Reshaping US aid to the Palestinians

With the aid they've received Israel could make those places into heaven on earth.
With what Israel has stolen and mooched, Haiti would be a prosperous country.

What is your point?

My point is simple - establish direct connections on the ground, work on specific projects under survailance of progress. Demand time frames for each program, de-fund everything that ends up in Hamas personal account.
The US and the recipients would be able to get more results and respect, when people see direct investments in their future, instead of simply providing for failed governments.

Establish a relationship on the ground, not through NGO, but directly - and work from there bypassing the dysfunctional Jihadi organizations (aka Palestinian governments).

Isn't that more practical?
You are ducking my post.

Am I?
You just don't want to discuss anything constructive, just want the aid flow with no results or obligations. For You it's all Jews to blame and end of story.

Read it again and answer the question. For once care about Palestinians more than You hate Jews. And let's discuss something like normal adults, without You suggesting that I must be killed for them to prosper.
OK, look at the facts.

Without Israel, the Palestinians would need no aid.

Israel controls all aid. Nothing is allowed outside the bantustans and Israel limits that going to inside the bantustans.

IOW, the Palestinians have no say in their own economic development.

On the other hand, Israel has been living on OPM for over a hundred years.

Jews are 3% of the population but statistically are the wealthiest. Also can you name one mostly Jewish neighborhood that is a bad neighborhood? We succeed despite the blatant antisemitism in this country. Why do you think that is?
What is your point?

I oppose antisemitism.

And Islamophobia.

And racism.

My point is that Jews are able to succeed because of our close knit ties and same drive to help one another. Unlike other minorities that many times sabotage one another. Islamaphobia is a terrible term. People aren’t scared of Islam. They don’t like Radical Islam. Islamaphobia is the weapon of the Left.
Islamophobia describes hatred towards Muslims...not the best term. Many people do not see any difference between Muslims and extremists so the hate and rhetoric is much like that directed against Jews. A convenient scale goat,

Incorrect. Phobia means fear. And many cannot tell the difference between extremists and moderates. Including you and I. I dont see BDS movements on college campuses against mostly Muslim countries just one Jewish one.
With the aid they've received Israel could make those places into heaven on earth.
With what Israel has stolen and mooched, Haiti would be a prosperous country.

What is your point?

My point is simple - establish direct connections on the ground, work on specific projects under survailance of progress. Demand time frames for each program, de-fund everything that ends up in Hamas personal account.
The US and the recipients would be able to get more results and respect, when people see direct investments in their future, instead of simply providing for failed governments.

Establish a relationship on the ground, not through NGO, but directly - and work from there bypassing the dysfunctional Jihadi organizations (aka Palestinian governments).

Isn't that more practical?
You are ducking my post.

Am I?
You just don't want to discuss anything constructive, just want the aid flow with no results or obligations. For You it's all Jews to blame and end of story.

Read it again and answer the question. For once care about Palestinians more than You hate Jews. And let's discuss something like normal adults, without You suggesting that I must be killed for them to prosper.
OK, look at the facts.

Without Israel, the Palestinians would need no aid.

Israel controls all aid. Nothing is allowed outside the bantustans and Israel limits that going to inside the bantustans.

IOW, the Palestinians have no say in their own economic development.

On the other hand, Israel has been living on OPM for over a hundred years.

The difference is that Israel aid is regarded as an investment with returns,
Palestinian aid is regarded as money spent on hot air.

Some do others whine.
Jews managed to be successful in any country, with much less than what the US spends on the Palestinians.
Always took care of their own by establishing independent international aid mechanisms involving all of Jewish communities worldwide - even when they had no country or autonomy.

Here's a fact - no Arab state has developed anything for the humanity (or themselves) for the last 100 years, in spite of having 3rd of worlds wealth.

Q. How much more aid can change that?

Q. What is the proportion of Arab aid to Palestine vs US aid?
With what Israel has stolen and mooched, Haiti would be a prosperous country.

What is your point?

My point is simple - establish direct connections on the ground, work on specific projects under survailance of progress. Demand time frames for each program, de-fund everything that ends up in Hamas personal account.
The US and the recipients would be able to get more results and respect, when people see direct investments in their future, instead of simply providing for failed governments.

