San Francisco mayor bans publicly-funded travel to Indiana in response to "religious freedom" law


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
If he opposes discrimination why doesn't he ban travel to the 50 states that practice affirmative action discrimination against white males.?

San Francisco mayor bans publicly-funded travel to Indiana - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

3/27/15 4:50 PM EDT

San Francisco prides itself as a tolerant place, but it is closed off to one thing: Indiana.

On Thursday, San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee, a Democrat, directed all City Departments under his authority to bar publicly funded travel to the Hoosier State.

The decision followed Indiana Republican Gov. Mike Pence’s decision to sign a “religious freedom” bill that critics say effectively sanctions discrimination of LGBT citizens by private businesses.

“We stand united as San Franciscans to condemn Indiana’s new discriminatory law,” Lee said in a statement.

“San Francisco taxpayers will not subsidize legally-sanctioned discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people by the State of Indiana.”

Though San Francisco is a famously LGBT-friendly city, the mayor did not mention in his announcement the 19 other states that currently have similar religious freedom acts on the books.
Ah the stupidity of liberals. Its not "racist" or "bigoted" to attack a business owner who refuses service to someone based on ANY reason but its racist to or bigoted to refuse service to someone for any reason....such stupidity and they don't even see the irony of it. Domestic terrorist scum. There would not be the need for these laws if faggots would leave these business owners alone find a fag friendly or at least neutral business and get their cake or flowers done there...very simple...but since they insist on attacking businesses of course the state governments aren't going to sit by as the people they get revenue from are attacked and put out of business.
Religious freedom? Outrage! Who ever heard of such a thing as religious freedom in America? The nerve of some people to think that some gay couple's perverse desire to force a religious vendor to service their wedding against their will can be overruled by the religious vendor's constitutional right of freedom of religion!

How ironic that America was founded by people who came to the New World to enjoy religious freedom.
Don't go somewhere they don't want you?

Somebody from San Francisco finally had an intelligent idea.
Religious freedom? Outrage! Who ever heard of such a thing as religious freedom in America? The nerve of some people to think that some gay couple's perverse desire to force a religious vendor to service their wedding against their will can be overruled by the religious vendor's constitutional right of freedom of religion!

How ironic that America was founded by people who came to the New World to enjoy religious freedom.

Dear mikegriffith1
What is baffling is the SENTIMENT is mutual -- the gay/bi/trans community feels EQUALLY imposed upon
and outraged for much the same reasons.

But the understanding is not mutual!
Both sides feel the other is only pushing their side and excluding theirs!

It is AMAZING to me, and disturbing, that the two sides cannot see they impose on each other's beliefs.
They are both suffering similar outrage at not being respected and represented equally,
but cannot sympathize or imagine the other side feels the exact same way! Why not?

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