Republicans create an art form out of beating a dead horse

Because when people lie under oath they should be punished...wait...Bill got away with it so she can to
no he didn't .. he was never convicted in a court for lying under oath ... can you show one document where he lied under oath ???? can you show one document where Hillary lied under oath ??? no you can't ... you just regurgitate the fox noise mantra
How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.
if you want to swallow that bull shit fine, we can't change it ... but there isn't any where in any of there testimony that she lie... all that crap is coming from the right wing propaganda machine and not the people involve ... the hate the right has for her is unbelievable ...
You failed to answer the question and the right wing doesn't hold exclusive rights to the facts. How did she get her classified emails? Try again Beeelly. All you have is lies.

WaPo: No Bill, Hillary Definitely Received Classified Emails
Alas, the Post’s Michelle Ye Hee Lee laid out the facts again—and awarded the former president’s remarks three Pinocchios:

First, she [Hillary] said: “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.” (March 10, 2015, initial news conference)

Then she added whether there were emails classified “at the time”: “I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time.” (July 2015)

Then she started specifying emails “marked” or “designated”: “I’m confident that this process will prove that I never sent nor received any email that was marked classified.” (August 2015) Clinton mostly used this “marked classified” language from then on.


Democrats often describe Clinton’s emails as nothing more than standard operating procedure among previous secretaries of state. This is misleading, and Bill Clinton should know better than to repeat it.


The State Department Office of Inspector General’s May 2016 report found Clinton’s email use should be evaluated in the context of the clearer guidance under her tenure, and the memorandums “specifically discussing the obligation” for officials to use department systems in most circumstances. These standards grew more detailed and sophisticated over time as technology advanced, not because “a different set of rules” were applied since she was expected to run for president, as Bill Clinton says.

Clinton’s case is not an apples-to-apples comparison to her predecessors or to her successor John Kerry for two major reasons: She was the only one to have operated solely on a private email server, and she had access to more electronic records than her predecessors.


Bill Clinton is correct that Comey “amended” his statement in the hearing, to provide more details about what the FBI had found. But Comey did not say Hillary Clinton “had never received any emails marked classified.” Two of three emails that had portion markings were call sheets that were improperly marked, and State Department considers the markings no longer necessary or appropriate at the time they were sent. Comey acknowledged that Clinton may not have known what the little-C marking meant.

The whole dispute over the little “c” versus big “C,” portion markings versus header, and so on, is the political equivalent of three-card monte. Democrats, like Bill Clinton, have cherry-picked Comey’s comments from the five-hour hearing to declare Hillary Clinton vindicated. But what they conveniently sweep under the rug are the 110 emails — which were not a part of the 2,000 that were retroactively classified — that were found to “contain classified information at the time they were sent or received.”
Because when people lie under oath they should be punished...wait...Bill got away with it so she can to
no he didn't .. he was never convicted in a court for lying under oath ... can you show one document where he lied under oath ???? can you show one document where Hillary lied under oath ??? no you can't ... you just regurgitate the fox noise mantra
You just regurgitate the Fox hate because you can't handle the truth.
Is it surprising that the left doesn't want to discuss the laws Hillary broke, her lies upon lies and corruption?
Funny that you could name the laws but the Republican head of the FBI couldn't.

So go ahead.

Name the laws.
For starters, she lied under oath that she did not send any classified emails on her server.
do you have a source for your lie??? didn't thinks so ...

I'm not the one who lied, why would I need a source then?
Because when people lie under oath they should be punished...wait...Bill got away with it so she can to
no he didn't .. he was never convicted in a court for lying under oath ... can you show one document where he lied under oath ???? can you show one document where Hillary lied under oath ??? no you can't ... you just regurgitate the fox noise mantra
You just regurgitate the Fox hate because you can't handle the truth.
Wait, you're defending the Clintons? I thought you were a Trump supporter? Oh, wait, right. He's friends with the Clintons on the down low. OK, I get it.


How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.
if you want to swallow that bull shit fine, we can't change it ... but there isn't any where in any of there testimony that she lie... all that crap is coming from the right wing propaganda machine and not the people involve ... the hate the right has for her is unbelievable ...

Okay sheep
Because when people lie under oath they should be punished...wait...Bill got away with it so she can to
no he didn't .. he was never convicted in a court for lying under oath ... can you show one document where he lied under oath ???? can you show one document where Hillary lied under oath ??? no you can't ... you just regurgitate the fox noise mantra
You just regurgitate the Fox hate because you can't handle the truth.

Billy is just doing what the Clintons do.....deny, deny, deny..........eventually they actually believe.........SHEEP!!
Because when people lie under oath they should be punished...wait...Bill got away with it so she can to
no he didn't .. he was never convicted in a court for lying under oath ... can you show one document where he lied under oath ???? can you show one document where Hillary lied under oath ??? no you can't ... you just regurgitate the fox noise mantra
You just regurgitate the Fox hate because you can't handle the truth.