Establish a relationship on the ground, not through NGO, but directly - and work from there bypassing the dysfunctional Jihadi organizations (aka Palestinian governments).

Isn't that more practical?
You are ducking my post.

Am I?
You just don't want to discuss anything constructive, just want the aid flow with no results or obligations. For You it's all Jews to blame and end of story.

Read it again and answer the question. For once care about Palestinians more than You hate Jews. And let's discuss something like normal adults, without You suggesting that I must be killed for them to prosper.
OK, look at the facts.

Without Israel, the Palestinians would need no aid.

Israel controls all aid. Nothing is allowed outside the bantustans and Israel limits that going to inside the bantustans.

IOW, the Palestinians have no say in their own economic development.

On the other hand, Israel has been living on OPM for over a hundred years.

The difference is that Israel aid is regarded as an investment with returns,
Palestinian aid is regarded as money spent on hot air.

Some do others whine.
Jews managed to be successful in any country, with much less than what the US spends on the Palestinians.
Always took care of their own by establishing independent international aid mechanisms involving all of Jewish communities worldwide - even when they had no country or autonomy.

Here's a fact - no Arab state has developed anything for the humanity (or themselves) for the last 100 years, in spite of having 3rd of worlds wealth.

Q. How much more aid can change that?

Q. What is the proportion of Arab aid to Palestine vs US aid?
Nice deflection.
With what Israel has stolen and mooched, Haiti would be a prosperous country.

What is your point?

My point is simple - establish direct connections on the ground, work on specific projects under survailance of progress. Demand time frames for each program, de-fund everything that ends up in Hamas personal account.
The US and the recipients would be able to get more results and respect, when people see direct investments in their future, instead of simply providing for failed governments.

Establish a relationship on the ground, not through NGO, but directly - and work from there bypassing the dysfunctional Jihadi organizations (aka Palestinian governments).

Isn't that more practical?
You are ducking my post.

Am I?
You just don't want to discuss anything constructive, just want the aid flow with no results or obligations. For You it's all Jews to blame and end of story.

Read it again and answer the question. For once care about Palestinians more than You hate Jews. And let's discuss something like normal adults, without You suggesting that I must be killed for them to prosper.
OK, look at the facts.

Without Israel, the Palestinians would need no aid.

Israel controls all aid. Nothing is allowed outside the bantustans and Israel limits that going to inside the bantustans.

IOW, the Palestinians have no say in their own economic development.

On the other hand, Israel has been living on OPM for over a hundred years.

The difference is that Israel aid is regarded as an investment with returns,
Palestinian aid is regarded as money spent on hot air.

Some do others whine.
Jews managed to be successful in any country, with much less than what the US spends on the Palestinians.
Always took care of their own by establishing independent international aid mechanisms involving all of Jewish communities worldwide - even when they had no country or autonomy.

Here's a fact - no Arab state has developed anything for the humanity (or themselves) for the last 100 years, in spite of having 3rd of worlds wealth.

Q. How much more aid can change that?

Q. What is the proportion of Arab aid to Palestine vs US aid?

One of the complaints and justifications for ending aid was that the Palestinians received far more aid than other poorer countries in worse circumstances such as Eritrea. Yet, While the Palestinians receive aid in the billions, the far more prosperous and economically thriving Israel receives non-military aid in the billions.

Aid is based in part on need. Do you see the irony here and the reason why aid to Israel is brought up? They don’t need our aid. Why not give it to Eritrea?
My point is simple - establish direct connections on the ground, work on specific projects under survailance of progress. Demand time frames for each program, de-fund everything that ends up in Hamas personal account.
The US and the recipients would be able to get more results and respect, when people see direct investments in their future, instead of simply providing for failed governments.

Establish a relationship on the ground, not through NGO, but directly - and work from there bypassing the dysfunctional Jihadi organizations (aka Palestinian governments).

Isn't that more practical?
You are ducking my post.

Am I?
You just don't want to discuss anything constructive, just want the aid flow with no results or obligations. For You it's all Jews to blame and end of story.

