Russia delivers a message for post-superpower America

I wonder if there is any truth in the story. Of course, that's not really important.

It sounds truthy to the true believers.

Guess that's all that's really important, huh?
Stories like this are published simple because people will read them. The more outrageous the story, the more people that will read it. It has nothing to do with newsworthiness or authenticity but has everything to do with the spin that can be wove around it.

I haven't spent the time investigating this, but how do we know these plane were carrying nuclear tipped missiles. The story also reports that the planes circumnavigated Guam, which means they went around it. A mile around it or 100 miles? Was this meant as some sort of a statement or was it just a routine mission?
We don't need a military to deal with Russia. obama can dismantle our military and he can swing his mighty golf club.

Our military spending is more than 10 times that of Russia's.

I mean I hate to throw cold water on your little red scare fantasies and all, but it is what it is.

In a war with Russia, our spending is irrellevent. You dont have a conventional war with Russia when you are a super power. At that point the only war you can have with them is nuclear.
So, as I understand it, the Messiahs position is that if the US leads by example, dismantles our nuclear capacity, the rest of the world will follow, and the world will live in peace, and Russia gives a dam about the fool on the hill and his cadre of tie dyed political wannabes? Ha Ha Ha, tell that to North Korea,China, India, Pakistan, Iran etc... Such a pathetic joke. The rest of the world knows otherwise.

You ‘understand’ it incorrectly.
I wonder if there is any truth in the story. Of course, that's not really important.

Finding the truth requires starting at the beginning.

Where could he have heard about this now that he's out the loop regarding such things ?

Which one of these unbiased sources provided him with this intel ?

Bolton is currently a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI)[6], frequent op-ed contributor to the Wall Street Journal and the National Review, Fox News Channel commentator, and counsel to the law firm Kirkland & Ellis, in their Washington D.C. office

My best guess is he heard it in the Fox News break room and it wasn't Russians at all circling Guam. It was migrating Russian godwits. He's hard of hearing, I hear.

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Two Russian nuclear-armed bombers…

Neo-cons continue to blindly serve their masters: the Pentagon and ‘defense’ industry. To this end they must keep the myth of the ‘Soviet Empire’ alive; whether communist or free market, Russians will always be Russians.

Without some international ‘threat,’ neo-cons can’t justify the billions wasted on military spending, the billions wasted on maintaining current military operations, or future wars designed to keep the money flowing to military contractors.

The Americans people, frightened by the specter of some contrived Russian military threat, will remain compliant and refrain from asking questions.
The right sees the truth. The left likes to kiss russias butt because they are truly commies.
If true the fact you can just dismiss it, proves just how out of touch with reality you fools are.

Whether true or not isn’t the issue; the issue is the right’s knee-jerk response that war is the ‘solution.’

Who said that?

The former GOP presidential nominee, among others:

Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich said at the Republican presidential debate here Saturday night that they would be willing to go to war to keep Iran from attaining nuclear weapons if all other strategies failed.

Romney, Gingrich at GOP debate: We'd go to war to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
I wonder why they'd bother with Guam. I have on good authority that it's going to tip over and capsize anyway.

[ame=]'Guam Tip Over' [REMIX] (feat. Hank Johnson) - YouTube[/ame]
I wonder if there is any truth in the story. Of course, that's not really important.

It sounds truthy to the true believers.

Guess that's all that's really important, huh?
Stories like this are published simple because people will read them. The more outrageous the story, the more people that will read it. It has nothing to do with newsworthiness or authenticity but has everything to do with the spin that can be wove around it.

I haven't spent the time investigating this, but how do we know these plane were carrying nuclear tipped missiles. The story also reports that the planes circumnavigated Guam, which means they went around it. A mile around it or 100 miles? Was this meant as some sort of a statement or was it just a routine mission?

Maybe if you bothered to inform yourself before commenting you'd know.
The Russians are trying to push us toward bankruptcy by getting us to overspend on the military the same way Reagan tried to do it to the Soviets in the 80's.

And of course the hardliners here are falling for it.
Russia delivers a message for post-superpower America as sequestration defense cuts loom​
Thomas Lifson
February 16, 2013

Russia delivered a powerful message to the United States just hours before President Obama's State of the Union address, one the American people are only just now beginning to learn about, starting with the conservative blogosphere. Bill Gertz of the Washington Free Beacon reports:

Two Russian nuclear-armed bombers circled the western Pacific island of Guam this week in the latest sign of Moscow's growing strategic assertiveness toward the United States.
The Russian Tu-95 Bear-H strategic bombers were equipped with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles and were followed by U.S. jets as they circumnavigated Guam on Feb. 12 local time-hours before President Barack Obama's state of the union address.​


To understand the significance of this move, consider that Guam is home to Andersen Air Force Base, a major strategic installation and home to B-52 bombers. During the Vietnam War, many Guam-based bombers were used in combat. In the strategic realignment toward Asia that President Obama is pushing, Guam plays a key role, facing China and North Korea. It functions as an "unsinkable aircraft carrier capable of hosting the largest strategic weapons in the American arsenal. And now Russia has delivered the message that it is within their gunsights, that their bombers can fly within attack range with impunity.

John Bolton, former U.N. ambassador and former State Department international security undersecretary, said the Russian bomber flights appear to be part of an increasingly threatening strategic posture in response to Obama administration anti-nuclear policies.

"Every day brings new evidence that Obama's ideological obsession with dismantling our nuclear deterrent is dangerous," Bolton said. "Our national security is in danger of slipping off the national agenda even as the threats grow."

Defense officials said the bombers tracked over Guam were likely equipped with six Kh-55 or Kh-55SM cruise missiles that can hit targets up to 1,800 miles away with either a high-explosive warhead or a 200-kiloton nuclear warhead.​

The TU-95 Bear is as old a design as the B-52, dating from the early 1950s. Its swept wing turboprop configuration and ultra-long range cruising capabilities make it still useful to Russia for long range patrols, the version currrently in use dating from the 1980s and 1990s.


Read more:
Blog: Russia delivers a message for post-superpower America as sequestration defense cuts loom

I was actually reading it until the name "John Bolton" appeared...SERIOUSLY?:badgrin:
Yes, the Russians would like to see us return to the Reagan days. Of course with a Dem President, DICK Cheney's statement in 2002, "Deficits don't matter" forgotten by the Baggers and the RW loons.

deficits don't matter - Yahoo! Search Results

There are many things the left has forgotten in a short period of time that obama and his fellow criminals I mean democrats have said.
LOL, you are a useful idiot :)

They did it...and it was a clear message for our coward president.

Two Russian nuclear-armed bombers…

Neo-cons continue to blindly serve their masters: the Pentagon and ‘defense’ industry. To this end they must keep the myth of the ‘Soviet Empire’ alive; whether communist or free market, Russians will always be Russians.

Without some international ‘threat,’ neo-cons can’t justify the billions wasted on military spending, the billions wasted on maintaining current military operations, or future wars designed to keep the money flowing to military contractors.

The Americans people, frightened by the specter of some contrived Russian military threat, will remain compliant and refrain from asking questions.

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