Russian woman to be tried in Germany


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
If thievish coward KGB dwarf aka Putin ( piss be upon him ) would have a little bit honor he had been already broken all relations with Russian Enemy # 1 Germany
There is no one country in Europa where Russians are being more hardly persecuted as Germany
But the traitorous dwarf keeping silence and sits in his bunker ( one of dozens ) and drinks Vodka with his twenty doubles.
As nothing happens.

Russians shall stop support his Anti-Russian regime, Putin fights against Russians together with any western leader

Russians are being more hardly persecuted as Germany
we do it all over the world, send witch back to her asian shitt hole

we do it all over the world, send witch back to her asian shitt hole


My dear Litwin who are 'we'?

- Your pals in your lunaticum asylum?
- Your Ashkenazi Khazarian brothers?
- Satanic talmudists
- Zelensky, Putin, Biden, Scholz & Co
- US neocons
- International thieves of any kind?

Neither Russian nor Ukrainian or European peoples need the war, only totally insane like these aforementioned ones or you are happy when millions die
BTW the picture you post above has Ukrainian car plates just magnify the picture through Photoshop
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Euro - Atlantic civilization, Ivan...

View attachment 771856


you personally did nothing to your 'Euro-Atlantic civilization', you are a welfare bandit who swallows tax money of western taxpayers and posts trash on more as 12 forums in USA and Europa.
You shall go to work instead of spreading 24/7 idiocy
you personally
I stand with majority of white men against you mongoloid Muscovites , which is nothing new :

Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008


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