Billy is just doing what the Clintons do.....deny, deny, deny..........eventually they actually believe.........SHEEP!!
They hate Trump with a visceral passion and if you bring up her ethical challenges they claim you are a hater.

LOL @ libs.
Because when people lie under oath they should be punished...wait...Bill got away with it so she can to
no he didn't .. he was never convicted in a court for lying under oath ... can you show one document where he lied under oath ???? can you show one document where Hillary lied under oath ??? no you can't ... you just regurgitate the fox noise mantra
You just regurgitate the Fox hate because you can't handle the truth.

Billy is just doing what the Clintons do.....deny, deny, deny..........eventually they actually believe.........SHEEP!!
They hate Trump with a visceral passion and if you bring up her ethical challenges they claim you are a hater.

LOL @ libs.
no we claim you are misinformed ... when we point out the fact that the state department, who classifies documents you deny the fact ... case in point ... after the FBI came to the press and told us about her emails ...they had three that were marked with the (C) in the subject mater ... not the big red classified stamp on it ... the state department came out and said to the press the day after the house hearings that the emails in question with the (C) in them were marked incorrectly ... that they forgot to remove the (C) in the subject mater ...I pointe this out to you and gave you the state department web site where the stated this ... you still insisted she lied about her emails ... where the state department was telling us she wasn't lying ... that's when we say when you bring up her ethical challenges we claim you are a hater ... because it doesn't mater how much proof we show you, especially you, you won't accept that fact... your hate towards liberals/democrates is so intense that you refuse to face the facts ...
I don't know who that red headed chick is on MSNBC, but she was trying to "get" a congressman on her show and it didn't work. She was badgering him about the NEW GOP investigation on whether Hillary lied about classification of her emails.

She said the FBI director said three emails were marked classified out of the thousands and Hillary said none were and three isn't zero.

So the congressman said -- and then she jumped on him and said the director of the FBI said they were marked.

So then he said -- but then she jumped on him and repeated her previous statement. And that was when he brought up beating a dead horse to a new art form and she looked embarrassed and for once, let him speak.

He said it was a shame they wouldn't play the rest of the clip where the FBI director said three of the mails had a couple of small "c's" buried in the body of the text but there were zero classification headers on any of the documents. None of the emails had classification headers. He said he read the manual on classified material and the manual states the document must have a classification header "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". None of her emails did. And the three emails in question were sent to her, not sent out by her.

I'm suspecting that with thousands of emails, she may not had even read them. And so, we have "beating a dead horse".

The congressman said the GOP is so desperate, this is all they have against Hillary and they know it.


It's a shame the news networks go along with GOP conspiracies again and again. She has apologized. She has been exonerated. It's over. So what the GOP does is start another, brand new investigation. Instead of legislating. The job they were actually sent to DC to do.

Actually Hillary's lies just keep on giving.

CLINTON: 'I may have short-circuited' when I said the FBI director said I was 'truthful'
So the OP points out Hillary sent / received classified e-mails...then tries to argue, it seems, that 3 isn't enough to 'qualify as breaking the law'?!

Either she did or didn't.
Hillary swore under oath she didn't.
Comey proved under oath she did.
Libs say she didn't...BECAUSE IT WAS ONLY 3

Yeah, and Barry said Castro and Reid aren't guilty of their crimes because they are 'sorry'
Because when people lie under oath they should be punished...wait...Bill got away with it so she can to
no he didn't .. he was never convicted in a court for lying under oath ... can you show one document where he lied under oath ???? can you show one document where Hillary lied under oath ??? no you can't ... you just regurgitate the fox noise mantra
You just regurgitate the Fox hate because you can't handle the truth.

Billy is just doing what the Clintons do.....deny, deny, deny..........eventually they actually believe.........SHEEP!!
They hate Trump with a visceral passion and if you bring up her ethical challenges they claim you are a hater.

LOL @ libs.
no we claim you are misinformed ... when we point out the fact that the state department, who classifies documents you deny the fact ... case in point ... after the FBI came to the press and told us about her emails ...they had three that were marked with the (C) in the subject mater ... not the big red classified stamp on it ... the state department came out and said to the press the day after the house hearings that the emails in question with the (C) in them were marked incorrectly ... that they forgot to remove the (C) in the subject mater ...I pointe this out to you and gave you the state department web site where the stated this ... you still insisted she lied about her emails ... where the state department was telling us she wasn't lying ... that's when we say when you bring up her ethical challenges we claim you are a hater ... because it doesn't mater how much proof we show you, especially you, you won't accept that fact... your hate towards liberals/democrates is so intense that you refuse to face the facts ...
You keep lying. She obviously got classified emails, that's WHY the government sets up secure servers. The contents determine the nature of classification, her team was taking it off to forward to her.