Read it again and answer the question. For once care about Palestinians more than You hate Jews. And let's discuss something like normal adults, without You suggesting that I must be killed for them to prosper.
OK, look at the facts.

Without Israel, the Palestinians would need no aid.

Israel controls all aid. Nothing is allowed outside the bantustans and Israel limits that going to inside the bantustans.

IOW, the Palestinians have no say in their own economic development.

On the other hand, Israel has been living on OPM for over a hundred years.

The difference is that Israel aid is regarded as an investment with returns,
Palestinian aid is regarded as money spent on hot air.

Some do others whine.
Jews managed to be successful in any country, with much less than what the US spends on the Palestinians.
Always took care of their own by establishing independent international aid mechanisms involving all of Jewish communities worldwide - even when they had no country or autonomy.

Here's a fact - no Arab state has developed anything for the humanity (or themselves) for the last 100 years, in spite of having 3rd of worlds wealth.

Q. How much more aid can change that?

Q. What is the proportion of Arab aid to Palestine vs US aid?

One of the complaints and justifications for ending aid was that the Palestinians received far more aid than other poorer countries in worse circumstances such as Eritrea. Yet, While the Palestinians receive aid in the billions, the far more prosperous and economically thriving Israel receives non-military aid in the billions.

Aid is based in part on need. Do you see the irony here and the reason why aid to Israel is brought up? They don’t need our aid. Why not give it to Eritrea?

A lot of corruption with Hamas and Fatah. They live like kings. People live like paupers. You need to open your eyes.
Again. What does that have to do with what I just said? And I am confused as to what your position actually is because you seem to contradict yourself.

It sounds as if you are saying that a Palestinian State and a Jewish state can not both exist.

If that is the case than what the heck do you propose as a solution?
One more time:

Arab Palestinians, as well as many other Arabs and Muslims......

Cannot allow a Jewish State to exist on any land once conquered by Muslims.

Therefore, if Arabs have their way, someday Israel will be destroyed and all that will be left is a Palestinian State, if that is what their leaders are going to continue to wish to call it.

What is the solution of giving money endlessly to a people whose leaders want to see the end of a country so that their own can exist?
So what do you propose as a solution then if it isn’t two states or some other form of autonomy?
With the current leaders and the mentality they continue to foster.....

There is no solution with all the Billions pouring into Gaza and the PA from Iran, Qatar, the EU, etc. Not one of them is working for solving the two state solution.
They are giving them money to make sure the Palestinians do one day succeed in destroying Israel, one way or another.
Israel gave up Gaza for peace. Victory for them.
They hope Israel will continue to give up more land and more rights, until there is none.

To keep feeding the beast hoping that it will change its stripes.......does not work.

So, one needs to take away those stripes, one by one, and show the beast that the only way is to be like everyone else and seek peace.

Take away the Billions, and it will be like Egypt and Jordan. It will need to come to the table to negotiate, for peace.

So yo DO think a two state or some similar autonomy is a possible solution then if you can bring them to the table?
In a hundred years, maybe.

If the new leaders want peace with Israel.

If they are willing to negotiate.

If the Billions given are taken away.

And if this creates a humanitarian crisis in the meantime?
You are ducking my post.

Am I?
You just don't want to discuss anything constructive, just want the aid flow with no results or obligations. For You it's all Jews to blame and end of story.

Read it again and answer the question. For once care about Palestinians more than You hate Jews. And let's discuss something like normal adults, without You suggesting that I must be killed for them to prosper.
OK, look at the facts.

Without Israel, the Palestinians would need no aid.

Israel controls all aid. Nothing is allowed outside the bantustans and Israel limits that going to inside the bantustans.

IOW, the Palestinians have no say in their own economic development.

On the other hand, Israel has been living on OPM for over a hundred years.

The difference is that Israel aid is regarded as an investment with returns,
Palestinian aid is regarded as money spent on hot air.

Some do others whine.
Jews managed to be successful in any country, with much less than what the US spends on the Palestinians.
Always took care of their own by establishing independent international aid mechanisms involving all of Jewish communities worldwide - even when they had no country or autonomy.

Here's a fact - no Arab state has developed anything for the humanity (or themselves) for the last 100 years, in spite of having 3rd of worlds wealth.

