Senate Republicans Vote Down International Disabilities Treaty


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
The U.S. Senate today killed the ratification of a United Nations treaty designed to improve the prospects of those with disabilities around the world by a vote of 61-38, ending the best chance of any significant treaty making its way through the lame duck session. All “no” votes came from Republicans and the measure fell just five votes short of achieving the two-thirds of the Senate approval required for passage.

Senate Republicans Vote Down International Disabilities Treaty | ThinkProgress
A Treaty that wouldn't have cost this Country NOTHING

"What this treaty says is very simple. It just says that you can't discriminate against the disabled. It says that other countries have to do what we did 22 years ago when we set the example for the world and passed the Americans with Disabilities Act."

Americans with Disabilities Act signed into law by a REPUBLICAN President

and you tell me that Republicans aren't dumbasses? Passionate Conservatism a creature of the pass, or did it ever exist?

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