None of you lying libs will state how she got her classified intel since the answer is obvious. And no, there are over 30,000 still unaccounted for because she destroyed the evidence, or tried to.
no he didn't .. he was never convicted in a court for lying under oath ... can you show one document where he lied under oath ???? can you show one document where Hillary lied under oath ??? no you can't ... you just regurgitate the fox noise mantra
You just regurgitate the Fox hate because you can't handle the truth.

Billy is just doing what the Clintons do.....deny, deny, deny..........eventually they actually believe.........SHEEP!!
They hate Trump with a visceral passion and if you bring up her ethical challenges they claim you are a hater.

LOL @ libs.
no we claim you are misinformed ... when we point out the fact that the state department, who classifies documents you deny the fact ... case in point ... after the FBI came to the press and told us about her emails ...they had three that were marked with the (C) in the subject mater ... not the big red classified stamp on it ... the state department came out and said to the press the day after the house hearings that the emails in question with the (C) in them were marked incorrectly ... that they forgot to remove the (C) in the subject mater ...I pointe this out to you and gave you the state department web site where the stated this ... you still insisted she lied about her emails ... where the state department was telling us she wasn't lying ... that's when we say when you bring up her ethical challenges we claim you are a hater ... because it doesn't mater how much proof we show you, especially you, you won't accept that fact... your hate towards liberals/democrates is so intense that you refuse to face the facts ...
You keep lying. She obviously got classified emails, that's WHY the government sets up secure servers. The contents determine the nature of classification, her team was taking it off to forward to her.

None of you lying libs will state how she got her classified intel since the answer is obvious. And no, there are over 30,000 still unaccounted for because she destroyed the evidence, or tried to.
that 30 thousand emails were personal emails... that she isn't required to shore with the government with you or anyone ... they were deleted by her lawyers present who had a classified status ... this too has been confirmed by the state department ... the fact that youre too lazy to look at the state department web site isn't my fault ... once again your laziness tell us how ignorant you republicans are....

state department response

Hillary Clinton insisted all along that none of the emails she sent or received on her private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State was marked classified at the time. That was contradicted by the Director of the FBI yesterday when he claimed that a “very small number” of her emails were in fact classified at the time. The New York Times then determined that that number was just two. And now the State Department has confirmed that the two emails in question weren’t actually classified at the time, and had merely been marked incorrectly during the course of the investigation.

In yet another development which helps make clear that Clinton did nothing demonstrably wrong with her email, the two emails sent to her by her aides in 2012 were harmless in nature. Both were merely used to schedule phone calls with foreign leaders, and on their face, clearly could not have possibly been classified at the time. Sure enough, a spokesman for the State Department has confirmed that they were not classified.

This comes just hours after CBS News reported that Hillary Clinton had asked the NSA for a secure smartphone for her email immediately upon taking office as Secretary of State, and had been turned down. One by one, the details coming out are making clear that despite having spent so many months running an investigation and despite having been given full cooperation by Clinton and her team, the conclusions made by the FBI Director yesterday were far removed from the actual facts involved.

With Hillary Clinton now having been fully cleared of any potential charges, this may be a moot point in terms of the outcome; she’s off the hook and she remains the clear frontrunner in the 2016 presidential race. But these new details surfacing today make clear that the FBI Director didn’t come close to getting his facts right when he personally criticized her email usage yesterday. you can post it time and time again ... no matter how many times ....right wing nut will only believe what they want to believe and Iceweene is one of the worst offender
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I don't know who that red headed chick is on MSNBC, but she was trying to "get" a congressman on her show and it didn't work. She was badgering him about the NEW GOP investigation on whether Hillary lied about classification of her emails.

She said the FBI director said three emails were marked classified out of the thousands and Hillary said none were and three isn't zero.

So the congressman said -- and then she jumped on him and said the director of the FBI said they were marked.

So then he said -- but then she jumped on him and repeated her previous statement. And that was when he brought up beating a dead horse to a new art form and she looked embarrassed and for once, let him speak.

He said it was a shame they wouldn't play the rest of the clip where the FBI director said three of the mails had a couple of small "c's" buried in the body of the text but there were zero classification headers on any of the documents. None of the emails had classification headers. He said he read the manual on classified material and the manual states the document must have a classification header "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". None of her emails did. And the three emails in question were sent to her, not sent out by her.

I'm suspecting that with thousands of emails, she may not had even read them. And so, we have "beating a dead horse".

The congressman said the GOP is so desperate, this is all they have against Hillary and they know it.


It's a shame the news networks go along with GOP conspiracies again and again. She has apologized. She has been exonerated. It's over. So what the GOP does is start another, brand new investigation. Instead of legislating. The job they were actually sent to DC to do.

Actually Hillary's lies just keep on giving.

