Senior ISIS leader killed in Aleppo.

Since Trump isn't the CIC I doubt the Generals care what he thinks. Or what YOU think he or they think.

Good only braggadocios Comrade Trump...

If Hillary said, I know more about ISIS than the Generals", you would crucify her. Comrade Trump gets away with stupid statements, cause no one really takes a sociopath seriously.
according to pentagon sources, this was the biggest kill yet in the war on ISIS.
Comrade Trump has been very successful in taking down Casinos, even without a Drone! He is the King of Bankruptcies!

Thankfully, President Hillary Clinton will finish off ISIS in her first term. And Comrade Trump can start another reality series:

It is not important to have killed a senior ISIS leader. They just stuff someone else in the job immediately. Organizations like ISIS are located throughout the planet. The surgical strikes and limited attacks aren't going to solve the problem; just drain resources, which they are counting upon.
The west needs to wake up and think of Islam as one would think of a dandelion plant. Isis, Taliban, Al Shabab, Boko Haram, et cetera, are like the seeds one sees floating through the air when the wind blows on a dandelion. They plant themselves in new locations, sprout and continue to spread. To kill a weed, you have to kill the root and the root in this case is, the Koran. To kill the Koran, you kill all of Islam. No seeds. No weeds. No followers. No threat.
It is not important to have killed a senior ISIS leader. They just stuff someone else in the job immediately. Organizations like ISIS are located throughout the planet. The surgical strikes and limited attacks aren't going to solve the problem; just drain resources, which they are counting upon.
The west needs to wake up and think of Islam as one would think of a dandelion plant. Isis, Taliban, Al Shabab, Boko Haram, et cetera, are like the seeds one sees floating through the air when the wind blows on a dandelion. They plant themselves in new locations, sprout and continue to spread. To kill a weed, you have to kill the root and the root in this case is, the Koran. To kill the Koran, you kill all of Islam. No seeds. No weeds. No followers. No threat.

Thank you Comrade Trump...
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