Sarah Palin is back!

I've always appreciated politicians that say what they mean, mean what they say and drive Democrats beyond reason.
Democrats think that if they complain about Sarah Palin enough everyone will stop paying attention to obama's many fuck ups.

It won't work.
So Sarah finally came out of hiding after her stupid stunts during the last election-well drop my pants and fire off a rocket. Faux has had that empty chair just waiting.
I think they are jealous... she is good looking, smart, stand on her own woman who doesn't have or need a rich hubby to use...

they have 1%er women doing a dance for a MAN...LOL

[ame=]WZ: Pelosi the dancing machine - YouTube[/ame]
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Democrats think that if they complain about Sarah Palin enough everyone will stop paying attention to obama's many fuck ups.

It won't work.

Obama and his Administration have screwed-up so much he won't even talk about it anymore (he's in hiding) How many ways can he say..I know nothing, after-all, without ALL Americans catching on.
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Hillary Clinton rode on her unfaithful husbands coattails to break into politics unlike Sarah Palin who had to work for everything she had. No wonder the left hates Palin. Palin makes Hillary look like a battered old fashioned Tammy Wynette stand-by-your-man pant suited shrew.

That's Entertainment...:clap2:
it blows my mind that she gets paid for her zany rants or anyone watches her. I can't stomach listening to that shrill voice for longer than 4 seconds regardless of the content.
Any element of society that can get up enough hatred to criticize perhaps the greatest hockey mom in modern history who became governor of Alaska and still salivate over the likes of Whoopie Goldberg needs professional therapy.
Any element of society that can get up enough hatred to criticize perhaps the greatest hockey mom in modern history who became governor of Alaska and still salivate over the likes of Whoopie Goldberg needs professional therapy.

Don't all those professionals have their hands full with you?
it blows my mind that she gets paid for her zany rants or anyone watches her. I can't stomach listening to that shrill voice for longer than 4 seconds regardless of the content.

That's what most leftists say right before they provide a detailed analysis of what she said, how she said it, and what she really meant.

If I have to watch a useless pundit, I'd rather have one that has some experience as a politician and was in a national election. That she's pretty it makes it that much easier. She's better than Rachel Maddow in all aspects.
It will probably help Bristol out when she appears in Wife Swap with Joan Rivers on June23rd. And no i am not kidding.:) And you guys are nuts, the dems love Sarah being another mouthpiece for the GOP. Maybe her and Bachmann can team up for a show "Bachmann Palin Overdrive."
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