CLINTON: 'I may have short-circuited' when I said the FBI director said I was 'truthful'

when she said she only used one device that was reference to her server not the number of phones ... the diewctor was referring to her phones but ;ole a;ways ups republicans take a statement out of context and try to say see she lied ... she didn't lie its what your video is doing lying about the facts
I don't know who that red headed chick is on MSNBC, but she was trying to "get" a congressman on her show and it didn't work. She was badgering him about the NEW GOP investigation on whether Hillary lied about classification of her emails.

She said the FBI director said three emails were marked classified out of the thousands and Hillary said none were and three isn't zero.

So the congressman said -- and then she jumped on him and said the director of the FBI said they were marked.

So then he said -- but then she jumped on him and repeated her previous statement. And that was when he brought up beating a dead horse to a new art form and she looked embarrassed and for once, let him speak.

He said it was a shame they wouldn't play the rest of the clip where the FBI director said three of the mails had a couple of small "c's" buried in the body of the text but there were zero classification headers on any of the documents. None of the emails had classification headers. He said he read the manual on classified material and the manual states the document must have a classification header "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". None of her emails did. And the three emails in question were sent to her, not sent out by her.

I'm suspecting that with thousands of emails, she may not had even read them. And so, we have "beating a dead horse".

The congressman said the GOP is so desperate, this is all they have against Hillary and they know it.


It's a shame the news networks go along with GOP conspiracies again and again. She has apologized. She has been exonerated. It's over. So what the GOP does is start another, brand new investigation. Instead of legislating. The job they were actually sent to DC to do.

Actually Hillary's lies just keep on giving.

CLINTON: 'I may have short-circuited' when I said the FBI director said I was 'truthful'

when she said she only used one device that was reference to her server not the number of phones ... the diewctor was referring to her phones but ;ole a;ways ups republicans take a statement out of context and try to say see she lied ... she didn't lie its what your video is doing lying about the facts
A phone isn't a device? LOL.

Billy is diggin a deep ass hole!
How do you know they were personal emails?
they were confirmed by her lawyers I clearly said and there was more then one lawyer ... if you think that a lawyer is going to lie in a case like this one and loses their license, your a lot stupider then I first thought you are
I don't know who that red headed chick is on MSNBC, but she was trying to "get" a congressman on her show and it didn't work. She was badgering him about the NEW GOP investigation on whether Hillary lied about classification of her emails.

She said the FBI director said three emails were marked classified out of the thousands and Hillary said none were and three isn't zero.

So the congressman said -- and then she jumped on him and said the director of the FBI said they were marked.

So then he said -- but then she jumped on him and repeated her previous statement. And that was when he brought up beating a dead horse to a new art form and she looked embarrassed and for once, let him speak.

He said it was a shame they wouldn't play the rest of the clip where the FBI director said three of the mails had a couple of small "c's" buried in the body of the text but there were zero classification headers on any of the documents. None of the emails had classification headers. He said he read the manual on classified material and the manual states the document must have a classification header "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". None of her emails did. And the three emails in question were sent to her, not sent out by her.

I'm suspecting that with thousands of emails, she may not had even read them. And so, we have "beating a dead horse".

The congressman said the GOP is so desperate, this is all they have against Hillary and they know it.


It's a shame the news networks go along with GOP conspiracies again and again. She has apologized. She has been exonerated. It's over. So what the GOP does is start another, brand new investigation. Instead of legislating. The job they were actually sent to DC to do.

Actually Hillary's lies just keep on giving.

CLINTON: 'I may have short-circuited' when I said the FBI director said I was 'truthful'

when she said she only used one device that was reference to her server not the number of phones ... the diewctor was referring to her phones but ;ole a;ways ups republicans take a statement out of context and try to say see she lied ... she didn't lie its what your video is doing lying about the facts
A phone isn't a device? LOL.

Billy is diggin a deep ass hole!

LOL ... anything that has a hard drive on itis consider a device and her phones all had hard drives ... a phone is too a device what about what the state department remarks you said nothing about that why that ass hole ???

Apple unveiled its iPhone device (officially the worst-kept secret in the history of technology), we had been giving serious thought to whether such a device should be called a computer or not. By some standards, the iPone is essentially a keyboardless laptop and by others,
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A waste of time to talk to a sheep, they cant understand anything much less national security issues. Gen David Patreus share the documents he took with an officer of the National Guard that had sufficient security clearance to view that level of document BUT was not authorized within the related group of individuals that were allowed to view them. Clinton shared the documents on her server with many levels of people including her lawyers who were outside BOTH the group and security level that was required to view even "sensitive documents'. The FBI director did not say she did not commit the crime, he said that the FOR prosecution precedent set for the LAW she broke was only met by intentional violation, and he could not be sure IF she was competent enough to knowingly violate the LAW. That is almost verbatim from an RT broadcast, so cry about Fox news NOW.

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