riots prove cops aren't targeting blacks!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
thats right and it should be plain to see for anyone watching rioters loot, burn, and destroy and even shoot police officers! if cops are targeting blacks why aren't they shooting the rioters many of whom are black ? as far as i know not one rioter white or black has been killed by the cops ! proof the left are liars !
thats right and it should be plain to see for anyone watching rioters loot, burn, and destroy and even shoot police officers! if cops are targeting blacks why aren't they shooting the rioters many of whom are black ? as far as i know not one rioter white or black has been killed by the cops ! proof the left are liars !

A lot of the rioters are honkies. This isn't 1968, when MLK got whacked and the black community scheduled riots.

BLM/Antifa is actually a multi-racial group, most of the people rioting are whites. That paedophile Rosenbaum who got iced when he attack a minor during the Kenosha riots was white. Ditto for most of the rioters.
thats right and it should be plain to see for anyone watching rioters loot, burn, and destroy and even shoot police officers! if cops are targeting blacks why aren't they shooting the rioters many of whom are black ? as far as i know not one rioter white or black has been killed by the cops ! proof the left are liars !

A lot of the rioters are honkies. This isn't 1968, when MLK got whacked and the black community scheduled riots.

BLM/Antifa is actually a multi-racial group, most of the people rioting are whites. That paedophile Rosenbaum who got iced when he attack a minor during the Kenosha riots was white. Ditto for most of the rioters.
true some of the idiots are white and some of them are black ...but the cops havent shot any black protester's ! proof blm and the left are liars!
The claim that it’s not safe for blacks to walk down the street without being shot by a racist cop is so ridiculous I’m not even going to dignify that claim or similar claims with any type of response. Don’t take the bait anymore. These people don’t like facts they like narrative.
deflection from the left ... once again why have no black protesters been killed by the police during the months of rioting ?
The fact that Black guys walk around everyday, fearlessly, proves that they do not believe they are apt to be killed by police. The instances of Blacks being killed by police, proves that they do not believe it.
thats right and it should be plain to see for anyone watching rioters loot, burn, and destroy and even shoot police officers! if cops are targeting blacks why aren't they shooting the rioters many of whom are black ? as far as i know not one rioter white or black has been killed by the cops ! proof the left are liars !

The cops aren't targeting blacks.

They are targeting criminals.

And that's what the leftists have a problem with.

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