Rudy Giuliani pal ready to flip on Devin Nunes


Lev Parnas’s lawyer says he’s willing to tell Congress that GOP Rep. Devin Nunes went to Vienna to talk to the prosecutor who was ousted over corruption issues.

The attorney told CNN that Parnas is willing to comply with a congressional subpoena for documents and testimony as part of its impeachment inquiry. Information could prove explosive for Nunes.

Parnas worked with Shokin and Giuliani to peddle the baseless claims that Ukraine — not Russia — interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of the Democrats and that Biden’s actions in Ukraine were corrupt because his son was on the board of a Ukrainian company.

Bondy indicated in a tweet that he is already talking to congressional leaders about Parnas’s cooperation with the impeachment investigation.

Nunes declined repeated requests from CNN to comment.

Giuliani Crony Can Detail Nunes' Meeting With Ex-Ukraine Official To Get Biden Dirt

Doesn't sound good for Nunes.
Oh please, STFU

2 officials in Ukraine were charged with
and found guilty of interfering with the 2016 elections
to benefit Hillary Clinton way before Mueller ever indicted
Russian nationals he concocted on paper

Lev Parnas’s lawyer says he’s willing to tell Congress that GOP Rep. Devin Nunes went to Vienna to talk to the prosecutor who was ousted over corruption issues.

The attorney told CNN that Parnas is willing to comply with a congressional subpoena for documents and testimony as part of its impeachment inquiry. Information could prove explosive for Nunes.

Parnas worked with Shokin and Giuliani to peddle the baseless claims that Ukraine — not Russia — interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of the Democrats and that Biden’s actions in Ukraine were corrupt because his son was on the board of a Ukrainian company.

Bondy indicated in a tweet that he is already talking to congressional leaders about Parnas’s cooperation with the impeachment investigation.

Nunes declined repeated requests from CNN to comment.

Giuliani Crony Can Detail Nunes' Meeting With Ex-Ukraine Official To Get Biden Dirt

Doesn't sound good for Nunes.

None of that is illegal, dumbass, even if he did any of that!

If he was knowingly engaging in a criminal conspiracy it is.

It makes him a fact witness in the House investigation at the very least.

Now lets get Parnas' sworn deposition, and Giulianis' statements, and compare them with Nunes' shall we?

Lev Parnas’s lawyer says he’s willing to tell Congress that GOP Rep. Devin Nunes went to Vienna to talk to the prosecutor who was ousted over corruption issues.

The attorney told CNN that Parnas is willing to comply with a congressional subpoena for documents and testimony as part of its impeachment inquiry. Information could prove explosive for Nunes.

Parnas worked with Shokin and Giuliani to peddle the baseless claims that Ukraine — not Russia — interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of the Democrats and that Biden’s actions in Ukraine were corrupt because his son was on the board of a Ukrainian company.

Bondy indicated in a tweet that he is already talking to congressional leaders about Parnas’s cooperation with the impeachment investigation.

Nunes declined repeated requests from CNN to comment.

Giuliani Crony Can Detail Nunes' Meeting With Ex-Ukraine Official To Get Biden Dirt

Doesn't sound good for Nunes.
Fresh batch of peyote buttons come in?

Lev Parnas’s lawyer says he’s willing to tell Congress that GOP Rep. Devin Nunes went to Vienna to talk to the prosecutor who was ousted over corruption issues.

The attorney told CNN that Parnas is willing to comply with a congressional subpoena for documents and testimony as part of its impeachment inquiry. Information could prove explosive for Nunes.

Parnas worked with Shokin and Giuliani to peddle the baseless claims that Ukraine — not Russia — interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of the Democrats and that Biden’s actions in Ukraine were corrupt because his son was on the board of a Ukrainian company.

Bondy indicated in a tweet that he is already talking to congressional leaders about Parnas’s cooperation with the impeachment investigation.

Nunes declined repeated requests from CNN to comment.

Giuliani Crony Can Detail Nunes' Meeting With Ex-Ukraine Official To Get Biden Dirt

Doesn't sound good for Nunes.

While I believe most politicians are dishonest I have always thought of Nunes being one of the lowest of the bunch.

Lev Parnas’s lawyer says he’s willing to tell Congress that GOP Rep. Devin Nunes went to Vienna to talk to the prosecutor who was ousted over corruption issues.

The attorney told CNN that Parnas is willing to comply with a congressional subpoena for documents and testimony as part of its impeachment inquiry. Information could prove explosive for Nunes.

Parnas worked with Shokin and Giuliani to peddle the baseless claims that Ukraine — not Russia — interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of the Democrats and that Biden’s actions in Ukraine were corrupt because his son was on the board of a Ukrainian company.

Bondy indicated in a tweet that he is already talking to congressional leaders about Parnas’s cooperation with the impeachment investigation.

Nunes declined repeated requests from CNN to comment.

Giuliani Crony Can Detail Nunes' Meeting With Ex-Ukraine Official To Get Biden Dirt

Doesn't sound good for Nunes.

While I believe most politicians are dishonest I have always thought of Nunes being one of the lowest of the bunch.

I agree! He is also uncommonly weird.


Congressional records show Nunes traveled to Europe from Nov. 30 to Dec. 3, 2018. Three of his aides—Harvey, Scott Glabe, and George Pappas—traveled with him, per the records. U.S. government funds paid for the group’s four-day trip, which cost just over $63,000.

Exclusive: Parnas Helped Nunes’ Investigations

Nunes should be forced to repay that $63,000.00 to the Treasury.
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