Russia defeated Nazi Germany; US was not even in WW2


Feb 3, 2015
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence

Just by actual statistics it is as if the US was never even in WW2.

Killed by Soviet Union Killed by other Allies
3,772,297 735,340
Killed or captured by Soviet Union Killed or captured by other Allies
6,899,677 8,402,340

This negligible contribution means the US should stop claiming it had any influence in winning WW2. All it did was prevent Nazism from invading Britain (if that was ever its intention?).

As for the Lend-Lease, the USSR produced 95% of all its weapons.

So the US precisely contributed 5% to the USSR war effort.
First few in here to express their entire ignorance about the defeat of Nazi Germany.

Where was US/UK in 1940? 1941?1942? 1943? most of 1944?

Oh that's right....not fighting, few thousands here and there in Italy fighting a few dozen German Divisions.

While the Russians were fighting 650 German divisions.
The figures are bullshit at any rate. Russia lost 28 million people in WWII. You don't measure victory by the number of people you lost. It was America's great industrial might and our will to fight that crushed fascism in WWII. We fought a two-front war without many hiccups. We and the Brits saw no reason why we should jump into the war in Russia when it was Nazis and communists killing one another at a staggering rate. Let them have at it. America won WWII because we were smart.

And beyond that...fuck you, troll!
The soviets would not have survived if the US had not shipped the materials they shipped to them. Almost every truck and halftrack the Soviets used were from the US. We sent thousands of tanks and planes as well. ALL of the communications wire they used to control their artillery divisions and communicate on the front came from the US. Almost all their rail cars came from the US. And a lot more stuff was sent.

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