Q. How much more aid can change that?

Q. What is the proportion of Arab aid to Palestine vs US aid?

One of the complaints and justifications for ending aid was that the Palestinians received far more aid than other poorer countries in worse circumstances such as Eritrea. Yet, While the Palestinians receive aid in the billions, the far more prosperous and economically thriving Israel receives non-military aid in the billions.

Aid is based in part on need. Do you see the irony here and the reason why aid to Israel is brought up? They don’t need our aid. Why not give it to Eritrea?

A lot of corruption with Hamas and Fatah. They live like kings. People live like paupers. You need to open your eyes.

I have pointed out corruption before. In fact, I pointed out that this is a huge problem world wide with aid...getting past governments and to the people who need it. So Palestine is being singled for things that apply to quite a few aid recipients. Why?

My eyes are open, are yours? :)
Yes. They have. According to polls done on Palestinians. But hell, your mind is made up.
Polls mean nothing.

Their leaders are in command of everything and they are never going to give up destroying Israel as long as they have all the money in the world and weapons to keep doing it.

Do you not understand who is in charge? And whose decisions matter?
Then why are you punishing the Palestinian people when they have no effect on what their leaders do?
The Palestinian Leaders are the ones punishing their powerless people.
That is how it works in any dictatorship.

One more time.

Removing humanitarian aid directly punishes the people. WE control the aid.

Since you have said the people have no effect on their leaders why do you support punishing them?
It is war.

That is how war works.

The Romans wanted to defeat the Jews.

They cut all ways for them to survive in Masada.

And then, one day the Romans broke through and conquered Masada.


One side loses.

One side wins.
Then why oppose BDS given that rational?
Am I?
You just don't want to discuss anything constructive, just want the aid flow with no results or obligations. For You it's all Jews to blame and end of story.

Read it again and answer the question. For once care about Palestinians more than You hate Jews. And let's discuss something like normal adults, without You suggesting that I must be killed for them to prosper.
OK, look at the facts.

Without Israel, the Palestinians would need no aid.

Israel controls all aid. Nothing is allowed outside the bantustans and Israel limits that going to inside the bantustans.

IOW, the Palestinians have no say in their own economic development.

On the other hand, Israel has been living on OPM for over a hundred years.

The difference is that Israel aid is regarded as an investment with returns,
Palestinian aid is regarded as money spent on hot air.

Some do others whine.
Jews managed to be successful in any country, with much less than what the US spends on the Palestinians.
Always took care of their own by establishing independent international aid mechanisms involving all of Jewish communities worldwide - even when they had no country or autonomy.

Here's a fact - no Arab state has developed anything for the humanity (or themselves) for the last 100 years, in spite of having 3rd of worlds wealth.

Q. How much more aid can change that?

Q. What is the proportion of Arab aid to Palestine vs US aid?

One of the complaints and justifications for ending aid was that the Palestinians received far more aid than other poorer countries in worse circumstances such as Eritrea. Yet, While the Palestinians receive aid in the billions, the far more prosperous and economically thriving Israel receives non-military aid in the billions.

Aid is based in part on need. Do you see the irony here and the reason why aid to Israel is brought up? They don’t need our aid. Why not give it to Eritrea?

A lot of corruption with Hamas and Fatah. They live like kings. People live like paupers. You need to open your eyes.

I have pointed out corruption before. In fact, I pointed out that this is a huge problem world wide with aid...getting past governments and to the people who need it. So Palestine is being singled for things that apply to quite a few aid recipients. Why?

My eyes are open, are yours? :)

Because they get the most and share the least. And because the majority of the world still despises those “dirty greedy Jews”. It behooves them to continue to show Palestinian people as poor and oppressed by Israel when they are really oppressed by Hamas, Fatah and Radical Islam.
One more time:

Arab Palestinians, as well as many other Arabs and Muslims......

Cannot allow a Jewish State to exist on any land once conquered by Muslims.

Therefore, if Arabs have their way, someday Israel will be destroyed and all that will be left is a Palestinian State, if that is what their leaders are going to continue to wish to call it.

