*Roy Macliroy, Tells Truth How Professional Golf Equipments Is Better By Design: What I always Thought*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. So its rigged, hot balls, and hot sticks.
2. You have to be in the know to get a chance for this better golf equipment.
3. Son of a pro, brother, some body shares to you the good stuff.
4. I always knew this, inherently, golf needn't be this hard, all these years I have used suck ass equipment.
5. And in so doing, I managed to forge a zero handicap.
6. Just what I could done with decent equipment, likely I would of gone pro.
7. What could of been, you would know my name, and be familiar with my face.

Congrats on being a scratch golfer, few players get to that level. There is no magic equipment only reserved for the inner circle of elite golfers. The proposal is about limiting the range of golf balls since modern clubs, especially drivers, propel balls ridiculous distances when used by pro level players.
The newfangeld solid balls drove club development to match them.

Guys who can hit 300+ yard drives crying in their beer because the new balls will shave 15 yards off that?....Boo-fucking-hoo.

Even the above average and single digit handicap club players won't really be terribly affected by all this.
Congrats on being a scratch golfer, few players get to that level. There is no magic equipment only reserved for the inner circle of elite golfers. The proposal is about limiting the range of golf balls since modern clubs, especially drivers, propel balls ridiculous distances when used by pro level players.
Sorry bout that,

1. Roy says different, you think he is lying?
2. Not a fat chance.
3. Having a better ball is one thing, but have better clubs is a unfair advantage.
3. These advantages make golf rigged, either you know someone who is a pro, who's willing to share his great fortune, or you just hack it around like I did.
4. Playing pretty good, but unable to take the game to the next level.
5. That's why I never could get traction, it's plainly rigged.

Sorry bout that,

1. Roy says different, you think he is lying?
2. Not a fat chance.
3. Having a better ball is one thing, but have better clubs is a unfair advantage.
3. These advantages make golf rigged, either you know someone who is a pro, who's willing to share his great fortune, or you just hack it around like I did.
4. Playing pretty good, but unable to take the game to the next level.
5. That's why I never could get traction, it's plainly rigged.

His name is Rory, not Roy. He does not say different, he is specifically talking about the ball and the compression changes that are coming in a few years to reduce distance. If you are a 0 handicap as you say, you did not "hack it around". That is a high level of skill that would allow you entrance into US Open qualifying events.
Sorry bout that,

1. It must be sweet to use golf clubs that are difficult to mis-hit.
2. A ball that is designed to fly straight.
3. And club that is designed to hit right, and a ball that is designed to fly straight.
4. Nice to have the pro good stuff eh?
5. Its a racket, sad its comes out now, I would of made more friends with pros.
6. I understand how it is, pros get the good stuff, the clubs/ball makers want the pros to use their stuff, so they give them the BEST.
7. Its just common sense, I always knew that.
8. They send junk to us hackers, keep on hacking, keep searching for the best stuff.
9. Its a rat race, to find out what works.
10. And you can spend thousands of dollar a month seeking the correct equipment.

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Sorry bout that,

1. It must be sweet to use golf clubs that are difficult to mis-hit.
2. A ball that is designed to fly straight.
3. And club that is designed to hit right, and a ball that is designed to fly straight.
4. Nice to have the pro good stuff eh?
5. Its a racket, sad its comes out now, I would of made more friends with pros.
6. I understand how it is, pros get the good stuff, the clubs/ball makers want the pros to use their stuff, so they give them the BEST.
7. Its just common sense, I always knew that.
8. They send junk to us hackers, keep on hacking, keep searching for the best stuff.
9. Its a rat race, to find out what works.
10. And you can spend thousands of dollar a month seeking the correct equipment.


The same tech development went into tennis rackets! Up until the mid 70's, rackets were as basic as a stick w/ cat-gut strings! The sweet spot was little more than the size of a fist! I can still remember Navratilova playing Evert in a Wimbledon Final in '78! She was at the net early in the match and a volley rolled up the throat of the racket! Even the best could flub the easiest shot back then! With today's rackets, the hardest shot can be knocked off for a winner on reflex! It's ridiculous how the "Tennis Boom" led to advancements that changed the sport overnight; esp. after Connors & Evert won Wimbl. in '74! :)
PGA tour pros are so much better than casual golfers they might as well be playing a different sport. Most golfers truly suck, and will never get any better. But even if they do what is necessary to get better (lessons, custom clubs, practice), their skill "ceiling" is quite modest. One of the many perversities of golf is how so many golfers just keep trying to buy a better game with more expensive clubs. The club manufacturers survive on this neurosis.

As for hitting the ball 300 yards plus, the trick is not the distance, it is keeping the ball in play consistently when they hit the ball that far. The margin for error is microscopic.
PGA tour pros are so much better than casual golfers they might as well be playing a different sport. Most golfers truly suck, and will never get any better. But even if they do what is necessary to get better (lessons, custom clubs, practice), their skill "ceiling" is quite modest. One of the many perversities of golf is how so many golfers just keep trying to buy a better game with more expensive clubs. The club manufacturers survive on this neurosis.

As for hitting the ball 300 yards plus, the trick is not the distance, it is keeping the ball in play consistently when they hit the ball that far. The margin for error is microscopic.
Sorry bout that,

1. It could be the equipment.
2. Ball - fly straighter.
3. Clubs - hit straighter.
4. These two advantages can be what the Pro counts on, and it would matter greatly.
5. Don't you think the manufacture's peddle their equipment as being better than the competition to the Pro?
6. I certainly do.
7. What gets into the Pro's hands is a little bit better than what I can buy off the shelf.


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