Ruh Roe...Trump is UP by 2


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
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He's down, in fact, by seven, and your lies are not helping him.

You have lost your mind in thinking that your lie will help him.
Trump Up 2 Points Nationwide, While Clinton Campaigns As If The Race Is Already Won — IBD/TIPP Poll
"With 16 days to go until November 8, Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 2 percentage points — 43% to 41% — in a four-way race, according to the latest IBD/TIPP presidential tracking poll."
If Trump wins libs will lose their damn minds...but not nearly as much as Barry, the WHITE BILL COSBY, & the ENABLER will.
Cherry-picking your favorite polls again? Every time I check the poll-of-polls, NO CHANGE!!!!
He's down, in fact, by seven, and your lies are not helping him.

You have lost your mind in thinking that your lie will help him.

The polls will more or less right themselves about a week before the election. Presently, the pollsters are continuing to attempt to shape the election. About a week before the election the pollsters will want to report pretty accurate polling data in order to not look unprofessional when the actual votes are tallied. You will at that time see something closer to the actual truth of the polls.
Funny how the 2 clowns pick LIBERAL websites to prove their candidate is winning but the poll that has been the most reliable past 3 elections is lying....mmhmm! Sure thing.
Funny how the 2 clowns pick LIBERAL websites to prove their candidate is winning but the poll that has been the most reliable past 3 elections is lying....mmhmm! Sure thing.


RealClearPolitics is not a "liberal" website.
Cool story bro. You have your opinion I have facts. The same people that own a MUSLIM channel now own RCP. Of course Muslims will hate Trump and love Clinton. They can BUY CLINTON its just a matter of price.
Funny how the 2 clowns pick LIBERAL websites to prove their candidate is winning but the poll that has been the most reliable past 3 elections is lying....mmhmm! Sure thing.


RealClearPolitics is not a "liberal" website.
Cool story bro. You have your opinion I have facts. The same people that own a MUSLIM channel now own RCP. Of course Muslims will hate Trump and love Clinton. They can BUY CLINTON its just a matter of price.


You wouldn't know a "fact" if it fucked you in the ass.

RCP has a small but decidedly right-wing slant, as anyone who's ever read it would know.
Funny how the 2 clowns pick LIBERAL websites to prove their candidate is winning but the poll that has been the most reliable past 3 elections is lying....mmhmm! Sure thing.
Haha, RCP is liberal? Click the link dumbshit, it includes the exact same outlier poll you cited in its data
Funny how the 2 clowns pick LIBERAL websites to prove their candidate is winning but the poll that has been the most reliable past 3 elections is lying....mmhmm! Sure thing.
Haha, RCP is liberal? Click the link dumbshit, it includes the exact same outlier poll you cited in its data

Math has a liberal bias.
He's down, in fact, by seven, and your lies are not helping him.

You have lost your mind in thinking that your lie will help him.
Hey Jakey, F* YOU! Evidently you can't read...I posted a link to a poll. There was no 'lying' on my part. You got a problem with the poll, fine.

You ignorant libs calling people 'liars' because you don't like the links / articles is getting old. Then again, I am used to your ignorance.
He's down, in fact, by seven, and your lies are not helping him.

You have lost your mind in thinking that your lie will help him.
Hey Jakey, F* YOU! Evidently you can't read...I posted a link to a poll. There was no 'lying' on my part. You got a problem with the poll, fine.

You ignorant libs calling people 'liars' because you don't like the links / articles is getting old. Then again, I am used to your ignorance.
People see distortion and manipulation as a form of lying. Pointing out one poll is fine but saying rut roe trump is UP by two by using an outlier poll is not honest
"With 16 days to go until November 8, Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 2 percentage points — 43% to 41% — in a four-way race, according to the latest IBD/TIPP presidential tracking poll."

IBD/TIPP was the most accurate poll in 2012.....
I love that you just referenced as they put Hillary at an 87% favorite to win, using some pretty extensive data analysis.
Trump Up 2 Points Nationwide, While Clinton Campaigns As If The Race Is Already Won — IBD/TIPP Poll

"With 16 days to go until November 8, Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 2 percentage points — 43% to 41% — in a four-way race, according to the latest IBD/TIPP presidential tracking poll."

If Trump wins libs will lose their damn minds...but not nearly as much as Barry, the WHITE BILL COSBY, & the ENABLER will.


Imagine how far ahead Trump would be if the pro clinton news network put the clinton crimes under the same magnifying glass as they do Trump's locker room talk. Well, maybe not clinton crimes, but unconscionable acts of greed like those pointed out in 'Clinton Cash'. I keep posting the link but not sure the clintonites can stand the truth about their candidate.

u tube clinton cash - Google Search
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