Red Hood Gang & Mad Hatter (Alice): Gotham Banking/Burglary


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a dark Batman (DC Comics) fan-fiction about new age aesthetics regarding crime deformity storytelling about the modern American city. This fan-fiction was inspired by the film The Warriors. Thanks for reading (and enjoy!),


Red Hood Gang was the new face of crime in Gotham City. This masked band of modern-day pirates were far more stylish than the Hole-in-the-Wall-Gang from the Old West, who robbed trains and banks as real cowboys. No, the Red Hood Gang was comprised of inventive pirate-oriented madmen who wanted to turn capitalism on its head by making the two main Gotham banks, Gotham City Bank (GCB) and Gotham National Bank (GNB) institutions of great excitement and media romanticization regarding the glory and thrill of regular heists and robberies. They wanted to turn Gotham into a giant circus. This was a real maniac team. Gotham was officially a ball of fire.


However, there was a costumed mad genius who despised the bank robbing Red Hood Gang. However, this mad genius was no cop or detective or friend to Gotham City. No, this was the Mad Hatter, modeling himself after the iconic English logic-trickster from classic literature. However, the Mad Hatter was not a classicist. No, he was a modernist, and he liked the concept of terrorism and therefore frowned upon the Red Hood Gang using bank robbery to distract people from the anathema of politically-motivated terrorism. You see, the Red Hood Gang was all style, but the Mad Hatter was all fury and wrath. He looked the part too.


MAD HATTER: "For the next robbery the Red Hood Gang plots, I'll be there with my mistress Alice, in her pretty terrorist dress from the Carroll novel from England, and we'll turn the robbery into an exposives show meant to destroy any civics patriotism towards any building in Gotham City!"


ALICE: "I just don't know what to do except abide by the schemes of my master, the well-dressed Mad Hatter. I sometimes help him get dressed and sometimes tailor his clothing and wild hats from the Carroll storyline. However, sometimes I'm scared of him. Why does he want to destroy the Red Hood Gang? They're not exactly cops. All I know is, I'll do what my Hatter wants and make sure this next Red Hood robbery is laced with a certain dioramic poison my master seeks."


When Red Hood Gang showed up at GCB to perform their Halloween bank robbery, they were armed with toy-looking red rifles which actually shot plastic pellets that exploded, releasing a strong gas that immediately induced unconsciousness. The Red Hood Gang knocked out the guards and others at the GCB with these red rifles. Then, the Mad Hatter and his mistress Alice showed up, knowing this would be a Halloween heist, and Alice took off her pants, wearing now only a swimsuit underneath and told the Red Hood that if they gave Hatter the money they were taking, she'd make love to the leader of the Red Hood Gang. Meanwhile, Hatter demanded that if this plan was consented, the Red Hood Gang would have to agree to leave behind one robber member to commit suicide for the press story in the bank! Red Hood was completely bewildered but oddly liked the style of the evil scheme and consented.


RED HOOD: "That was a very unusual experience, and I can only guess that the purpose of this devilish Hatter was to turn our bank robbery into some loud gesture of anti-institutional terrorism in the modern city. Because Hatter's mistress Alice was such a serpent, we'll be doing a series of swimsuit paintings on flyers to post all over the city as a testament of the diversification of evil in Gotham. We don't know what the Hatter wants, but we know what we want now."


The Mad Hatter actually orchestrated this entire plot to basically dilute and shrink the criminal reputation of the Red Hood Gang, who was now converted into a bunch of loonies running around Gotham City posting painted flyers of sexy women in swimsuits. Soon, the social leaders of Gotham were seriously talking about the Mad Hatter as the real criminal mastermind and the Red Hood as simply a unit of hoodlums creating wild-life distraction! The Hatter succeeded in making terrorism more spotlighted than bank robbery in Gotham. Comic book artists stopped writing about bank robbery and began writing about general sociocultural and power-pyramid drama in Gotham. Very devilish.


MAD HATTER: "Alice helped me subvert the Red Hood, and for that, I shall crown her my official 'Queen' of disaster."


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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