What is the solution of giving money endlessly to a people whose leaders want to see the end of a country so that their own can exist?
So what do you propose as a solution then if it isn’t two states or some other form of autonomy?
With the current leaders and the mentality they continue to foster.....

There is no solution with all the Billions pouring into Gaza and the PA from Iran, Qatar, the EU, etc. Not one of them is working for solving the two state solution.
They are giving them money to make sure the Palestinians do one day succeed in destroying Israel, one way or another.
Israel gave up Gaza for peace. Victory for them.
They hope Israel will continue to give up more land and more rights, until there is none.

To keep feeding the beast hoping that it will change its stripes.......does not work.

So, one needs to take away those stripes, one by one, and show the beast that the only way is to be like everyone else and seek peace.

Take away the Billions, and it will be like Egypt and Jordan. It will need to come to the table to negotiate, for peace.

So yo DO think a two state or some similar autonomy is a possible solution then if you can bring them to the table?
In a hundred years, maybe.

If the new leaders want peace with Israel.

If they are willing to negotiate.

If the Billions given are taken away.

And if this creates a humanitarian crisis in the meantime?
The humanitarian crisis is caused by the leaders.
The leaders take most of the money and give nearly nothing to the people.
That is the case in every dictatorship.

Why continue to feed the dictatorship with the excuse that the population is going to suffer, when they were suffering even before the aid, and will continue to do so with all the money pouring into the pockets of their leaders and all other wealthy guys?

Nothing changes for the population, aid or no aid.

They are used as an excuse for others to give aid, which in the case of the Palestinians, is used to buy weapons and other means to attack Israel and its civilian population.

Number of bomb shelters in Gaza and the PA territories with the Billions they have received?

So what do you propose as a solution then if it isn’t two states or some other form of autonomy?
With the current leaders and the mentality they continue to foster.....

There is no solution with all the Billions pouring into Gaza and the PA from Iran, Qatar, the EU, etc. Not one of them is working for solving the two state solution.
They are giving them money to make sure the Palestinians do one day succeed in destroying Israel, one way or another.
Israel gave up Gaza for peace. Victory for them.
They hope Israel will continue to give up more land and more rights, until there is none.

To keep feeding the beast hoping that it will change its stripes.......does not work.

So, one needs to take away those stripes, one by one, and show the beast that the only way is to be like everyone else and seek peace.

Take away the Billions, and it will be like Egypt and Jordan. It will need to come to the table to negotiate, for peace.

So yo DO think a two state or some similar autonomy is a possible solution then if you can bring them to the table?
In a hundred years, maybe.

If the new leaders want peace with Israel.

If they are willing to negotiate.

If the Billions given are taken away.

And if this creates a humanitarian crisis in the meantime?
The humanitarian crisis is caused by the leaders.
The leaders take most of the money and give nearly nothing to the people.
That is the case in every dictatorship.

Why continue to feed the dictatorship with the excuse that the population is going to suffer, when they were suffering even before the aid, and will continue to do so with all the money pouring into the pockets of their leaders and all other wealthy guys?

Nothing changes for the population, aid or no aid.

They are used as an excuse for others to give aid, which in the case of the Palestinians, is used to buy weapons and other means to attack Israel and its civilian population.

Number of bomb shelters in Gaza and the PA territories with the Billions they have received?

Why continue to feed the dictatorship with the excuse that the population is going to suffer, when they were suffering even before the aid, and will continue to do so with all the money pouring into the pockets of their leaders and all other wealthy guys?
Before Israel, the Palestinians did not need aid.
Polls mean nothing.

Their leaders are in command of everything and they are never going to give up destroying Israel as long as they have all the money in the world and weapons to keep doing it.

Do you not understand who is in charge? And whose decisions matter?
Then why are you punishing the Palestinian people when they have no effect on what their leaders do?
The Palestinian Leaders are the ones punishing their powerless people.
That is how it works in any dictatorship.

One more time.

Removing humanitarian aid directly punishes the people. WE control the aid.

Since you have said the people have no effect on their leaders why do you support punishing them?
It is war.

That is how war works.

The Romans wanted to defeat the Jews.

They cut all ways for them to survive in Masada.

And then, one day the Romans broke through and conquered Masada.


One side loses.

