During the 2000-2002 bear market,investors lost about $8 trillion.Many reirement nest eggs were emasculated.Meanwhile,Wall street's assets-based strategy gave insiders a cushion.The average American fund investor lost more than 40 percent in the bear market,fund owners and managers took in more than $200 billion annually in fees,operating expenses,transfers and soft money and other hidden compensation from deals with brokers and silent third party investors.(quote from Paul B.Farrell,market watch)
This is why Wall street is so desperate to get it's hands on trillions in new private accounts ie:SSA...This would mean billions in new fees for Wall Street..This points to hidden costs, expensive funds and lower returns...
I for one think this is a bad idea..it will only help Wall Street and there is a great potential to lose ones royal ass...ie: Your retirement money!
This is why Wall street is so desperate to get it's hands on trillions in new private accounts ie:SSA...This would mean billions in new fees for Wall Street..This points to hidden costs, expensive funds and lower returns...
I for one think this is a bad idea..it will only help Wall Street and there is a great potential to lose ones royal ass...ie: Your retirement money!