Ricin found in 2 Letters, 1 to Obama

no one seemed interested when i possted it

Seems you and I may be the only ones.

The preliminary test for Ricin is notoriously unrelaible.

Leitenberg said he was hard pressed to remember any case when an initial chemical test that showed the presence of ricin actually turned out to be ricin. Nearly every time it is a false alarm. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said there's a rapid detection test for ricin that takes 6 to 8 hours, but the more complete test — the ricin toxin test — takes about 48 hours to perform and the availability of cultured cells to do the test could be a problem getting it done that fast. That second test is "considered the best test for determining the presence of ricin," the CDC said in a fact sheet on ricin.

Ricin: A bioterror agent with few real victims
If these terrorists attacks are down to people who are anti-gun legislation, that would be very interesting indeed. It certainly won't help the cause.
There never was a connection established between 9/11 and the anthrax attacks. According to authorities. Still the timing here is very suspicious.
If these terrorists attacks are down to people who are anti-gun legislation, that would be very interesting indeed. It certainly won't help the cause.

already there is no connection. One receiving a letter is for the legislation.
If these terrorists attacks are down to people who are anti-gun legislation, that would be very interesting indeed. It certainly won't help the cause.

already there is no connection. One receiving a letter is for the legislation.

Obama and Wicker are both confirmed to have been sent ricin. Levin is also reporting a suspicious letter. Shelby is saying a package.

If Levin's letter turns out to be ricin as well, and Shelby's a false alarm, it will be pretty clear what's going on,..
If these terrorists attacks are down to people who are anti-gun legislation, that would be very interesting indeed. It certainly won't help the cause.

already there is no connection. One receiving a letter is for the legislation.

Obama and Wicker are both confirmed to have been sent ricin. Levin is also reporting a suspicious letter. Shelby is saying a package.

If Levin's letter turns out to be ricin as well, and Shelby's a false alarm, it will be pretty clear what's going on,..

CNN) — A letter addressed to President Barack Obama that contained a suspicious substance was similar to an envelope sent to a U.S. senator that initially tested positive for the deadly poison ricin, a law enforcement source said Wednesday. U.S. Capitol Police began evacuating the first floor of a Senate office building on Wednesday because of the package, according to a CNN producer on the scene. In addition, security officers cleared the hall outside the office of Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Alabama, in another Senate office building due to a suspicious envelope.
Omagawd! Another terrorist attack!!!

I don't think poison attacks are something to sneer at; the anthrax attacks killed a bunch of people and they NEVER found out whodunnit.

They kept railroading people, but the first definitely didn't do it, and the second probably didn't either. That's the clearest case I've ever seen of the FBI simply inventing a culprit to solve a case. I hope I never see that again.
Omagawd! Another terrorist attack!!!

I don't think poison attacks are something to sneer at; the anthrax attacks killed a bunch of people and they NEVER found out whodunnit.

They kept railroading people, but the first definitely didn't do it, and the second probably didn't either. That's the clearest case I've ever seen of the FBI simply inventing a culprit to solve a case. I hope I never see that again.

Why is it so difficult for some people to recognize irony/sarcasm? :eusa_whistle:
Suspicious Envelopes
Suspicious mail also was reported in the Washington offices of Senators Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican, and Senator Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat. Manchin is a co-sponsor of a compromise proposal to expand background checks for gun purchasers, scheduled to receive a vote later today on the Senate floor.

Hallways outside their offices were closed off for a time while authorities arrived to investigate the packages.

Shennell Antrobus, the public information officer for the Capitol Police, said the force is investigating two suspicious envelopes in the Hart and Russell Senate buildings. He declined to comment further as he addressed reporters in front of the Hart building.

In addition, a hazardous-materials team was called to the Saginaw, Michigan, office of Democratic Senator Carl Levin in response to a suspicious envelope. It wasn’t opened and it hasn’t been determined whether it contained any dangerous items, according to the senator’s website.

Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, a Republican, said that letters to his office in Phoenix were being examined by a hazardous- materials squad. The letters, which weren’t opened by his staff, also had Tennessee postmarks, he said.

Washington Gripped by Alarm as Ricin Poison Letters Found - Bloomberg
Omagawd! Another terrorist attack!!!

I don't think poison attacks are something to sneer at; the anthrax attacks killed a bunch of people and they NEVER found out whodunnit.

They kept railroading people, but the first definitely didn't do it, and the second probably didn't either. That's the clearest case I've ever seen of the FBI simply inventing a culprit to solve a case. I hope I never see that again.

Why is it so difficult for some people to recognize irony/sarcasm? :eusa_whistle:

Because you were not clear? Are you sneering at the idea that the Washington stuff is terrorism, or sneering at terrorism in general, or WHAT??

Never mind, doesn't matter.

I don't think you know how to do irony or sarcasm; that's just sneering and isn't communicating well.

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