One side wins.
Then why oppose BDS given that rational?
Your question does not make sense.

And the BDS movement is aimed at Israel, and Israel only, and not at all the countries which have colonies and people who suffer one way or another under one regime or another.

BDS movements against China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, the UK, France and many others, do not exist.

BDS is a movement against not only Israel, but against Jews all over the world, as attacks on Jews in Universities, their businesses, their homes all over Europe and other places shows.

There is no such behavior against any dictatorship, not against Russia which took over Crimea, against any country with horrible humanitarian record, etc.

BDS is a Muslim war against Israel and the Jews.

When they stop wanting it all and want to come to negotiate, BDS will stop existing and use its resources for being constructive rather than destructive.
Then why are you punishing the Palestinian people when they have no effect on what their leaders do?
The Palestinian Leaders are the ones punishing their powerless people.
That is how it works in any dictatorship.

One more time.

Removing humanitarian aid directly punishes the people. WE control the aid.

Since you have said the people have no effect on their leaders why do you support punishing them?
It is war.

That is how war works.

The Romans wanted to defeat the Jews.

They cut all ways for them to survive in Masada.

And then, one day the Romans broke through and conquered Masada.


One side loses.

One side wins.
Then why oppose BDS given that rational?
Your question does not make sense.

And the BDS movement is aimed at Israel, and Israel only, and not at all the countries which have colonies and people who suffer one way or another under one regime or another.

BDS movements against China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, the UK, France and many others, do not exist.

BDS is a movement against not only Israel, but against Jews all over the world, as attacks on Jews in Universities, their businesses, their homes all over Europe and other places shows.

There is no such behavior against any dictatorship, not against Russia which took over Crimea, against any country with horrible humanitarian record, etc.

BDS is a Muslim war against Israel and the Jews.

When they stop wanting it all and want to come to negotiate, BDS will stop existing and use its resources for being constructive rather than destructive.
And the BDS movement is aimed at Israel, and Israel only, and not at all the countries which have colonies and people who suffer one way or another under one regime or another.
BDS is a Palestinian call to end the occupation.

What other country is occupying Palestine?:290968001256257790-final:
Jews are an amalgam of many peoples and Jewish origins include a multitude of languages, nations, tribes, and skin colors.

What is so bad about this?

Um. Because its completely, totally and insultingly wrong.

The Jewish people are not an amalgam of many peoples. They are one single, existing people who have, through miracles (!), managed to retain their culture, customs and traditions despite ethnic cleansing from their indigenous territory by invaders and the constant pressure to assimilate and erase their culture, customs and traditions, even in the face of pogroms, persecution, discrimination, forced conversion, expulsions and genocide. The Jewish origins do NOT include a "multitude" of languages, nations, tribes and skin colors. (Bringing up that last is gross, btw). The Jewish origins are a single, united, unified origin with ONE language and ONE nation and ONE land.

When you talk about Arab Palestinians you mostly make sense. But, wow, when you start talking about Jews, its ugly.

I truly don’t understand your reaction except in one way, acknowledging any of this in any way feeds into certain ugly anti Semitic canards, because this seems like such an extreme reaction.

I Did not mean Jewish origins, which originated with one people in one area thousands of years ago, but what there is today and acknowledging that diversity should not be ugly and doesn’t make Jews any less a people or a shared culture so why do you label it ugly? The people today are the result of a diaspora, which includes many other people from around the world in addition to the original Jews. It is glorious in fact that a tiny group of people managed to survive, spread around the world, retain, sometimes in vestiges their culture and practices, and then bring it all with them to Israel. Today’s Jews are light skinned, dark skinned, blonde, brunette, red haired....what is WRONG with acknowledging that? Why is it gross? Are they any less Jewish if they don’t fit a stereotype?

Jews today include a multitude of languages that are not Hebrew. In fact one obstacle to some in Aliyah is having to learn Hebrew. There is ONE language that unites them as a people, but they bring many languages from the diaspora with them and diverse cultural traditions as well as the Jewish traditions they have in common with their fellow Jews. Again why is acknowledging this and even celebrating it completely taboo, or as you label it ugly?

This makes discussing things like walking through a minefield.
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