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Conservative Hippie Content / Guest Commentary / Senator Biden's VAWA Cover-Up
Senator Biden's VAWA Cover-Up
on Tuesday 26 August 2008
by Carey Roberts
Amidst the hoopla surrounding Sen. Joseph Biden's ascendancy to the right hand of Barack Obama, something was curiously missing. Over the last 15 years, Biden has repeatedly bragged to his friends and colleagues, "What I'm most proud of in my entire career is the Violence Against Women Act." So why no mention of his legislative pride-and-joy amidst the flurry of text messages, press releases, and staged public appearances?
The answer is, VAWA has become something of an embarrassment to the good senator.
The Violence Against Women Act and related laws extract $1 billion from the federal purse and dispense the money to law enforcement agencies, legal aid programs, and abuse shelters. So what's wrong with that?
Over the last two months I have documented a series of scandals at the nation's abuse shelters. These articles have reported instances of drug abuse, dating parties for shelter residents, gross mistreatment of disabled residents, and assaults on shelter residents. And the eye-opener that the great majority of shelter residents are there for reasons that have nothing to do with domestic violence.