Rump Exposed by Anonymous as member of Klan


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
>> Several prominent US Senators and mayors have been outed as members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and other racist groups by the hacktivist collective Anonymous, and the group hints that more politicians and public figures will be named in the near future.

.... But in the grand finale Anonymous named none other than Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. They listed him as being with a well known underground New York chapter “The Original Folks Klansmen 333” or OFK333 have been around since they began in 1933 and have been said to have contributed millions to his current campaign.

....Mr. Trump was asked about being exposed in an interview and he said:

“Everyone knows my dad was a Klansmen [sic] and it runs in the family but Look people…just because I’m an active KKK member doesn’t mean I’m a racist, I mean if Obama is a Muslim then why can’t I be apart of a brotherhood and have pride in my white heritage? If Obama shows me his birth certificate I will disassociate myself with the Klan, they do a lot of good for my community just like the people of Islam do on Obama’s behalf” << ---
Yawn, another trash source. :uhoh3:

LOL is the cutting edge of news

Just noticed it's satire. :biggrin:


The thing is -- it's believable enough to work.

Yawn, another trash source. :uhoh3:

LOL is the cutting edge of news

Just noticed it's satire. :biggrin:

It's not even funny or clever satire

You may be right, since it's too close to reality. If it had said, say, Bernie Sanders was KKK, that would be more hilariouser.
" is the most notorious entertainment website in the world with the most shocking Satire News to keep its visitors in a state of disbelief.
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I loved the little symbol in the upper left of the homepage. . .


Yawn, another trash source. :uhoh3:

LOL is the cutting edge of news

Just noticed it's satire. :biggrin:


The thing is -- it's believable enough to work.

Yawn, another trash source. :uhoh3:

LOL is the cutting edge of news

Just noticed it's satire. :biggrin:

It's not even funny or clever satire

You may be right, since it's too close to reality. If it had said, say, Bernie Sanders was KKK, that would be more hilariouser.

Yeah. Especially given their history with S.A. Bierfield and Leo Frank.
This just in....Aliens found on moon...and south Texas... admit being klan members...

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