Responding To Iran's Killing of Protesters


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Iran: More than 100 protesters believed to be killed as top officials give green light to crush protests"
Iranian security forces are using lethal force to crush protests

2. "White House condemns Iran for ‘lethal force’ against protesters
Washington says it ‘supports the Iranian people in their peaceful protests against the regime’; two people confirmed killed"
White House condemns Iran for ‘lethal force’ against protesters

That was the Trump White House.

The Obama version was very different.

Neda Agha-Soltan – pro-democracy protester who was killed by Iranian dictatorship

Since we are seeing Trump reach out to pro-democracy protesters in Iran, it’s worth remembering how Obama responded to them in 2009.

First, here’s what happened in Iran in 2009, just after Obama was elected president.

Here’s how Obama responded to the pro-democracy protesters in 2009, according to the far-left extremist New York Times:

President Obama said Tuesday that it would be counterproductive for the United States “to be seen as meddling” in the disputed Iranian presidential election, dismissing criticism from several leading Republicans that he has failed to speak out forcefully enough on behalf of the Iranian opposition.

Later on in his failed presidency, Obama would send $1.7 billion in cash to Iran to help them develop nuclear weapons, so they could destroy Israel a little faster. He made sure to include $400 million in unmarked bills, so that future administrations would not be able to back out of the “deal”.

It came out recently that Obama was so desperate to give the Iranian regime this money, that he actually stopped an investigation into drug-smuggling by Iran’s terrorist ally, Hezbollah."
Obama administration ignored pro-democracy protesters, gave Iran dictators $1.7 billion

Now.....why would Obama have backed the 7th century barbarians?????
Ouch !!!!!!

Obama's legacy continues to swirl before it hits the drain.

I sure wish those who supported the traitor would take off the blinders, and see what they've done.

Can you imagine, some of 'em are actually suggesting his wife to run for the Democrat nomination....
"Her name was Neda Soltani or Neda Agha Soltan — she was shot in the neck during a protest in Tehran on June 20, 2009. (AFP)

But Obama did nothing.

After several days the protesters called out to President Obama, “Obama, Obama, Are you with the regime or with us?”

But Obama never showed up.
He had other plans.
Barack Obama tooks sides with the Khamenei regime.
He was working on his sham nuclear deal with the liars and killers of the regime.

Now we know that Obama actively worked with the regime over the freedom protesters.
Eli Lake at Bloomberg reported:

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama’s presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

It’s well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn’t bring himself to say the election was stolen: “The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was.”

But Obama wasn’t just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, “The Iran Wars,” Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran’s green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America’s support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement’s supporters. “The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms,” Solomon writes. “But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down.”

At the time, Solomon reports, Obama’s aides received mixed messages. Members of the Iranian diaspora wanted the president to support the uprisings. Dissident Iranians from inside the country said such support would be the kiss of death. In the end, Obama did nothing, and Iran’s supreme leader blamed him anyway for fomenting the revolt.

Read the rest here.

The liberal media ignored these facts.
They lied to the public to defend their evil prince Obama."

He Was on The Other Side!... Leon Panetta Says Obama Should Have Helped the 2009 Iranian Protesters

What could possibly make Hussein behave in this manner?

Answer: his heritage.
"No amount of butchery by Iran's government has had any effect on Obama's enthusiasm for breaking bread with the regime.

Widely denounced show trials for more than 100 people began August 1. Agence France-Presse reported August 1 that 2,000 people had initially been arrested and 250 remain behind bars. U.S. and U.K. papers reported on July 29 that Tehran hospitals registered 34 bodies of protesters on June 20 alone, while 150 corpses have been counted in hospitals. New stories of torture surface regularly, with the New York Times reporting on July 28 that "some prisoners say they watched fellow detainees being beaten to death by guards in overcrowded, stinking holding pens."

So while Iranians are still taking to the streets to reject the regime's legitimacy — chanting "Neda isn't dead, the regime is" in response to the shooting death of civilian Neda Agha-Soltan — Obama's overtures are sending the opposite message.
On June 15 he said: "We will continue to pursue a tough, direct dialogue between our two countries, and we'll see where it takes us." On June 23 he reiterated: "There is a path available to Iran in which their sovereignty is respected, their traditions, their culture, their faith is respected. . . . We don't know how they're going to respond yet, and that's what we're waiting to see."

Evidently, it never occurs to Obama that what makes his desired interlocutors criminals also decimates their capacity to conduct genuine dialogue, let alone keep any promises made. "
How We Know Obama Won't Stop Iran

What's the reason that Hussein Obama insists that modern-day Nazis be guaranteed nuclear weapons?

C' can figure it out.
"The Trump administration will continue to expose and sanction Iranian leaders found guilty of human rights abuses, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Tuesday as protesters across Iran take to the streets to oppose the regime.

Pompeo delivered a message of solidarity to those protesting the Iranian regime, telling them the United States stands with them and will work to expose those Iranian leaders complicit in suppressing the demonstrators.

