did you use them? Did anyone over the age of 35 use them?

Don't answer this personal question but think about it. No one wants to use condoms but at least we can control the population from teen pregnancy by other ways. We all know condoms don't feel good but they need to be used to protect yourself from those nasty STDs. Show the kids a real dick or vagina infected and broken out with herpes. I'll bet they'll wear them after seeing that...You would too. :D

You can fix cant fix aids or herpes .

Very true!! This seconds my notion to show the the little teenagers infected real genitalia. Scare the little bastards and they will wear condoms. :D

A little real life never hurt anyone. If you want to fix teen pregnancy...let them know they will not get one cent or any help from the government. No free ride. Watch how fast the problem clears up.
Agreed. Just hand the girls a pill at the door. Next!
The pill does not do a damn thing for STD's

how about we just start little boys off wearing condoms..that way they wont whine like babies when the time comes. ;)

Agreed! It will be like teaching them to tie their shoes or button their pants (no pun intended). Just make it apart of the daily routine like brushing teeth or changing underwear. :razz:

You can fix cant fix aids or herpes .

Very true!! This seconds my notion to show the the little teenagers infected real genitalia. Scare the little bastards and they will wear condoms. :D

A little real life never hurt anyone. If you want to fix teen pregnancy...let them know they will not get one cent or any help from the government. No free ride. Watch how fast the problem clears up.

Oooo good one. Mix this all together and it would change quick. ;)

You can fix cant fix aids or herpes .

Very true!! This seconds my notion to show the the little teenagers infected real genitalia. Scare the little bastards and they will wear condoms. :D

A little real life never hurt anyone. If you want to fix teen pregnancy...let them know they will not get one cent or any help from the government. No free ride. Watch how fast the problem clears up.

I also think the parents need to tell their kids if they get pregnant, they cant rely on mom and dad to pay for everything. If you have 2 well off parents, you won't need any government assistance.

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