Senate Finance Committee Democrat Won't Read Health Bill And Likens It To Gibberish..


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Sen. Thomas Carper (D - Del),a member of the Senate Finance Committee says that he doesn't expect to read the actual language of the committee's health care bill because it is "confusing" and that anyone who claims they are going to read it and understand it is fooling the people.

"I don't expect to actually read the legislative language because reading the legislative language is among the more confusing things i've ever read in my life." He went on to describe the type of language the actual text of the bill would finally be drafted in as "arcane","confusing." hard stuff to understand," and incomprehensible." He then likened it to the "Gibberish" used in credit card disclosure forms.

Well that's real comforting. Our representatives aren't even likely to read their own mammoth boondoggle legislation. This is why i have said all along that the Socialists have approached this issue all wrong. They simply tried to force way too much way too fast on the people. I mean forcing people to buy health insurance or be fined or even imprisoned? Does that really sound like America? The people just don't want this oppressive Socialist agenda. They need to scrap their current boondoggle and start all over. They need to then take each individual issue and pass separate and smaller pieces of legislation per issue. This mammoth mess they're pushing now just isn't going to cut it in the end. Surely we can have real health care reform without losing more of our Freedom & Liberty. Scrap this mess and start all over. That's how i feel anyway.
This should scare all Americans. Even a fellow Democrat is speaking up about this disastrous boondoggle legislation. Hmm?
I Won't Read LibocalypseNow's posts and I consider them to be Gibberish
I Won't Read LibocalypseNow's posts and I consider them to be Gibberish

well that was an easy out. I guess when you read something you don''t like, it's just gibberish. Kinda like Senator Carper's opinion of the health reform.
Question is if he won't read it, will he vote for it?

If it is confusing gibberish then he should vote against it and make them rewrite it in language much less confusing. I suspect he'll vote for it.

And other lobbyists are spending millions pushing it go figure. As I've said before when you vote for a specific political party or candidate the first thing you ought to do is see who hes getting his money from.

Do I want a candidate who listens to health care providers on health care or do I want a candidate who listens to on health care. me I'll go with doctors and health care workers. Seems to me they have a better Idea of what's broke in there business than Moveon would.
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So now we know Baucus is the CHIEF WHORE on this one.

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This will probably go under-reported just like when John Conyers said it a few months ago. After all, a protester with a Obama = Hitler sign is more detrimental to health care reform than Congressmen who can't be bothered to read the bill.

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