That message stands in stark contrast to that of the Obama administration when it faced a similar diplomatic crisis. During 2009 country-wide protests in Iran, known as the Green Revolution, the administration avoided siding with anti-regime voices as it sought to ink the landmark nuclear pact with Tehran.

"To the courageous people of Iran who refuse to stay silent about 40 years of abuse by the ruling regime, I say simply this: The United States hears you," Pompeo said in his final in-person briefing at the State Department before the Thanksgiving holiday. "We support you and we will continue to stand with you in your struggle for a brighter future for your people and for your great nation."

"We have received to date nearly 20,000 messages, videos, pictures, notes of the regime's abuses through Telegram messaging services. I hope they will continue to be sent to us," Pompeo said. "We will continue to sanction Iranian officials who are responsible for these human rights abuses, just like we did last week to Iran's minister of communications."
Trump Admin Vows Continued Support for Iranian Anti-Regime Protesters

"....Iranian leaders found guilty of human rights abuses,...."

Now....why is it that Obama didn't care?

And in fact, rewarded them????
Inflation is going through the roof there........

The people can't get jobs.........

And this is a direct result of Sanctions under Trump to Iran..........

This is waging economic War against make them stop their shit in the Middle East...proxie wars and aim to get Nukes..........

And Iran is being CRUSHED..........oh well.
"Hundreds of Banks Torched in “Vast” Anti-Regime Protests, Iran’s Ayatollah Admits
731 banks, 140 regime offices set on fire by protesters, says Ayatollah Khamenei.
The demonstrations against the Shi’a Islamic regime started on November 15 after Tehran announced the rationing of gasoline and a sharp hike in fuel prices. Protesters also turned their anger at symbols of the regime, setting fire to banners and billboards depicting Ayatollah Khamenei and Islamic propaganda.

As many as 200 demonstrators have been killed so far and more than 4,000 arrested, dissident Iranian groups said. Besides police, the regime deployed Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Shi’a Basij militia against unarmed protesters. Forces loyal to the regime were using live ammunition against unarmed demonstrators, several video footage show."
Hundreds of Banks Torched in "Vast" Anti-Regime Protests, Iran's Ayatollah Admits

Now.....looking at the results of putting up resistance to Iran getting nuclear weapons.....ask yourself why Hussein did the opposite of what Trump has done.

You know why.

"Hundreds of Banks Torched in “Vast” Anti-Regime Protests, Iran’s Ayatollah Admits
731 banks, 140 regime offices set on fire by protesters, says Ayatollah Khamenei.
The demonstrations against the Shi’a Islamic regime started on November 15 after Tehran announced the rationing of gasoline and a sharp hike in fuel prices. Protesters also turned their anger at symbols of the regime, setting fire to banners and billboards depicting Ayatollah Khamenei and Islamic propaganda.

As many as 200 demonstrators have been killed so far and more than 4,000 arrested, dissident Iranian groups said. Besides police, the regime deployed Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Shi’a Basij militia against unarmed protesters. Forces loyal to the regime were using live ammunition against unarmed demonstrators, several video footage show."
Hundreds of Banks Torched in "Vast" Anti-Regime Protests, Iran's Ayatollah Admits

Now.....looking at the results of putting up resistance to Iran getting nuclear weapons.....ask yourself why Hussein did the opposite of what Trump has done.

You know why.

The Sanctions have brought Iran to it's knees...........and now the shit is hitting the fan there.

The people there want to live free.........and not under the abusive Mullahs ruling with their religious's about to bloody there.......which is the same way the Mullahs came to power.
"Hundreds of Banks Torched in “Vast” Anti-Regime Protests, Iran’s Ayatollah Admits
731 banks, 140 regime offices set on fire by protesters, says Ayatollah Khamenei.
The demonstrations against the Shi’a Islamic regime started on November 15 after Tehran announced the rationing of gasoline and a sharp hike in fuel prices. Protesters also turned their anger at symbols of the regime, setting fire to banners and billboards depicting Ayatollah Khamenei and Islamic propaganda.

As many as 200 demonstrators have been killed so far and more than 4,000 arrested, dissident Iranian groups said. Besides police, the regime deployed Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Shi’a Basij militia against unarmed protesters. Forces loyal to the regime were using live ammunition against unarmed demonstrators, several video footage show."
Hundreds of Banks Torched in "Vast" Anti-Regime Protests, Iran's Ayatollah Admits

Now.....looking at the results of putting up resistance to Iran getting nuclear weapons.....ask yourself why Hussein did the opposite of what Trump has done.

You know why.

The Sanctions have brought Iran to it's knees...........and now the shit is hitting the fan there.

The people there want to live free.........and not under the abusive Mullahs ruling with their religious's about to bloody there.......which is the same way the Mullahs came to power.

Soooo......turns out it was just one more Obama lie, telling the public that there was no way to stop the 7th century barbarians from getting nuclear weapons....and the best course was to help them get 'em.

I still can't believe how many morons bought that lie.......

I really would like voters to think carefully why Hussein chose to carry water for the psychotic murderers.

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