Sept Jobs Report: 885k Full-time jobs lost


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
So as usual the government has been lying about the monthly “jobs report”.

When we dive into it, 885,000 full time jobs were lost, while adding 1.1 million part-time jobs as people are forced to get multiple part time jobs for losing their full time job.

I‘m sure the usual suspects will come around to spin this into “Good News” as if it were the Gospel.
So as usual the government has been lying about the monthly “jobs report”.

When we dive into it, 885,000 full time jobs were lost, while adding 1.1 million part-time jobs as people are forced to get multiple part time jobs for losing their full time job.

I‘m sure the usual suspects will come around to spin this into “Good News” as if it were the Gospel.
You weren't supposed to notice that.
So as usual the government has been lying about the monthly “jobs report”.

When we dive into it, 885,000 full time jobs were lost, while adding 1.1 million part-time jobs as people are forced to get multiple part time jobs for losing their full time job.

I‘m sure the usual suspects will come around to spin this into “Good News” as if it were the Gospel.
They changed how jobs reports are calculated here too, it's all smoke and mirrors now. We just added thousands of new jobs too but they are mainly part time and seasonal, we LOST full time jobs at a time where housing is out of the reach of citizens.
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So as usual the government has been lying about the monthly “jobs report”.

When we dive into it, 885,000 full time jobs were lost, while adding 1.1 million part-time jobs as people are forced to get multiple part time jobs for losing their full time job.

I‘m sure the usual suspects will come around to spin this into “Good News” as if it were the Gospel.
welcome to Xiden's America...the demafacsit have drive up the cost of living so much, people are forced to get second part-time jobs, or strike for higher wages....the demafaascsit war on the working class rages on

Biden booming labor market has the republicans triggered. The jobs report was a smoker and Biden has the lowest unemployment in 50+ years and the best labor market in US history.
You can cry and spin all you want, but the jobs market is record incredible.
deal with it
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welcome to Xiden's America...the demafacsit have drive up the cost of living so much, people are forced to get second part-time jobs, or strike for higher wages....the demafaascsit war on the working class rages on
The Muslim in Chief did the same thing.....all part time jobs.
So as usual the government has been lying about the monthly “jobs report”.

When we dive into it, 885,000 full time jobs were lost, while adding 1.1 million part-time jobs as people are forced to get multiple part time jobs for losing their full time job.

I‘m sure the usual suspects will come around to spin this into “Good News” as if it were the Gospel.
That Bidenomics is working.
Watch Biden lie and say the economy is great as union after union goes on strike... what a bunch of uneducated morons dems are...

Biden booming labor market has the republicans triggered. The jobs report was a smoker and Biden has the lowest unemployment in 50+ years and the best labor market in US history.
You can cry and spin all you want, but the jobs market is record incredible.
deal with it
Did you bother to read the article dumb ass?
So as usual the government has been lying about the monthly “jobs report”.

When we dive into it, 885,000 full time jobs were lost, while adding 1.1 million part-time jobs as people are forced to get multiple part time jobs for losing their full time job.

I‘m sure the usual suspects will come around to spin this into “Good News” as if it were the Gospel.
the economy is slowing down
Did you bother to read the article dumb ass?
yea its a bunch of sour grapes and crying.

You republicans are really taking it on the chin now as the economy is strong, labor is very strong, inflation is plummeting, rates are set to lower, Trump's legal problems intensify mightily and the case against Biden has fallen apart.
Add to that the GOP is in total chaos and disarray. You people are in panic mode.
And remember........


Biden booming labor market has the republicans triggered. The jobs report was a smoker and Biden has the lowest unemployment in 50+ years and the best labor market in US history.
You can cry and spin all you want, but the jobs market is record incredible.
deal with it
That blindfold you're wearing is doing a great job.

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